Part 94: Episode LXXXVIII: Pop Quiz

Episode LXXXVIII: Pop Quiz
Technically, the game wants us to return to the mean streets of Yokohama to speak with Kawashima senior in order to unlock the next area. However, like this game often likes to do, it has added some new side content to the previous dungeon. Thus we are unfortunately returning to Battleship Mikasa one last time.

Music: In Darkness of a Labyrinth ~ Dungeon
On the plus side, the Imperial Navy has decided to do away with that nonsense door lock security measure and thus all doors are now wide open. Additionally, the Iron Soldiers and their mechanized battalion have also vacated the naval vessel so no random battles to deal with this go around. Which is nice. I don't want to be here any longer than necessary.
Our destination is the central part of the Middle Deck. Here we find a wooden toy placed at the end of a sealed bulkhead.
If you smell a Wolf Bout creeping towards us you'd be correct. For this one, Blanca MUST be wearing a Petrification warding accessories like the Zodiac or Mirror Bracelet. Otherwise, this encounter is rendered impossible. Full stop. Hey, did you know every Wolf Bout has a voiced failure line too? There's a reason for that because this is the most "fuck you, have a guide" quest in the game. With that in mind, let's go ahead and get that taken care of beforehand.

Music: Soul Comet ~ Spirit of the Wolf


Music: Glint of Light ~ War of the Hungry Wolf

Let the next Wolf Bout begin. Carven is an Earth elemental enemy with 700 HP. It also is perhaps one of the easiest Wolf Bouts in the game assuming Petrification is off the table.
We are going to spend our first turn putting up a Shield and...
...given that Carven's only ability is to bite Blanca once trying to inflict Petrify and with Shield cast his only ability is now to bite Blanca for a single hit point per turn.
And given Blanca's innate Wind elemental affinity Carven gets chopped down to size in all of about two minutes. Carven, I like your design. It's cute and all. But maybe entering the wild world of the Wolf Bouts was not your scene. Certainly, that was not the best showing for the first Wolf Bout of Disc 2.

Music: In Darkness of a Labyrinth ~ Dungeon

And thus Soul Comet continues its upward trending. As for Carven...
Attacked and set afire while returning home from the battlefield. Age 28 at the time of his death.
"Better to burn out than to fade away."
That's taking that a little too literally. Rough luck to bump into an ornery pyromancer on the street like that, though. And to have your soul stuffed into a wooden dog toy. I bet one of those dangerous sorcerer orphans we left unattended in London in the previous game are behind this shit.

Carven wheels off.

We have one other stop also on the Middle Deck. The Lower Deck is for dweebs like that Terada guy. Incidentally, for once there is no reason to return to the boss fight room of a dungeon. We can go back there. It has unique camera angles we didn't see in the cutscene but there's not so much as a Thera Leaf to be found anywhere.
We actually want to go to the far western side via the lower corridor. The upper corridor leads to that hatch down to the Lower Deck that Team Kurando had to use. I definitely didn't goof and waste a minute of my time running back around. In the section where we pressed one of those lettered buttons, there is a newly unlocked room to the Captain's Quarters. This room is super rude since, during the dungeon version of the visit, this door couldn't even be interacted with at all. And I don't mean it was locked or anything if clicked on. There was no indication it was a real door in a dungeon that has no less than a dozen doors that are just background elements including multiple dead-end bulkheads like the one here.
Anyway, we can speak to Captain Kaneda, who has chilled out after arresting us at gunpoint a few days ago.

Captain Kaneda calls in two subordinates and proceeds to put on a timed trivia game of Shadow Hearts: Covenant factoids. I hope you know your stuff about assorted items, accessories, and spells and have been reading those item descriptions thus far! Ten randomly selected questions will be relayed to Yuri (of a pool of 20) with a ten-second timer for each and four choices to select from per question. Yuri has to answer ten questions in a row successfully to finish this sidequest and claim a reward. If he flubs any of them, he's booted out and has to start over from the beginning. There's no cost for trying again other than wasted time.
There is one small problem here. Do you see the text in the box above? Shadow Heart 2's in-game dialogue scrolls fairly slowly on screen by default. Normally, we could just mash X to get all the text to appear instantly. However... X is currently being used as an option for a question at the moment so we can't do that.
And there's the problem of English have way more characters in a sentence than Japanese. So most of the time the question won't fully appear on screen until 4-6 seconds have passed. This is the very shortest question and I paused it the instant all the text appeared in this screen. Four seconds down the drain. Hmph.
The answer here is Thera Extract. Getting a question correct will have the two sailors squat and make a circle.
Failing a question gets you the cross symbol, you idiot.
The questions we got for the LP playthrough were as follows. You can take the quiz yourself and become a Shadow Hearts: Covenant scholar too!

