Part 87: Episode LXXXI: A Rough Morning
Episode LXXXI: A Rough Morning
Music: Rising Sun ~ Japanese Town
It seems while Blanca was having his nighttime adventures befriending random samurai and taking on Japanese stormtroopers, Yuri has recovered from his chronic case of seasickness and is back in action. We can now chat up everyone, outside of Blanca, who is still out hitting the town early.




I like that we just took the twelve-year-old with us to Japan without ever going back to her parents to confirm Rasputin is dead and she's and her family are fine. That's a responsible thing to do. Anyhow, if Yuri tries to leave the warehouse...

Yokohama Brick Warehouses are no longer a hostile area and is now populated with NPCs we can chat up and a handful of side diversions we can investigate before moving on to Yokohama proper.

We can return to the warehouses from earlier and chat with some more vagabonds. They just let people hang out in them at their leisure like rent-free flophouses, apparently.

I suppose we are going to have to make new arrangements for sales as we left Pierre and Gerald behind in Europe. Secret Dealer Kensuke is running the shop DANGEROUS TOYS and is offering us his wares in their place. He is selling new weapons and armor for the entire party and we are going to upgrade everyone. Yes, even Lucia and Gepetto. Well, Karin isn't getting anything since she just stole Nicolai's sword at the end of the previous disc, Blanca just got a free upgrade and Joachim will acquire something shortly by... other means. But we do need everyone up to snuff for a change.
The claw of a tiger-like creature that pretends to be a cat? Doesn't that just make it a tiny tiger...? Whatever. It has +111 Physical and +98 Special Attack.
I'm afraid I will have to shoot the Easter Bunny if he wanders onto my property this year. I am very serious about social distancing. But aside from that, this has +99 Physical and +110 Special Attack power. Despite the description, there is no Fire elemental affinity.
Festoon. Verb. Adorn (a place) with ribbons, garlands, or other decorations. OK, then. That was not a word I was familiar with... But it does give +98 Physical and +111 Special Attack. Though the only one shot, one kill she'll ever do with this is if she screws up another Tarot Card session.
Oh boy, Cornelia can become a real girl... and get completely skeeved out by the whole dress-up thing she has going on. +96 Physical and +113 Special Attack Power.
This is the male character only newest version of armor with +99 Physical and +90 Special Defense.
And this is the female-only version with +92 Physical and +97 Special Defense.
At the bottom of the Dangerous Toys shop list we have two unique items we'll also be picking up.
Another Crest added to the pile. At least this one has some new defensive abilities.
Secondly, we have a Raccoon Friend. A black market Raccoon Friend. We'll have a use for this shortly but not quite yet.
There's a second warehouse south of the first one which also holds a few items of interest.
There ain't nothing wrong with day drinking nowadays, friend.

Maybe the people in here aren't the most interesting lot. But you know what is? That's oddly out of place pillar discarded in the back of the warehouse. This wasn't here last night... Hmm.

Music: Gathering God ~ Thrill

What will become of the fish trapped in frozen stasis? Eh. I'm sure a random vendor will take it off our hands for a price. Anyhow, Joachim's next bludgeon upgrade grants him +113 Physical and +96 Special Power.

Joachim walks off with the Giant Pillar.

Music: Rising Sun ~ Japanese Town
There are only a few more characters wandering around the area and they don't have the most interesting business to discuss. But just cover everything, let's jabber with the last of them. Perhaps one has something we need...



It's our first Lottery Member of Disc 2. As long as you don't count that ghost fella back in the Fort of Regrets we did way the hell early. There are no gimmicks with this guy. It's just a straight forward Lottery Ring spin.

The top prize is the Huge Jug which is the opposite of the Small Jug we obtained back with Kurando and Blanca's brief adventure. This halves Sanity Point loss but at the cost of -10 Physical/Special Attack and Defense. Which... I cannot think of a single use for... Unless you really want to get crunked with sake every morning and save some Cash in the process. But for our purposes, that is not really going to help. I also went and grabbed that Mirror Bracelet too. That's a useful accessory and it's not like we're wanting for more Lottery Tickets.
With that, our time in the Brick Warehouses is at a close. We're now free to travel to the south and exit the area.

Music: Grey Memories ~ Map of Japan
This opens up the second region of Yokohama -- Yokohama Streets. I see no reason to delay entering the city proper.
Music: ENDS




Music: Flame of Strain to Blaze ~ Tension
The morning meeting of assorted parties is interrupted by a black car peeling to a stop in front of the young princess. I'm sure they're just in a hurry.

Or it's an abduction, with the guy riding shotgun unloading deadly cutscene bullets in Kurando's direction. That's a way to get your morning started with a jolt.

Blanca attempts to attack but is warded off by gunfire while Yuri dives in to push Karin out of the way of stray bullets. Hell of a way to start the day after nearly dying from seasickness.


Tune in next time as Yuri and the gang figure out what the flying hell they just got themselves into and maybe the beginning of a Disc 2's plot begins to manifest beyond random soldiers attacking a teenage samurai and a child as Shadow Hearts 2 continues!

Video: Episode 81 Cutscene (Aim as good as Star Wars Stormtroopers.)