Part 129: Intermission: Solomon's Key - Spring of Wisdom Solution
Let's start with the easiest ones first. Amdusias goes in the corner.
Telescope, check.
So that leaves only one open spot by Amdusias for Marax.
We'll put Vapula in the far north where the Spring juts into the Bastion.
Of the two buildings next to the Waking Sea, I'd guess this one is the incinerator.
Once again, that leaves only one possible spot for Ronove.
Orias goes in the house with the telescope sticking out of the roof.
Gusion goes right in the Spring itself.
Buer goes next to Gusion by the operating table...thing.
And Foras goes between Gusion and the Palace.
Stolas goes in the last open spot by Gusion.
Marbas is here in the tower next to Ronove.
Valak goes to the south of Buer.
And Botis goes to the north of Buer, next to Stolas.
By process of elimination, Naberius goes here.
Arc Rage has been newly added to the Vapula Crest.
Arc Cure has been newly added to the Stolas Crest.
Gathering has been newly added to the Botis Crest.
Arc Gale has been newly added to the Naberius Crest.
Raise Up has been newly added to the Foras Crest.
Resurrection has been newly added to the Gusion Crest.
Cure All has been newly added to the Buer Crest.
Earth Edge, Heat Edge has been newly added to the Orias Crest.
Air Edge, Dark Edge has been newly added to the Marbas Crest.
Aqua Edge, Holy Edge has been newly added to the Ronove Crest.
Arc Barrier has been newly added to the Valak Crest.
Entrance has been newly added to the Andrealphus Crest.
Arc Mirage has been newly added to the Vine Crest.
Arc Heal has been newly added to the Marax Crest.
Arc Shield has been newly added to the Amdusias Crest.