Part 21: Your Mother Smelt of Alderberries
Alright, starting from where we left off there's a tiny cave opening to the left of the gate. I feel a bit bad, all things considered, as this appears to be the only entrance.
Boss Battle: Red Dragon
Red Dragon Battle Video
Mainly because if you look at the size of this guy, there's practically no way he'd be able to get into or out of the cave. He's trapped in here, waiting for someone to come along and kill him in order to make their way to the Mana Tree.
The Red Dragon comes with the generic set of dragon attacks, although I should probably point out that like the Snow Dragon his breath attack has a secondary effect. Where the Snow Dragon could turn you into a snowman, the Red Dragon's breath inflicts the engulf status.
There's a small chance he can put you to sleep with his attack, but it's not terribly likely at this point. Even if it is, putting a single target to sleep isn't going to really slow us down very much. He does have access to Exploder, but isn't actually very fond of using it.
Your best bet is to layer a few freeze spells on him for big damage. He's only got about 200 more HP than the last dragon we dealt with, so it might take you all of one extra cast to take him down. His offense is better, but a few cure spells will make up the difference. Prize: Glove's Orb.
Moving onward, there's scattered bits of masonry scattered around the screens. It really reminds me of the last dungeon in Final Fantasy Adventure in a pleasantly nostalgic way. Not quite as nice is that on occasion we just kind of walk right in to boss fights..
Boss Battle: Thunder Gigas
Thunder Gigas Battle Video
Like Thunder Santa here. This completes the Gigas Trio for the game, although I have to wonder if he's some kind of mythological creature as well. Santa Claus and the Frost Gigas is a pretty easy link to make, but I'm drawing a blank here.
Strictly speaking he isn't a Thunder Gigas, since his element is as much wind as anything else. He's got most of Sylph's catalog, although these two are his particular favorites. Thunderbolt stings a little bit, but that's not the real danger.
In actually, his Blitz Breath is an absolutely brutal attack that can do more than 400 damage to your characters. Not pictures is Boss dying in one hit after he got this shot off. You actually have to watch out for this one and try to keep your characters HP up just in case he gets it off.
Like the Frost Gigas he's clever enough to cast Thunder Saber on your weapons to put your damage in the basement, but he only casts it on one person at a time. You can counter with Stone Saber.
That's pretty much the main counter for this battle, really. Like any lightning based creature we've dealt with thus far the game here is to stick as many Earth Slides down his throat as possible while having your melee characters hit from the sides when possible. The biggest problem is when he feels like being incorporeal. 4500 HP later we collect our final Sword Orb.
... So. Many. Bosses. Fully 1/6th of this game's bosses are located in this one dungeon, slightly more if you don't count the Biting Lizard types. It is very much an unapologetic boss rush. With that said...
Boss Battle: Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon Battle Video
I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's fun by saying that the Blue Dragon is the last boss in the dungeon. That said, all things considered he's not really as bad as all that.
He's got the same Blitz Breath that the Thunder Gigas used, but it's not nearly as dangerous for some reason. Breath Wing can hurt a bit, but if you stay scattered it's not a real problem.
For a status effect he's got Confuse, which isn't terribly damaging if it hits whomever you're controlling. It can shut down spell casters for a bit and make your AI controlled team mates act like idiots.
Naturally he has Thunderbolt, but getting a screen shot of the spell name was a bit difficult. Just as a note, as you can see at this point you do have a weapon that's strong against dragons and should probably be using it.
Your best bets here are things like Earth Slide and Stone Saber, since he shares the same weaknesses that the Thunder Gigas suffered from. As Earth is one of the elements that we've had the longest, it should be strong enough to be of use. I can't help but think that the Boomerang Orb we get from this is a bit lamer than the Sword Orb we just got.
Following the battle, we find ourselves on a high peak overlooking a valley far, far below us with only one point of reference.
This image looks familiar, possibly from the opening...
Boss is all about getting down to business, but there's more important business here.
Before we can power up the Mana Sword and go about saving the world, we have to stop and reminisce about how meaningful the journey has been. Kid seems awfully emotional for someone who just hopped on board to search for her missing boyfriend.
Reason #643 why Boss is awesome.
