Part 12: Chapter Twelve: Kustera's Very Own Episode
The last Great Follower has been defeated and we have a strange treasure called Aqutalium in our hands. We return to Mylawn._00001.png)
Woosh to battle.
Dynamite breaks up the fight.
Dynamite: Calm down, calm down, no need to get upset! They will never be here since they were beaten so badly. Welcome back! I, Sir Dynamite and the kids fought off the forces from Decatas. They serve Homncruse. Huh, serves you right! Come here, I found out something great!
Hold the phone. They were bold enough to kick out a bunch of warriors with swords and magic, yet they were beaten by a bunch of KIDS?
Well, thanks, I guess. Dynamite takes us to the shrine.
Dynamite: I don't mean to show off, but I know there is something.
Dynamite flips a hidden switch, causing a multichromatic light show and a hidden door opens up to a secret room in the shrine.
Dynamite: I think that this has something to do with Ray's father. So, I didn't touch it. Search until your heart's content.
Dynamite leaves. The entire room looks flashy and high-tech, but for now doesn't contain anything useful. Activating the main console brings up a message.
"Ship"? I sense impending awesomeness. But in order to get it working, we need the "5 Powers", which are actually the "-ium" items. We already have 2 (Aqutalium and Iridium), so we need to revisit Tina's, Cody's, and Leona's Star Shrines with the Kustera to get the other 3. We leave the shine and visit Gonta, who has finished some armor for us.
The Metal armor is the strongest in the game, and only the main party can use them. We make our final gearing up and then give Ray and the gang a long-overdue rest.
I assemble a dream team of Jubei, Shark, Kathy (melee damage dealers), Murray (magic), and Beth (dedicated healer). And yes, this is after a shitload of grinding, as most of them were originally only single-digits in levels. To Tina's shrine we go.
The Kustera dungeons are all more or less the same. They're mazelike in nature, but not too complicated, and the enemies are all weak.
Kathy is a beast with the Elfinbow. She gets criticals often AND she has a rapid attack.
The Ultrium is ours. The other two treasure chests are nothing to write home about. We leave this dungeon and head for Cody's shrine next.
More multiple stairs, but again, this is not a difficult dungeon.
This is Jubei's *standard* (re: not a critical) attack, and he's only level 22. That's at least 10 levels lower than the main party, and they're dealing roughly the same damage. Ditto for Shark. The Kustera are actually way more awesome than I remember.
4 down, 1 more to go. One of the other chests contains a Firecane which I give to Murray. We sail north to the frozen island.
Murray has some good offensive magic like Freeze and Bolt and Beth has healing magic (including Regain!) but we haven't really had a need for them since the monsters all die quickly to melee attacks. We WILL need them later, however...
The last of the 5 Powers is ours. We beat a hasty trail back to Mylawn and deposit them in the warehouse.
The main party takes the 5 Powers to the control room.
Everything starts rumbling and the floor in the main room of the shrine is replaced with a bunch of circuitry.
The ground underneath Mylawn erupts and reveals...
A UFO! It begins moving of its own accord back to where it all began...
The volcano near Ray's home town on Heart Island. It descends into the crater.
The Algos can fly us around like the Gyrocopter, but it's big enough to contain our entire town. It can even store the Gyrocopter and both ships. There's even an item shop!
Yeah, buying items from a UFO. Don't think about it too hard. Homncruse lurks at the bottom of the volcano, so we descend into the hellish depths. Until next time...
See Ya!