Part 108: Episode CII: Equivalent Exchange

Episode CII: Equivalent Exchange
Our business is concluded in the Forest of the Wind. For now. One of our optional side quests may see us return there someday. But for now, let's continue our journey and enter Inugami Village.

Music: Field of God-Dog ~ Village of The Dog God
Kurando is taking the lead for this segment. Which is fitting, this being his hometown and all. The game is finally going to give Kurando something to do since other than getting a Fusion, he's just... kind of existed since joining the party. Inugami Village is not very large but it is dense with activities to further a handful of sidequests. The actual villagers themselves have almost nothing interesting to say. There are about three variations of "we sure do live in an isolated village between a forest and a mountain." And the rest are old people complaining it's only old people around nowadays and all the youngens go off to the big city. If I lived next to a forest full of nothing but Tengu and mutant snails with a tendency to occasionally slip into a hell dimension, I'd probably move too.
You may notice a familiar truck in the distance. Let's go say hi to the brothers.

The Magimel Brothers' shop has completely updated its inventory with new weapons and armor for the entire party. Since we are flush with Cash at the moment, we're going to go ahead and deck out the entire party with new weapons and our main team with new armor. We end up dropping 105.5k Cash on kitting out the entire party here. Which had an added benefit:
We reached Rank A in the Magimel Brother's shop's point system which nets us The Gold Card that, as it says, exempts us from discount/mark-up failure penalties and also nets us an attempt at a 50% discount and 25% mark-up on goods. Though the Judgment Wheel challenge from that one is really tight. That said, I sold all of the party's outdated weapons and armor for the 25% mark-up. We started with 433,668 Cash and by the time we decked everyone out and sold all the excess equipment we walked away still having 408,721 Cash by the end. So that was a good bit of transacting.
So let's take a look at what we picked out on our spending spree.
Can I get some self-repairing winter gloves? I got a hole in my good pair. Oh well. These meaty stab punchers grant +182 Physical and +165 Special Power.
A wooden sword made out of an old tree -- somehow sharper Nicholai's sword bathed in the blood of a dark god and a sword used to hunt dragons. If you say so... This is a +174 Physical and +172 Special Attack bonus.
The LEO. When you absolutely, positively need to have your dog bite the SHIT out of someone, accept no substitutes. This paste comes with +172 Physical and +174 Special Attack.
I don't know if I want my weapon of choice to make me increasingly damp. Seems unpleasant. But you can't say no to the +192 Physical and +155 Special Attack power.
But what if it detects the child playing with it as a threat? I have seen some hostile ass children before. Some toddler is going to get annihilated by +166 Physical and +181 Special Damage.
Excuse, me "non-living" puppets? What kind of puppetry is being performed around these parts...? +163 Physical and +184 Special Damage are found here.
Or it just equipped on Lucia so she can cast Cure spells more efficiently as I use her as nothing a healing font in the menus between battles. This bestows +165 Physical and +182 Special Damage.
Now, you might be wondering why I bothered upgrading the bench warmers' weapon. In Gepetto's case, there may be a bonus dungeon he is a mandatory companion for in the end game. Lucia... not so much. The real reason is these are the last weapon upgrades we receive from the Magimel Brothers. The next weapon upgrade for everyone is either in loot in one of the few remaining main quest dungeons or at the end of side quests. And after that, it is everyone's ultimate weapons which... we'll get to at the end game wrap-up.
We do have a couple of pieces of armor to check out before we exit the menu.
+160 Physical and +151 Special Defense for dressing up like a ninja. Who can cosplay as a ninja? Yuri, Kurando, Joachim, Karin, and Blanca only... That's quite the eclectic ninja team collection.
Only one of these is made a year and they're all stuffed in a box in the back of the Magimel Brothers' truck. This heavenly outfit gives +150 Physical and +161 Special Defense. The only ones qualified to wear this sacred mountain dress are Karin, Lucia, and Anastasia, naturally. Oh and Gepetto... I'm not asking questions And... Blanca, as well for some reason. Blanca will be a ninja dog or a shrine maiden wolf. Blanca don't care. Blanca just going to Blanca.
Heading past the merchant brothers and making a clockwise circuit around town, we find this farmer. His tips for food preservation for winters are of no use to us. What is of use are areas of interest to his right and left.
To the left, we find another Silver Angel for Edgar's collection back in Petrograd. We'll tuck that away for a rainy end game day. Now to the right of the farmer, in the very corner of the village, we find an old friend...

