Part 133: Beating Up Old Men For Fun and Profit
So, we just finished putting all the Crests in place when this happened.
To the Bacon Jet!
By overcoming the trials and solving the enigma, you've proved your worth. You're admitted to an audience with the king!
I'm gonna meet him? You mean...he's still alive?!
King Solomon's flesh no longer exists, but his spirit remains. He is ruler of the spirit world...
The spirit world? That sounds pretty cool.
Hold on a minute!
I don't know how much of what you're saying is true, but if this is the real King Solomon, I'd steer clear!
...It's not my place, or anyone else's, to presume what the king is thinking... It's simply my duty to take those who have shown their worth for an audience with the king. So, shall we go?
I see no possible way this could go wrong.
Looks like the pit fight arena to me.
Liar. It's not anywhere near foggy enough.
Man's Voice: And I am the ruler of this world.
You're...King Solomon?
You're kidding?! Um...we're honored to be here...?!
Yuri, dear, that really shouldn't be phrased as a question.
King Solomon: I was bored.
...Excuse me?
King Solomon: I was bored... You see, I've got ths almighty power and all of eternity under my command. So I've been searching for eons for someone...anyone, who could equal my strength. And then you turned up.
That's it?!
You've gotta be kidding! We're just here for some old guy's entertainment?
King Solomon: Well, you're here now! Don't complain! Okay, now I challenge you to a battle!
Ahem. "The spirit world? That sounds pretty cool." Ring any bells?
Come on, why not?! Think of it as doing him a favor! Let's just fight the guy and then we can get out of here.
King Solomon: And if you lose, you'll die.
What?! Y-you can't just slip something like that into the conversation!
King Solomon: This is a world of spirits. There is no flesh here. Defeat means losing your soul.
We've really gotta get outta here!
King Solomon: No! No! And no!
Hey, watch it with the "old" bit, kiddo!
King Solomon: He he he! I haven't felt this fired-up in 3000 years! This is the real thing, you understand?! No holding back!
We're not really doing this, are we?
So, we're now facing King Solomon, one of the toughest bosses in the game. Possibly the highest damage dealer in the game, barring the final boss. Speaking of which, I've equipped Spikes on everyone. You'll remember them from the fight with Great Question. They give a character that has them equipped constant Resist Defense. Now, normally, it'd be a really stupid idea to equip Spikes on the two characters with the smallest SP pool in the party (Karin and Anastasia).
B-U-T, we have Yuri with us with a fully evolved Earth Fusion. And Guadion has a Special Skill called Stand. And, you want to know what Stand does?
It makes the Spikes' only drawback completely obsolete.
And you're going to want to use it anyway, because Solomon has an SP-lowering attack. Also note that he did 114 damage in one swing while Anastasia was defending.
Solomon's biggest danger, however, comes from his unique spell, Melt Crest.
Melt Crest completely covers the entire battlefield, so everyone is getting hit.
It also does a huge amount of damage. It can and will wipe out your entire party in one shot if you aren't prepared for it. Solomon can also cast all of the Elemental Crest spells.
Eventually, we bring him down.
As a reward, we get an accessory that boosts defense, Seven-eyed Mask.
Looks like you just did, pops.
You thought you could walk all over me?
I wasn't done gloating!
Looks like we've been sent back to where we started off...
King Solomon's Voice: Phew, that was close! Thank you, Sarah.
King Solomon: True. You would've died if you lost. But I ordered Sarah to call me back immediately if I lost.
King Solomon: Stop complaining! See what happens to my fleshless body in this world?! At least show a little sympathy!
King Solomon: Exactly. It'll take me thousands of years to get back to my old form. I can't believe this has happened!
It's your own fault!
King Solomon: At least accept responsibility for turning me into this! You'll have to let me travel with you for a while!
You got the Solomon Crest.
Have I mentioned that I love this game?
King Solomon: D-don't pry into my affairs!
Oh, jeez! Enough already! You can come along! Just don't talk when we're with other people, okay?
Waaaay too little, way too late, Yuri.
King Solomon: Hmm, I'll do my best. So, Sarah, take care of things while I'm away.
Of course. Take care. And please look after him. He's still the king, even though he' that!
Oh, yeah, that'll do nicely.