Part 12: Episode XII: Wolf Bout
Episode XII: Wolf Bout
Music: In Darkness of a Labyrinth ~ Dungeon
I suppose it is time to trek through the undoubtedly monster-infested Paris Metro.
What sort of untamed horrors could await Yuri and company in the decre
...Wait, what?

Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town
It was just a twenty-second walk to a subway platform? Gepetto did you just find a maintenance tunnel hatch and have been using it to bypass paying for metro tickets? What the hell, old man!?

Breaking of protocol aside, Paris is the first proper town of Shadow Hearts: Covenant. This game actually has towns that are more than 2-3 screens big and aren't just doubling as a mini-dungeon that happens to have a couple NPCs wandering around until the calamity of the day rolls into the village. As such, let's chat up the locals to get our bearings.

I didn't say chatting up the locals is necessarily going to be helpful or anything. That said, I am glad they kept all of the portrait lacking NPCs having titles and names. That was a cute detail in the original game.
Despite Gepetto's insistence to go to the subway, we cannot actually board the train at this time. So let's head back above ground for a bit. More folks are loitering about the streets here. Maybe some of them have more insight than those metro dwelling degenerates from before.




I hate Raymond, With Nothing to Do because he wanders a circuit around the stairs here and you cannot go past the little shit. There are 25 stairs, you idiot child. Get the FUCK out of my way! I'm trying to play an RPG here!

Alphonse, Foreshadowing a Side Quest Return more like it.

In order to progress the game, we need to shuffle inside Paulette Bar here next to Timid Salvador. Not that there is anywhere else we could go. That second flight of stairs just leads to a dead end with some forgettable treasure.
The party enters the Paulette Bar.




We're off! In... just a minute. We've got more NPCs to chat with here. We wouldn't want to be rude to the patrons of this fine establishment. Or... fail to be rude to them, I suppose. I'd be personally pretty annoyed if some JRPG protagonist shuffled over to my table and glared at me until I spat out a generic line about local happenings, recent events or unrelated nonsequiturs.




Old Friend Louis just reminds us of our next task. I suppose we should get on top of that.
Which means returning back the way we came to go take the subway. However, on our retread of Montmartre, we come across...


NEW Music: Soul Comet ~ Spirit of the Wolf (Theme of "Oh Shit the Wolves Can Talk to Each Other!")

Blanca actually gets voice acting when speaking to other wolves. It's very jarring to hear him speak out of nowhere. Blanca also occasionally in-game translations of other dialogue from now on. Not that many people can actually understand wolf barks. Least of all Yuri.

NEW Music: Glint of Light ~ War of the Hungry Wolf (Wolf bouts get their own dramatic rendition of the boss battle theme and you should listen to it.)
Welp. Too bad, Blanca because this is happening. We're now thrust into a mini-boss fight with Blanca flying solo against Tetsu the rival wolf.
Calling this a boss fight of any kind is being VERY generous. It's just two wolves smacking into each other. At most, Tetsu is capable of randomly inflicting a 30% defense decrease with his 9 HP of damage output every turn otherwise. Meanwhile, Blanca's physical attacks can do 20 HP of damage every turn against the only 90 HP possessing Tetsu. Plus he can use consumables and has magic if we were desperate.
In this battle of attrition, our good boy has this one pretty handily beat.

Music: Result ~ Victory
Blanca's victory lands him a small payday and an accessory that slows the rotation of the Judgment Wheel. But there is a more important earning after the battle.

Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town



Karin has collecting excerpts from a German opera to unlock her unique techniques. Blanca has participating in

Blanca turns and walks away.

Yuri walks off after Blanca.

We may see more of Ernest in the future as we progress in the entire game spanning Wolf Bout sidequest circuit. It is worth mentioning that Ernest is based on Ernest Thompson Seton a naturalist and animal fiction writer as well as one of the founders of the Boy Scouts of America. One of his earliest and most popular works of fiction is Wild Animals I Have Known which features the story Lobo the King of Currumpaw which is a fictionalized account of Senton's hunting wolves in the southwestern United States in his youth. It'll take us a while to see how that translated to setting up a worldwide circuit of underground fight matches between actual wolves.
The Wolf Bout sidequest might GO some frikkin' places...
Semi-related, while browsing Ernest Senton's Wikipedia page I came upon this factoid about this life:
Wikipedia posted:
On his twenty-first birthday, Seton's father presented him with an invoice for all the expenses connected with his childhood and youth, including the fee charged by the doctor who delivered him. He paid the bill, but never spoke to his father again.
Seton called his father, Joseph Logan Thompson, "the most selfish man I ever knew, or heard of, in history or in fiction." He cut off ties completely after being made to pay off an itemized list of all expenses he had cost his father, up to and including the doctor's fee for his delivery, a total of $537.50.
For now, our time in Montmartre is concluded. Time to hop on a subway to scenic Champs-Élysées as our Paris adventures continue.

Video: Episode 12 Highlight Reel (You should watch this, it has talking dogs!)

Ernest Concept Art - I wonder how the real Ernest Senton would feel about being a dog fighting organizer in a Japanese video game...