I don't have the heart to tell him I've stopped bothering to equip these on the bench warmer characters.


Right next to Ring Soul's location we find another magic crest. Sure, I'll take another Cure All. That's a handy trick.
Looping back around to the entrance of the village, we find a well. Hidden in it is the sixth and final Soul Drop in the game.

Music: Holy Mistletoe ~ Graveyard
No sense in holding onto it. We may as well complete our set of Level 3 Fusions. All that is left is the Earth stone. I don't even remember the last time we fought a Wind elemental boss that we'd use an Earth Fusion to counter against. Certainly no one on Disc 2 thus far. Actually, getting curious now and checking the only two Wind elemental bosses we've fought the entire game was that giant frog Veronica summoned in the Wine Cellar and Veronica's two-headed hell hound we fought on St. Marguerite Island. So, yeah. Not a lot of reason to have upgraded the Earth Fusion set.

Music: Vicious 1915 ~ Battle in Europe
The Earth guardian spirit, Mocos, takes SLIGHTLY longer to immediately obliterate than its last couple of predecessors solely due to it casting a barrier on itself and reducing Yuri's physical attack output. And by that I mean it took three rounds to kill it instead of two. And it is still incapable of doing more than 1 HP of damage per strike.
At least we'll never have to waste time with these filler creatures any longer. That's the last of 'em.

Music: Holy Mistletoe ~ Graveyard
The power... is YOURS!
And you don't even want to know the calamity that will shatter the land if he ever gets aroused. That's the big one waiting to happen. Stat wise, at the base level we have:
- Strength +11
- Vitality +10
- Agility +8
- Intelligence +4
- Power +8
- Luck +7
Strong and sturdy. Got it. On the special abilities front, over its predecessor, Sorm, it now possesses:
- Arc Shield - 36 MP - Increases Physical Defense for all allies. (We've been using this every boss fight with physical attacks as a hazard for about twenty hours now.)
- Howling - 44 MP - Restores a small portion of SP for all allies. (If we're restoring SP burning a turn with our Fusion that burns 5 SP per turn, mistakes have been made already.)
- Strike - 64 MP - Large-area Earth damage attack. (As usual, what it says on the box.)

Music: Field of God-Dog ~ Village of The Dog God
Back to the realm of the living. Just past the Magimel Bros' Emporium, we find a crossroads at the end of town. The path up the stairs leads to a currently inaccessible area. So we'll skip that for now. The critical path is to the right. However, there is one last item of note in the main area of Inugami Village.
There is a tree right next to the Magimels' truck and a Save Point. If we interact with it, we find...

It's just a Small Ring for this one. Not too much trouble as long as your eyesight isn't shot. Everyone staring at screens all the time stuck inside during quarantine the past year is probably going to cause a big uptick in eyesight issues, isn't it...
Our top-billed prize is this accessory which has a paltry +2 Physical Attack. But more importantly, it increases the wearer's total SP by 20%. Not too shabby.

Heading down the path past the ladybug lottery broker, we come upon a somewhat out-of-place stone idol. Everyone else got a weapon upgrade... except Joachim. Let's go fix that.

Music: Gathering God ~ Thrill



It also seems to have grown stone arms to do a sassy pose. Joachim's newest bludgeon provides +184 Physical and +163 Special damage.

Joachim wanders off filled with reinvigorated muscle power. Kurando falls to his knee in despair.

Music: Field of God-Dog ~ Village of The Dog God

Somehow, we still aren't done tackling sidequest forward progression in this tiny village. The cavern ahead will trigger the next plot point. We'll be heading there next update. What we want to do first is talk to the man standing outside the cavern. Remember the trio of Trading quest dead ends we hit recently? Well, THIS guy is the one we actually want to trade with next to proceed with the quest correctly.

I have many questions about this ventriloquist's lifestyle...
But they shall have to be answered another day. Tune in next time as we go meet Kurando's mom. Nothing makes a good first impression like a vagabond wandering into your shrine with a stolen rancid offering of rice.

Inugami Village Concept Art - Not pictured, a creep throwing his voice holding a bowl full of spoiled food and inquiring about dolls.