Part 49: Episode XLV: And Then On to Russia

Episode XLV: And Then On to Russia

Music: Old Smudged Map ~ Europe
We now move on to the
Music: ENDS
We open with a scene of a vampire having just undoubtedly drained their latest victim of blood. It was a little known fact that was swept out of focus by The Great War, but the Belmonts were dealing with a heck of a case of a Dracula outbreak in Eastern Europe around this time.
Or maybe this is just Grigori Rasputin and they're not even going the feign in the slightest that he is anything but an incredibly evil warlock.
And the woman sleeping in the bed is none other than Veronica Vera. Yep, Rasputin and Veronica have been doing the bedroom barynya. I'm glad they needed to relay that information in the same scene they introduce Rasputin.
Veronica awakens and sits up in bed.

The two are interrupted by a knock at the door.

Rasputin approaches the door.

The messenger leaves. Meanwhile, Veronica has managed to squeeze into her entire ridiculous standard outfit and put on all her makeup in the fifteen seconds that conversation lasted.

NEW Music: Rasputin ~ Mysterious Monk (At least they're upfront about him being incredibly evil.)

Veronica bows and walks to the door to leave.

Veronica departs.

Hmm. Nicolai is plotting with a Japanese envoy, huh? Now, who have we seen on a diplomatic assignment from Japan in the last few months? It couldn't be Kato. That big lunk can't be doing clandestine deals with the smug prettyboy terrorist. Absurd!
Meanwhile, a couple of minutes earlier...

The messenger walks by, taking no notice of the little girl in a bright blue and white coat doing an incredibly poor job of hiding behind a nearby potted plant. C'mon, kid. Even if he had no peripheral vision like a Metal Gear Solid guard, you are a good two feet past the plant you're squatting next to here.
The little girl runs up to the door and puts her ear against it.

The door opens and the Girl Behaving Suspiciously returns to her safe zone behind the potted plant. At least Veronica immediately turned the other direction and probably wouldn't have noticed the bright blue human-shaped figure behind a green plant. Still, kid. You need to put more points into Stealth. This is embarassing.
Girl Behaving Suspiciously walks back to Rasputin's door, crosses her arms and starts tapping her foot.

Girl Behaving Suspiciously ponders for a few moments before slamming her fist into her palm and doing a fist pump.

NEW Music: Going Her Way (This really reminds me a town theme from Xenogears. Also yay, there's finally a new town theme!)

So meet our newest playable character -- Girl Behaving Suspiciously. But that name won't do. What are we going to call her? GBS? That's dumb. Why would you even think such a thing?! Let's check the Profile screen.
Why we're just playing as Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia aka Princess Anastasia Romanov. Yeah, sure. Why not? We already have Rasputin showing up as the lead villain. Why not recruit Anastasia along for the ride? Let's just reenact that Don Bluth fanfic 1997 animated movie. You know the one where Rasputin was Christopher Lloyd and Anastasia escaped the purge and was now a kind of creepily sexualized 18-year old voiced by Meg Ryan.
Impressively, Anastasia is already Level 19 at the tender young age of umm... well, in real life and (supposedly in-game) she is meant to be 14 years old but... but she both looks and acts like she is 11-12 tops and I don't believe she had an dwarfism I'm aware of, so... We'll just work off the assumption Anastasia was born a couple of years later in this weird-ass alternate history timeline.
Anastasia is equipped with entirely armor and accessories we've already seen. She as of yet doesn't have a weapon but maybe we'll fix that in the near future.
She does, however, come with four Magic Crests already equipped. That seems irresponsible to give to a 12-year-old, but I guess I'm not early century Russian royalty. Most of them are defense or support oriented magic. Such as...
- Dantalion Crest - Arc Barrier - 36 MP. Increases Special Defense Power for all allies.
- Balam Crest - Arc Mirage - 36 MP. Increases Evasion Rate for all allies.
- Andrealphus Crest - Aqua Edge and Heat Edge.
- Botis Crest - Earth and Air Edge.
In any event, we now have to go search for Ewan, who was that messenger earlier. And to do so we'll need to explore The Winter Palace -- The Russian Emperor's residency from 1737 to 1917. Although at this point in history, the Tsar and his family rarely stayed here often. But, Shanghai also didn't get leveled by a magic nuclear attack and an alien space station never rose from the Irish sea off Wales and covered the world with eldritch glyphs to summon a god either so, details...
We cannot bug Rasputin and the door Veronica went through is now locked. So let's head to the south and see what's going on with the other Winter Palace guards and residents.
Translation: Look, we didn't feel like rending EVERY side room in this hall. You have to skip one or two, alright?

