Part 4: Chapter Four: One Giant Leap for Mankind (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Socioeconomic Status Quo)
You know what, we're four chapters in and we haven't even seen the Kustera in action yet. Since we can, we'll go through the first Kustera dungeon._00000.png)
Yeesh. This is not going to work. We're gonna want to be around level 10 or so.
Ryu is a melee fighter and has spells similar to Ray, while David is pure melee. No magic. After leveling them up, we head off to the same dungeon where Ray got toasted.
Instead of taking the gold warp tile, we take the silver one.
I don't quite get why there's a Kustera gate here, since the silver tile wouldn't have let the main party in anyway. Anyway, we break it and head on.
Vegas time!
After a bit of wandering around, we find what we came here for.
Not that. (though David can make good use of it)
Not that.
Ah! Here we go. This is one of the keys we'll need in order to unlock the final dungeon. There are 5 total, so 1 down and 4 more to go.
We still need to find a builder and a farmer, so we head west from Old Hill.
The ice hurts you. You're better off not touching it. After traveling a short ways we come to a single house and meet a builder named Bun.
Bun: What!? You say you're looking for a builder? O.K., O.K.! I'll do it! I just want to try my skills. I'm afraid the boss will not let me build a house alone. All that is left to do is to find farmers? There is an expert farmer in Giant named Baz. What...? Aren't you a stranger here? Go west to find the town of Decatas,...careful! Strangers are unwelcome there. Giant is a small town south of Decatas. It's a cheerful town with nice people.
We go inside to talk to the head architect.
Head architect: Uh huh, you're going to build a town. I the way, our Bun is about your age. I wonder if he needs to get ready for the "real" world.

Head architect: Hey Bun!
*Bun walks in*
Head architect: These men employ you. Work hard!
Bun: My name is Bun. I'm still a student, so take it easy on me!
Yes, be gentle and loving. Take it slow.
Now that we have someone to build houses for us, all that's left is to find a farmer. The boss has Bun clear the barrels blocking the path outside, which allows us to press on.
Hey look! It's Bingo's identical twin brothers!
This is the town of Decatas, which proclaims itself to be "the largest city in the world." As some unpleasant guards block the entrance, we can't go in, so we head for Giant instead.
Giant is a farming community which is currently under the thumb of Golan, who is a giant. Yeah, they probably should have picked a better name when creating the town. It's like if Poland named themselves Hitler. Our farmer is currently being held captive here.
We are being most definitely doing that!
Hmmmm, I wonder if that could possibly come in handy.
The ground rumbles.
Guy: It's that fool Morgan at it again. He is the town fool who is always digging holes into the ground. You've got to meet him. It's not easy though, since he hides underground.
After stepping outside, we find a hole's been dug in the ground.
Morgan: I'm Morgan, a tunnel digging expert. If you pay me, I'll be happy to dig you a hole anywhere. What? You want to see Baz? Impossible! Going to see him will only get you eliminated by giant Golan. If you must see him, you better see Dynamite in Decatas. He should help you. Dynamite is unfriendly, but you have no choice. Why do you stay? Go to Decatas quick and see Dynamite. A ha! You can't enter Decatas town, can you? [->Yes No] So you need me? O.K., give me 100 gold and I'll let you in. [->Yes No] Follow me.
Morgan immediately takes us to Decatas and burrows a hole, which lets us get around the guards and into town.
Guy: This is the most popular areas. It is full of tall tales and lies. Poor people live in the northern area. Best to stay away from there. The snooty rich people live next to them, but we can't go there. East block is...ha, ha, ha,...I don't know either.
So we have an idea of what Decatas is like. It's segregated into 3 different sections by class with a mysteeeerious 4th section. For now, we'll explore the main section. Going into one building, we find...
Say it ain't so, Uncle Save! You've sold out to the man and became a wage slave! A cog in the machine!
Since this area has weapon and armor shops, we might as well upgrade.
But no Chainfemales? Sexist pig.
Wait, is he calling us Ben and saying he's full, or that his name is Full Ben? Bah, this game.
After dicking around, we go to the laboratory and find Dynamite, who will give us the item needed to beat Golan.
Guy: ...What? Oh, that kid? I mean upstairs.
He didn't go to college for 12 years to be called "kid". Get it right.
But are you a party robot?
Up here we find the genius himself, Dynamite.
Dynamite: OK! Completed!
Dynamite: Now what's wrong?! Huh?...who are you? I'm Dynamite. You want to destroy the Golan? (Wait, so he's "the" Golan now?) What are you talking about? Start at the beginning. I are building the town...that's great...O.K. (notice how sometimes it uses periods in "OK" and sometimes it doesn't?) I decided to lend you the latest weapons, if you let me be with you. How's that? [->Yes No] Here it is! Now, use this when you fight Golan.
Got Graviton!
Dynamite: I'd like you to build a big laboratory for me instead...oh, the good life!
Yeah, the good life of living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere surrounded by a bunch of kids and a smelly old man.
Dynamite: But I want to ask you one thing. Can you take me there since I've never left alone? [->Yes No] I see! Please remember, I'm not afraid at all! (except of going outside, kind of like most people who do LPs of old Super Nintendo games) Well, let's go!
So after unwittingly recruiting the socially awkward genius engineer, we head for Giant to settle the score with Golan.
Gee, I wonder which house he could be in?
Aha! Look at all the comically oversized furniture! There's no sign of life up here, so we go downstairs, where we find Baz the farmer imprisoned.
Baz: You have to get out of here. Fast!
No time, since Golan immediately jumps down.
Golan: What? You're nothing!...I'll crush you!
Oh fuck! How are we supposed to beat that?
Ha! Look how puny he is! Actually, we shouldn't be laughing. Even after being shrunk, Golan is still a mother fucker. He hits hard and fast (50 damage on a critical!), and even after using Slow on him 5 times, physical attacks still weren't doing a whole lot of damage. Every so often, he can even dodge them. I have Tina use Frost 2 on him, while Ray alternates between healing and using Fire. I'm forced to use up my Moon Drop and Restore, as Tina used up all her MP and eventually bit the dust thanks to a critical from Golan. After the fight, we get 1195 exp. Baz thanks us and offers to farm for our blossoming town in Old Hill.
Now that we have our farmer and our builder, this little section is complete and we can move on with the main quest.
See Ya!