Part 6: Chapter Six: Insert Chapter Title Here
With Cody the solid gold lion in tow, we head straight to Cash 4 Gold.Just kidding. We take him to a locally-owned reputable gold buyer.
Just kidding (not really). We take him to see Kaja.
Kaja: ...What? Is he one of your party?! What do you want? You want to change him back? [->Yes No] Oh no...easy come, easy go!

Kaja: ...Just joking! Well, shall we?
Kaja: Good...but that's all I can do. You must turn Cody back to normal by yourselves. I heard once that there was a warrior with a miraculous power. He lives by the mysterious shore south of here...why not try him?
The warrior he speaks of is Shark, a Kustera, who tells us to take Cody to Old Hill. Unfortunately, Shark won't join us just yet. We warp to Old Hill.
Hey, things are coming along pretty nicely! There's a finished hospital and a warehouse and lab almost done. We take lion-Cody inside the shrine.
Finally, Cody is completely back to normal and we officially have our third party member.
Cody: I've decided to be Aqutallion. Ray, Tina, let's fight together until we crush Homncruse!
Cody became Pennon! Cody joined you!
We step outside and the kids tell us that since the town has grown so much, it needs a name. Since I'm pretty much terrible at coming up with names, I'll let you guys do it.
EDIT: Mylawn it is!
Kids: Mylawn! Mylawn! Our town Mylawn!
Meanwhile, a certain plane flies towards Mylawn...
Oh hey Bosen. Haven't seen you in a while.
Bosen: Homncruse is coming!!
And I haven't a thing to wear.
Bosen: I hear that your fourth friend arrived in Decatas. One of the Four Great Followers of Homncruse is looking for your friend. Hurry!
Remember those four guys right after we beat the Ringo Bros.? Those are the Four Great Followers. Basically, his strongest minions. After Bosen leaves, the party reflects on how mysterious he is and we leave for Decatas.
Inside the hospital here is a nurse that we can recruit for our own hospital back at Mylawn.
Jill: I'm happy! What is your name? ...I see. You all are building a town and seem happy. I envy you...what do you say to me joining you? If you let me, a doctor who likes me will, too.
Jill packs her bags and leaves her stable job in a well-to-do town and leaves for our backwoods village filled with nothing but kids who would have no way of paying her. We head north up to the poor part of town.
This door used to be locked, but now we can go inside.
Mafia dude: Get them!
Right before we're able to fight them, someone intervenes.
Then someone else appears as well.
Dram: Since I Dram am here to take her away, the five Aqutallions will forever be apart! Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha...!
Why does everyone laugh the exact same way? Dram makes off with Leona and once again we must track down our future party member.
Mafia dude: Dram, Booth, Gara, and Godem are known as the Four Great Followers of Homncruse.
The other guys tell us that Dram took her to the rich part of town. How they know that, I have no idea. The gate to the rich sector is perpectually locked tight, so we'll have to find some other way in.
Hmm, this is an odd-looking section of wall. We can blow through it, but first we'll need to find an invisible man hiding where no one would think to look.
Yep. We gotta walk down the brown path and then head right via a completely hidden section. God, strategy guide publishers had a pretty good deal back when GameFAQs didn't exist. The dude sells us a bomb and use use it to blow a hole in the wall.
Now we can search for Leona.
I can think of a few things.
Well, she's not in here, so we check another house.
Really? Cuz it's making me kind of sleepy. I think I'll just-
Somehow, we end up in the basement. You know, I get halfassedly covering up a hole in the floor by putting a bed over it, but it kind of doesn't work when the bed has a hole, too. But at least we found Leona.
Well it ain't fuckin' Frosty.
Leona: This is their hide-out. I'm pleased you found it.
You're just "pleased"? We're saving your life, not on a scavenger hunt.
Leona: My name is Leona. I was raised in the slums. I was a boss of a band of kids. I guess you're like me...born under a mysterious destiny. Yes, I know about my true power and what to do with it. You are my true friend. Let's get revenge on that Dram fellow. He was in Brasca, it seems. That is where there is a last Aqutallion, I heard. Anyway, let's join and fight until Dram and Homncruse are destroyed. Let's fight! Ray, Tina, Cody!
Leona became Pennon! Leona joined you!
And now we are four. Compared to how long it took to get Cody, we got Leona pretty quickly. Of course, that's because Garados turned Cody into a gold lion, ran halfway across the world, and hid him in a cave filled with monsters. Dram just dumped Leona a few blocks down the street in an old man's basement. Some "great follower", huh? Well, this wraps up this chapter. Until next time...
See Ya!