Anastasia enters the room opposite the guard.


In real life, Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov was one of the key orchestrators of the assassination of Rasputin. In Shadow Hearts: Covenant, he doesn't even earn a character portrait. So the death of Rasputin might go slightly different than it did in history.
Anastasia moves to the next hall to the south.


Anastasia ducks into the nearby room.


Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich of Russia was another co-conspirator in the historical assassination of Rasputin. He was also one of the few Romanovs that didn't get killed in the revolution purge. Like Prince Yusupov, he's failed to even earn a proper character portrait so I doubt his role in events will be significant. The two both do get Library entries and a more than usual amount of lines. I'm not sure why they didn't bother with portraits when people like that German general who had five lines in the prologue or literally every Wolf Bout opponent do. Okay, I'm happy they did the last one so what do I know?
Anastasia heads to the next room south.


Anastasia exits to the front of the palace.

Alright, the west hallway. Now we're getting somewhere. It's just a mirror of the previous hallway, but this is where the royalty that gets character portraits dwells. Let's talk to the guards in the corridor before we head into the side rooms.


Let's head into the three rooms in the hall starting with the south most one.
This first room actually belongs to Anastasia. It has a save point and everything.
There is one item of note. Anastasia's rather large stuffed bear contains a Tarot Card for Lucia. Technically, we cannot actually look at the Tarot Card just now because Lucia is not in the current party and all non-party members' menus are disabled. But we can cheat by just grabbing a shot from when the main party inevitably encounters Princess Romanov and...
Oh good, double or halve the most nebulous turn-based RPG stat next to Luck. That'll be a boon. The Special Effect version will up Evasion by 400% or reduce it by 75%. Quite the spread.
The next room is where Anastasia's mother, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and her younger brother, Prince Alexei Nikolaevich, are hanging out. Unlike the couple other historical figures we've encountered in our Winter Palace roaming, both of them get character portraits so they might actually be significant to the Shadow Hearts 2 plot.


The next room up is where the actual plot progress is located as Ewan, the Page is hanging out there wandering in circles as NPCs often enjoy as a popular pastime.

At this point, our only option to progress is to return to Anastasia's room. So let's do just that.

Music: ENDS. Sometime later that night...

The two guards wander off and Anastasia almost immediately pops out and declares her attention well with earshot of them in this empty foyer.
Elsewhere, later that night...

NEW Music: Anastasia (This a much lower key music box-like version of Anastasia's theme.)
You all like clocks?
Cuz we got clocks! We got SO many clocks
We are LOUSY with clocks! Up to our eyeballs in clocks! What time is it?! Clock time!

Anastasia hops down and inspects his work.




Later that night Princess Anastasia would get her first taste of blood and would lust for more...
Anastasia gleefully grabs a huge box camera off the table and heads for the door. As for the Mystic Egg, well, maybe she has now acquired a weapon to equip...

Anastasia smiles and waves goodbye to Edgar before heading to the door. However, she's stopped at the entrance bumping into...
Music: ENDS

Anastasia quickly leaves Edgar's shop.

Edgar walks over to Kato who reaches into his jacket and pulls out a pocket watch.

Edgar takes the watch and begins working on it at a table. Some time later...

NEW Music: Impatient Mood (It sounds more mournful than impatient to me. But what do I know?)

Edgar walks over and hands the pocket watch back to Kato.

They both look out the window.

Huh. So we've made it to 1916 by this point. In summary, Princess Anastasia Romanov will undoubtedly be joining Yuri's party. Grigori Rasputin couldn't possibly look any eviler and is banging Veronica. And Kato is in town and possibly colluding with Nicolai for some manner of a revenge plot. That was quite the dense opening to a chapter and our band of dipshits hasn't even crashed into the scene yet...

Video: Episode 45 Highlight Reel

Princess Anastasia Romanov Official Art - How does that hat even stay on with that Princess Leia ass pigtail braid... rings thing going on with her hair?