Part 134: Episode CXXVIII: Mark of the Wolves
Episode CXXVIII: Mark of the Wolves.jpg)
Right. It's time to close out another questline. It's time for the War of the Hungry Wolves to end with the conclusion of the Wolf Bouts. Defeating Henri in Tiffauges Castle unlocks the penultimate Wolf Bout which requires a revisit to the Forest of the Wind.
Entering the forest and taking a jog down the only road there for a couple of screens, we come upon ergh... Blanca?
Before we investigate this troubling matter, it miiiiiight be a good idea to equip a Leonardo's Bear on Blanca. And by that, I mean 100% essential.


Music: Soul Comet ~ Spirit of the Wolf


Music: Glint of Light ~ War of the Hungry Wolf
Cast Arc Shield. Repeatedly headbutt the youthful ghost of your grandfather. Become the new King of the Wolves. Young Lobo's only trick was he has 100% effective Instant Death and with that gone, he's a chump. Oh, and I guess he's still Fire Elemental and has 1280 HP if you're into knowing that kind of thing.

Music: Result ~ Victory
And now we get to steal the highest level Instant Death Judgment Ring modifier. This is absolutely worthless because every single boss in the game is immune to Instant Death as are half the enemies.
Music: ENDS

Before Lobo can finish his sentence, he is whisked off into the afterlife of All Dogs Go to Heaven 2.
But the apparition is kind enough to leave us his pawprint to power up Soul Comet one last time.
Famed by man and beast
alike as the King of the
Wolves, he has returned
to the world of the
living for a final
duel with a lone wolf.
That's the second time we've heard mention of Ernest at the conclusion of a Wolf Bout. Could the organizer of an international fighting tournament possibly be up to villainy? That would be a first in the realm of martial arts tournaments. You know, other than Geese Howard, Wolfgang Krauser, Rugal Bernstein, Goenitz, M. Bison, Gill, Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima--<list continues for 23 pages>
There may have been many tournament sponsors who were seemingly never up to nefarious deeds. But that's only because some war god, resurrected ancient warrior, or demon or some shit showed up at the tournament's conclusion before they could get the chance.
Perhaps it's time we checked back in on Montmartre to see if Ernest has returned to his spot after his sudden departure earlier in the game.
I don't usually mention Add-on Effects but we picked up a Delay 4 in the Neam Ruins. It may behoove us to equip that now. It can turn what is a somewhat tedious and bordering on difficult battle into a piece of cake. Note: This does need to be equipped BEFORE entering Montmartre. We are locked into events as soon as we enter.

Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town
...I already don't like where this is going...
Yuri and Blanca approach the sports team mascot.

Music: Soul Comet ~ Spirit of the Wolf


Music: Glint of Light ~ War of the Hungry Wolf
Now we face Ernest T. Seaton aka The Wolfman. Wolfman is matching Blanca being clad in a Wind Class fursuit and bringing 1800 HP to the table. Unprepared, this guy is actually tough seeing as a one on one duel and there's no hard counter to his bullshit. He's just strong. He does have Wolf Technology, after all.
We absolutely need to have a Shield up at all times. No need for a Barrier, since the Wolfman is all physical attacks. Sneaking in a Rage helps immensely as well since we're going to be relying on physical attacks too as Wolfman would take reduced damage from Blanca's go-to Soul Comet. Which is kind of a dick move for the technique powered up the entire questline.
With Shield up, Wolfman's standard attack string still does 55 damage. It's around 155 damage without Shield. I don't know about the 36% physical defense math there, game. Additionally, Wolfman's physical attacks have an SP lowering version which will just instantly eat 4 SP off of Blanca. Which if the battle is prolonged could spell trouble.
Ernest's most ridiculous yet damaging attack is the pinnacle of his Wolf Technology -- Rocket Fist! Using cutting-edge advancements in wolf science, Wolfman... pulls the glove off his suit and chucks it at Blanca's head. He then quickly runs over to recover it and put it back on while Blanca recovers from the blow. Somehow this does around 110-130 HP of damage with a Shield up and nearly 300 HP of damage without one. Ernest should take off the mascot suit and get into actual baseball with an arm like that.
The biggest thing with Ernest is he has Energy Charge which raises his Physical Attack power by 125% on the next turn. Blanca needs to take the next turn using Block or else he's going to eat shit. With Shield up and Blocking, it's barely an issue. Blanca taking it on the chin with an Energy Charge physical attack string is 350 damage easily. An unblocked Rocket Fist without Shield will outright kill Blanca in one hit, it deals nearly 800 HP of pain and still 500 HP with Shield up. Why is this middle-aged man in a fursuit so strong?!
This battle actually requires defending and healing and I nearly had to worry about my SP gauge for once. It's crazy to have a Shadow Hearts: Covenant boss battle that isn't just. Cast buffs. Dogpile. No pun intended.
That all said, I did hit Wolfman with that pesky Delay which completely torpedoed his momentum since Blanca was getting two turns to his every single turn.
Wolf Technology is no match for the genuine article.

