Part 106: Episode C: Purgatory

Episode C: Purgatory

Music: Grey Memories ~ Map of Japan
We now have access to The Bacon Jet and can freely return to the Europe map at any time from this point forward. The plot will not actually take us back to Europe for a very long time and even then it's just a day trip. The Disc 2 European adventures are almost entirely the realm of side quests. Most of them of the ongoing sort, but there are a few bonus dungeons and what have you.
The thing is... do you remember how in the previous game entering the final dungeon for the first time was the unlock flag for most endgame content? Yeah... Shadow Hearts: Covenant doesn't quite do that. I learned this the hard way by wasting an hour doing a quest that involved running across several earlier maps and doing a timed arithmetic test, that Shadow Hearts 2 will let us initiate several endgame side quests almost to completion. Except, the final step, you know, the reward phase, is absolutely locked off until we hit the final dungeon. I'm jumping between three different FAQs and an official guide I found scans of and they all sequester side quests to their own segments and NONE of them mentioned you can do 98% of a quest and have it completely stall out. There is one that is all just talking to people across the Europe map and having long flashbacks and you catch up to the person involving the quest and they... just lock the door, pretend to be the character's mom saying they're not there and tell you to get lost until the endgame.
So we're just mainlining the main quest and only hitting side quest stuff as it presents itself along the main path (see: the trading quest.)
It's been a time since we've looked at our stats. It didn't help I had to take a couple of extended hiatuses because my body is falling apart at the seams. We're now Rank 60 and equivalent to a giant cat. I'll take it...
I refuse to ever do a shortcut and will forget once more that is even a mechanic after I scroll to the next screenshot.
Ouka, Hien, Raiden, and Nicolai are just destined to sit unused at the bottom of this screen for the rest of the game.
Hmm... Can you tell who my preferred party members are...?
Enough of that. We now have a new location on the Japan World Map of the Forest of Wind. Which is an area we'll have to shuffle through in order to reach Katsuragi. Katsuragi is an actual set of mountains along the Osaka prefecture. The game doesn't specify which Katsuragi we're heading toward as there is an Izumi, Minami, Naka, and Yamato Mount Kitsuragi. But... I suppose it doesn't really matter when the last major event was fighting a mad scientist in a flying mecha contraption in 1917 and we're riding in a Welsh jet made by a 400-year-old philosopher.

Music: Field of God-Dog ~ Village of The Dog God




Blanca's keen wolf ears hear an ominous bell ringing in the distance and stops to sniff the air.

Music: ENDS

Everyone looks around with concern.

The area starts shaking.


Gepetto is abruptly sucked into the ground.
The rest of the party is also sucked into the earth beneath their feet. None of them appear to enjoy the event.

Music: In Darkness of a Labyrinth ~ Dungeon
Oh, you thought you were going to get a scenic forest dungeon? Well, think again! We're doing the Japanese set version of the Silent Hill otherworld zone again. Which, I'll fucking take. It's not industrial corridors or a sewer or a cave.


Welcome to Purgatory. Not to be confused with the Otherworld. Completely separate locations. They don't even have good diplomatic relations with each other. And a hockey rivalry. So who is up for (faint drumroll) a gimmick dungeon?

A powerful and fearful evil is emanating from the gate...
AKA the end of the dungeon and a boss fight. We need to unseal this path to reach the end of the dungeon. Now, if we look at the altar next to the jerkass child statue spirit, we find...
A configuration of candles on an inverted triangle. We may need to light all of these candles via arcane means. Or perhaps, doing a much optimized specific circuit run through the dungeon. More on that in a minute, is that some French merchants I spy in the hell zone again?

The twins have yet to update their stock since the Imperial Capital so there is no need to shop at the moment.
Anyway, about this dungeon. So you can see there are two spokes at the start here and several ominous glowing red stars in the distance. Perhaps the northern part of this dungeon is shaped like an inverted triangle. And all of those stars represent candles on the altar from earlier. The gimmick of this dungeon is we have to hit all these stars in one circuit. And botching that will reset the puzzle and dump us back at the beginning of the dungeon to get it right. Kind of like how things were in the Otherworld but a bit more involved. So let's look at that candle thing again and plot a route.
I'm sure there are a few ways to do this. But this was efficient and got the job done. But that is, of course, not the only job to be done in a dungeon.

Music: Deep in Coma ~ Battle in Japan
Purgatory has a very small spread of enemies in it and a strangely low encounter rate. The entire crisscrossing the map I got into maybe five random battles. After the Hojo Labs were about two dozen fights just essentially walking in a straight line... I am perfectly OK with a low encounter rate. First up we have this chungus frog demon called a Towd. I do not know why they spelled it weird. Its Japanese name is just Toad. This is fittingly an Earth Elemental creature with the most robust health pool of regional hell enemies with 724 HP. It likes to throw rocks at people. It can cause the Fast Ring status effect while throwing rocks. That is... kind of it. It's just a big stupid red frog that throws rocks.
Next up we have the premium skin version of the Otherworld's Gaki -- the Enku. This little is a Wind elemental creature with a very easily defeated in a single turn 165 HP. It enjoys physical attacks that inflict randomized Ring Abnormalities and farting wind at humans. It should be the priority target in any fight because, like many smaller weak enemies, it loves setting up Combos.
Enku is a slight mistranslation of Enkō which is a specific fire-breathing mountain-based kappa (the dumbass Japanese frog demons that are in everything) that told one of Buddha's cousins to do some Guy Fieri ass charity work and feed some strangers or you'll turn into a demon at the end of the week. And they... just did a barbeque and invited over anyone passing by for some ribs or some shit. And Enkō was just kind of, word. Good stuff. And they were good. I have a fondness for a demon that's deal is just going up to people and yelling: "Hey make some fucking burgers and feed some random folk or I'll curse you!"
Dream job.
Finally, we have Yomi Samurai. They're just zombie samurai. They're Dark elemental, what with being zombies and all. And have a middling 302 HP. And they... are zombie samurai. They slash and stab people with their swords. That is... also just it. Zombie samurai. Make another fucking Onimusha, Capcom. You cowards! Nioh isn't the same. I want it to be stupid. I want Jean Reno.

Music: In Darkness of a Labyrinth ~ Dungeon
Back to the dungeon. Oh, right, I already 100% explained how this goes. There are several chests along the path and not one of them is worth talking about. It's once again all consumables and Ring Hit Area goes up 1% crap. So we run the circuit around the unholy triangle and...
Yeah, we're good to go!
We have no need of much in the way of prep beyond making sure everyone is good to defend against magic attacks and can go all-in on physical attacks because the boss fight coming is fairly obvious and tactics haven't altered that much in dealing with the foe.
Music: ENDS
Garan teleports in at the foot of the Purgatory shrine.





Everyone looks back at Garan.


Tune in next time as we battle Garan for a second time and he continues to be the least respected mid-boss I've ever seen in a JRPG. Lenny was treated like a world-ending threat compared to this jobber.

Video: Episode 100 Highlight Reel (You should watch this for Garan the Baby Head disrespect.)

Garan the Oracle Concept Art - It is a nice pillow.