> Poor Eye.
> Short-sighted Eye.
> Mind's Eye.
> One Eye.

> Saturn Fan.
> Jupiter Fan.
> Golden Fan.
> Lunar Fan.

> Coral Pendant.
> Shell Bracelet.
> White Underpants.
> Bandit Earrings.

> Daffunnda Fruit.
> Daphne Truth.
> Daphne Fruit.
> Mifune Fruit.

> Pedometer.
> Bhodi Bracelet.
> Replacement Man.
> Leonard's Bear.

> Ring Soul.
> Seal of the Soul.
> Seal of Life.
> Seal of Aura.

> An angel.
> A heart.
> A man's chest.
> A goddess.

> Guards against Status Abnormalities. (This text actually goes off the screen. They clearly didn't playtest this mini-game particularly well in localization.)
> Easier to go Berserk.
> Increased Attack Power.
> Increased Defense Power.

> Mammal.
> Reptile.
> Bird.
> Fish.
The answers were:
2. Mind's Eye.
3. Lunar Fan.
4. Shell Bracelet.
5. Daphne Fruit.
6. Leonard's Bear.
7. Seal of the Soul.
8. An angel.
9. Increased Attack Power.
10. Reptile.
Honestly, that was a pretty easy set of questions we received. The only one I had to take a guess on was what the hell was on the front of the Seal of Force since I haven't looked at that item description in probably within a few months shy of a year. There are some really piss easy questions in the pool like "What's coating Gepetto's weapon, Copper Filament?" (Spoiler: It's copper.) Or "What kind of weapon is Joachim's Timber? (It's err... Squared Timber.) And there is a handful of rude as hell ones like "What was the name of the automatic sword upgrade Karin received after her outfit change?" and "How many tissues are in a pack of tissues?" The answers are "Fleuret" and "eight" apparently. FUCKED if I would remember of those.
In any regard, the reason we wanted to that silly quiz is the Captain forks over another Magic Crest for succeeding in his test. We have a full curative magic spell now even though that's complete overkill still when the standard Arc-Cure pretty much has most people covered to date. It's also a rather costly 10 DCP to equip it. But, we do need this for completing Solomon's Key eventually so what can you do?
We may now leave Battleship Mikasa forever and hopes it finds a watery grave in a future war. It's time to head back to Yokohama Streets and get some plot advancement.

Music: Rising Sun ~ Japanese Town
Except one new, easy to miss NPC has appeared in town. And we might already be acquainted.

Considering we've been in an industrial port city the entire second disc, I am going to wager a guess that this clue is for a future location. Going to another forest zone might be nice. Lord knows I'll take it over another cave or sewer.
Our next plot flag is returning to the inn where Kurando and the Kawashima folks have holed up.



A new location opens up now -- the Foreigner's Cemetery. Given the area portrayed on the map, this is almost certainly supposed to be the Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery which is a real location in Yokohama. Since we have no outstanding activities remaining at the moment, so let's jump right in.

Music: In Darkness of a Labyrinth ~ Dungeon

I don't know. It looks like a run of the mill cemetery to...
.jpg) Uh... huh. Granted, I'm not entirely familiar with the rites and practices of Japanese foreigner's cemeteries beyond it being where they bury, well, foreigners. But I've got to guess they're not all located aside a cursed spectral realm. That just seems disrespectful if so.
Music: ENDS

Music: Suffocation ~ Grim Atmosphere
Anastasia runs over to Kurando and cradles him upright.



Kurando climbs to his feet.


Video: Episode 88 Highlight Reel (You should give this a watch.)

Naniwa Kawashima Concept Art - The western corruption of that fedora is palpable.