Music: Result ~ Victory
And with that, the final Wolf Bout opponent is defeated. Now let's go see what Ernest has to say for himself after his unprecedented fighting tournament sponsor heel turn. The nerve!

Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town

Ernest takes off his mask and starts trotting away but stops at the base of the stairs.

Ernest walks back and starts dancing. It's very odd.


Soul Comet has now been upgraded to its second form of Red Comet. I'm not sure why Blanca is summoning Char Aznable into battle but I'll take it. Though, in actuality, it's Soul Comet but red-tinted and at the end of the attack, Wolfman teleports in and gives an uppercut to the enemy. Sure... Why not? May as well return Wolf Technology to the side of the wolves.
A mysterious man who
plotted to destroy the
world of wolves. Finally
revealed to be Ernest.
His handmade wolf suit
is a vessel for
wolf technology.
Additionally, we gain the ultimate weapon for Blanca. Enemies become demoralized when they seem they are going against the best boy. The +197 Physical and +199 Special Attack also helps.



That is technically the conclusion of the Wolf Bouts and very much is so as far as rewards go. But... there is an epilogue to the Wolf Bout and Ernest saga. Which involves returning to Tiffauges Castle. Yeah, I know I said we weren't coming back here. But I wasn't aware of this until now since there is zero indication this is a thing. But, that's about par for the course at this juncture in Shadow Hearts 2's endgame.

Music: Spiritualization ~ Holy Land of God
So doing this is sort of a pain in the ass. Our goal is to return to Henri. Remember, he said Ernest cursed him? Perhaps we should check to see if that lifted. Oh yeah, we should have asked Ernest what the fuck is up with him cursing humans to try to get his ultimate wolf. That's kind of fucked up. Anyway, Henri is on the ass end of this dungeon. It's even further a trek than it takes to get to the boss room. And the problem is there are still random battles. And there are no shortcuts TO the side of the dungeon Henri is on. There's a shortcut out from around there near to the dungeon exit. But it's one way only. This means I have to do the whole goddamn dungeon again basically.
Yay! Can I note, I equipped the accessory that reduces random battles and that thing does FUCK ALL. It must make it so it's 20 steps between a battle instead of 18 at the very most. ETA for next random battle

After 20 minutes of running back through this lousy dungeon for a second time, we find a little old man in Henri's place.


Henri starts walking away but turns back.

And with that, Henri walks off out of the game and we're free to leave the castle and never return. For real this time.
Though I'm just now realizing. I think Ernest and Henri get the most unique character portraits in the game. In our main party, only Karin and Joachim get two. In the villainy department, only Rasputin and Nicholai get a second one for their possessed versions. Lobo got a very slightly altered younger portrait. And everyone else, including Yuri and Kato, the main protagonist and antagonist at this point, only have a single portrait. Weird...
I suppose we should return to where we last saw Ernest and see what's what.

Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town


Sadly, we cannot track down and squish Ernest who stuffed children into wolf suits, put curses on old men, and held an international dogfighting competition. Which is a lot of fucked up things to pin on the chest of a real guy that was seemingly perfectly decent. Anyhow, that's another sidequest put to rest. And I believe the last time we have any reason to return to... quite possibly any part of Paris.
We're getting there. Someday this cursed LP can end and I can finally rest.

Video: Episode 128 Highlight Reel (Red Comet is shown off at the end.)

Ernest Portrait Concept Art - I wonder how the real Ernest Senton would feel about being a dogfighting organizer with a bloodlust for the strongest wolf, child abuser, curse practitioner and fursuit wearer who ultimately gets Franz Kafka'd into an insect in a Japanese video game... His first question would probably be "what the fuck is a video game...?"