Boy's got a bit more of an excuse to be maudlin about this stuff, but at least he's got his eye on actually finishing this thing. I think it's a bit problematic that the tree still appears to be miles away from us, but that's another issue.
Hopefully the Tree has really good ears, as there isn't an obvious way to get down there from here..
Wait.. what?
Yeah, it wasn't going to be as easy as all that. I have to give credit to the Empire, since weaponizing Mana Energy and using it against its source takes a special kind of lunatic genius.
When the light fades, the party is unconscious in front of a giant talking tree stump.
Oh, it's around Boy.. there's some over here.. and over here.. and a bit off that way..
It would pretty well have to be Thanatos's doing, since we've systematically exterminated the rest of the Empire's high command.
In some ways, the world just keeps getting darker in this game. Right now, the source of life for everything has been pretty thoroughly destroyed.
That's not to say, however, that it doesn't have a bit to say.
I Won't Forget - Tree's Theme
For starters, it turns out that Mana is a finite resource that can be used up. I have to wonder if it would be possible to balance expenditure with replenishment to keep an even balance, but it doesn't look like that's going to be an option.
The Mana Beast is pretty much an automated system to prevent such things from occurring, but the process isn't without its problems.
I think uncontrollable rage is the kind of design flaw you want to iron out of your repair system, lest it end in repeated apocalypses. It could be a problem of the nature of the threat, but this seems to be a re-occuring issue.
So did the Mana Beast come before the Sword, or was the Sword created to deal with a haywire control system? This is also the first that anybody has mentioned the Tribe of Mana.
Big Reveal #1. It's been hinted at several times, including people noting his resemblance to "someone" and the fact that Serin disappeared about the time that Boy would have been born. Still not much of an excuse for Jema not at any point saying something like "You know, you look just like my best friend in the world did when he was a teenager."
The world building in this particular sequence is fantastic, because it outlines that this entire thing has been going on for longer than most of our characters have been alive. The whole conflict between the Empire and the Republic takes on a whole new dimension once you realize all this, and the paranoia about spies and the like makes sense when you consider how many times they've probably tried it over the past couple decades.
Boy's expression is priceless at this point... and he's not going to lose it for the rest of the conversation.
... this probably bears further explanation, especially if you're not familiar with the ending of Final Fantasy Adventure. This also very much implies that the Mana Tree was destroyed 15 years ago as well.
I Won't Forget - Mother's Theme
The Mana Tribe is evidently fairly small, as there's no indication that anybody else in the Tribe could pick up after Serin left off. I think a bit more being fruitful would probably be a good idea here.
It's very possible that the energy beam we saw earlier led to the shields being down so that we could storm the Mana Fortress. As long as they left an open exhaust port, we've got it made. As a note, what just happened was that our magic ceiling got raised to level 8.99... no change to the sword.
Keep in mind that whole bit about "with the last of my strength." This is pretty much her first and last conversation with her son.
If you don't feel something at this point, I'm sorry.
I'm with Boss here. Ghost Dad, secret Tribe of Mana, mother's a tree... this is absolutely insane.
Oh. No, he's just planning on kicking Boy in the nuts by rubbing the whole "You're an orphan" thing in his face. I can't decide if Boss is the best kind of friend or the worst kind.
Boy takes it fairly well, all things considered..
Then again, Boss does kind of have a point. There's bigger issues at hand and it's not like Boy hadn't written off that whole parents issue some time ago.
Still going with the "Boss is kind of a dick" view, though.
Let's just hope that Kid isn't right about this. It'd be a bit weird to have two of the main characters be siblings and never know it. At least there hasn't been an overt romantic angle to make things even more creepy.
As you can imagine, we have some weapons upgrading to do. Kakkara is the easiest place to find since it's directly south of Pure Land.
Dragon Buster - strongest normal sword, good against Dragons... which we've killed off.
Great Axe - Effective against plants and fish.
Doom Bow - Raises critical hit %. Also, very doomy.
Shuriken - Also raises critical hit %.
Dragon Dart - again, great against the dragons we won't be finding from this point forward.
Griffin Claws - inflict poison status on enemies.
Boss Continues to View Us as Manual Labor Part 2
Reverend Cheddar posted:
BOY "... Where are we?"
KID "Look!! That must be the Mana Tree!"
BOSS "We kicked a ton of ass to get here! Bro!! You can really revive the Sword of Mana now!"
