Part 22: Episode XXII: The Great Teacher
Episode XXII: The Great Teacher
Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town
It's a bright new day in the Port of Southampton. The inclement weather has passed by leaving Yuri and the gang to explore the town. At least the one block and change allotted to it in an early-aughts JRPG. Let's start with seeing the collection of local drunks who see it fit to return to their preferred watering hall first thing in the morning to get ahead on the daily saucing.
That really isn't something you want to hear when describing what in inevitably an upcoming dungeon. Let's be frank, mine dungeons are just dry sewer levels.
I dunno. It's like 10:00 AM. I think you might like drinking a LITTLE bit if you're starting that early.

Look at that lovely sickly yellow-grey sky. What a lovely day... by English standards.
Unfortunately, we cannot just head straight for the mines. Despite everything, we're still in the Joachim introduction arc and he has something in town he needs to do before he's done hijacking the plot. So we may as well chat up everyone in hopes of seeing what exactly that entails.




Yeah, sure. OK! A bit peculiar to only be reading one scene in the middle of an opera in your spare time. But what do I know?
This teaches Karin her second Sword Arts -- Bullenfogel. We don't really have any chance to use this right now. We'll just remember she has it when we venture into the mines.



This is a very easy Lottery wheel. I didn't even have to same scum. Got it on the first shot no problem. Another Slow augment for the Judgment Wheel couldn't hurt. Plus, you know, we do have to win SOMETHING from each Lottery Member anyhow.
In any event, it seems the Magimel Brothers have migrated from France to England and have set up shop in town. I suppose we can take a minute to browse their wears.

La Cage Aux Songes has updated its inventory with upgraded weapons for everyone but Joachim. But Joachim has a... different method of acquiring new weapons that we'll get into later.
The only one we're actually going to splurge on here is the weapon upgrade for Yuri -- the Bearclaws. These offer +33 Physical and +28 Special Attack Power. Which is an eleven and ten-point upgrade respectively from his Stinger weapon. We'll skip everyone else's stuff for now. If we just wait until the mines, they'll all get a free one from looting treasure chests.

Other than the Water element dress being desirable back when Gepetto was mandatory in battle, it doesn't really matter what order we obtain the dresses. So we'll just go down the line as we collect more Stud Cards. We'll eventually have to get them all anyway.
You know, for completion sake. Not because I particularly want to play dress-up with an old man's extremely underaged looking living doll.

Cornelia thankfully never speaks. But I assume if she did she'd sound exactly like the Super Mario Brothers Super Show version of Toad.
We may as well turn in all the Stud Cards while we're here. So continuing down the line, we get...

Sure. Fine. Well, that all happened. We'll be back with more lewd beefcake trading cards in the future.
For now, there's one more area of importance in this front street of town. Now that the rain has concluded, we're allowed to explore the upper wall of the town.
Doing so automatically initiates a scene in which Yuri notices something on the ground behind an idling man and starts a dialogue.

Himovic walks away.
And so we initiate a game spanning quest of becoming the barter king by trading seemingly innocuous items to random folks who desire them which will one day lead us to great fortune. Probably. But that is far, far off in the future.
Even though it has its own camera angle and everything, there is absolutely nothing at the end of the wall.
There is, however, some treasure hidden just to the right of the stairs we accessed to get up here. Dick move.
This gains us a rather important returning accessory from the original Shadow Hearts. Leonardo's Bear only offers a paltry +1 to Special Defense. But its real purpose is that it prevents Instant Death attacks from working. We may need this in the immediate future.
For now, let's head back downstairs and past the Magimel Brothers' cart and see what's around back of Southampton.
I see why something was calling out to Joachim now.
Speaking of Joachim, before taking another step forward we're going to shuffle some Judgment Wheel stats to up his number of attacks to the maximum level.
We're also going to slap that Leonardo's Bear we just acquired on him. Just in case...

Music: Grand Papillon!! ~ Pro Wrestler

"Welp. This is happening now..." - Shadow Hearts: Covenant back of box tagline.




Tune in next time for a heated, manly battle between student and teacher in the squared circle as Shadow Hearts: Covenant continues to just do whatever the hell it feels like.

Port of Southampton Concept Art - Looks like a lovely town. We've seen 100% of it as presented in the game.