Part 60: Guest Update II: Director's Cut Content - Crema e Viola

While Yuri and Karin go off on their little soul search, we immediately cut to an Director's Cut exclusive scene - a nice little scene that expands some more on the most underdeveloped party member. This actually occurs during another weird dialogue transition during the first few steps into Yuri's mind palace, but, again, it flows better here.

Music: Spiritualization ~ Holy Land of God

Jokes on you Veronica - Lucia's "astrological powers" really put the "ass" in astrological - she's already wiped the party once with her tarot cards, by all means, take her!

I like this little character scene - it's not integral to the plot at all, but gives Lucia a tiny bit of sorely-needed development and a little more personal stake in the plot, outside of just being along for the ride.
It's minor, but sometimes, that's all that's needed.