KID "... Somehow it feels like I'm dreaming... Being able to come this far is -- it doesn't feel real...
BOY... I'm so happy for you. Me, I'm just so glad I met you... And of course, how could I forget you, shorty..."
BOSS "Yeah! I got pretty lucky to be blessed with you two as my eternal slaves."
BOY "In such a short time so much has happened, but it's all been together with you guys... And I really believe you two are the reason I've been able to get this far. Thank you...
Alright! We just have one more step to go! If the Mana Tree revives the Holy Sword, something like the Mana Fortress can't scare us anymore! C'mon, let's go!"
??? "Fuwahaha... Perhaps you ought to see the might of the Mana Fortress before you say such things! Fire the main cannon!!"
BOSS "Wh--whoaaa-- Bro! Sis!!"
KID "Kyaaaa----!!!"
? "BOY...
Come now... open your eyes..."
BOY "Where are we? Oh no, the Mana Tree is gone!! This, this can't be..."
BOSS "WHAT THE HELL?! Even though we went through all that crap to get here... Thanatos, you piece of shit!!"
KID "This is too awful to bear! The world... and Dyluck, what's going to happen to them?..."
tree "BOY, and the others, I have waited long for you... I am the Tree of Mana... I who have continued to watch over this fragile world.
Sadness will not serve you well in this.
For even if you cannot see my corporeal form, your hearts and mine continue to beat as one...
Due to the Mana Fortress, almost all of the remaining Mana in this world is being lost. In short time, the Godbeasts that sleep deep within the earth will unite together, and transform into one monstrous Godbeast, I would presume...
That Godbeast is the one and only living thing that can restore the lost Mana of this planet. However, if Mana is lost too rapidly, the terrible effects will drive the Godbeast into a murderous, terrible rage of insanity. If the Fortress and Godbeast are ever to clash, the world will face its final and darkest hour. There is but one way to prevent this... nothing but the Holy Sword of Mana can defeat a Godbeast in such agony.
And, that sword has been passed down through eons of history by a people in whom the blood of the spirits flow: the Tribe of Mana. Yes, it was your father, a knight of the Republic, Serin, who was meant to pull that sword from its stone, but...
Fifteen years before in the war, he fought a bloody duel with the Emperor, who had received powers from the demon world, in order to put an end to the Emperor's madness...
Serin used every last ounce of his strength to make his way back to the the forest of the Potos Village, but succumbed to his wounds there amongst the trees..."
BOY "Eeeehh?! Then the ghost that I saw by the waterfall was... my father!?"
tree "Your father Serin was a knight of the Republic. And I... was his bethrothed. I was your mother...
We are of the Tribe of Mana...
When the women of the Tribe of Mana give birth, we become a Tree of Mana, our fate only to continue to watch over this fragile world... Men of the Tribe of Mana, just as your father did, take arms with the Sword of Mana, and protect peace and order in this world.
It is time for you to turn your eyes onto that Fortress. Just as the Fortress creates its own destructive might from Mana, it creates its own weakness as its outer shield of Mana power collapses from lack of energy. With the last of my strength, I will call upon the unsealed Mana seeds to resonate with the Holy Sword for you...
... BOY... I am so sorry... I am your mother, and yet I did nothing motherly for you..."
BOY "Mother!? Mother, is it really you? Oh! Even if the tree is gone, are you still okay?"
tree ".........."
BOY "Mother! But we just met! Answer me, please!!... Motheeeer!!!"
KID "BOY..."
BOY "... Mother... I... Mother..."
BOSS "... You dumbass! SLAP Get a grip on yourself! Don't just let your mom's words go to waste like that! I mean, come on, KID doesn't even have a mom! Me... ... god damn it all!" (presumably turning away to not show his emotion to BOY's face.)
BOY "... I'm sorry, guys... I'm fine now, honest.
I'm a man of the Mana Tribe... I will succeed what my parents began, and save our dear world!"
BOSS "All right! Stick it to 'em! That's the way I taught ya how to do it, my number one slave!!"
KID "That's right! I somehow feel like I've met my own mother as well. I'm sure she's inside my heart!"
BOSS "C'mon guys, cheer up! Everything's comin' up roses!
One, two, three... LET'S DO THIS!"