The Let's Play Archive

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

by kethryveris

Part 63: Intermission: Solomon's Key - Wilderness Of War Solution

Okay, there's only one group of tents to the east, so Eligos is easy to place in the number 6 spot.

Ose goes in the number 8 position, closest to the Palace of Transgressions.

Sabnock is in the number 10 spot at the hanging tree.

Dantalion goes at the only other tent at the number 1 spot.

Balam is at the guillotine at number 7

Leraje is at 2, right next to Dantalion.

The "frontier" positions are the four at the center of the map, so Halphas goes in number 3, next to Leraje.

Berith goes at the frontier spot opposite Halphas, 4.

Alloces goes at the frontier next to Berith and next to the Bastion of Riches, which places him at number 9.

By process of elimination, this places Ipos in position 5.

Bright Crime has been newly added to the Dantalion Crest.

Red Blaze has been newly added to the Leraje Crest.

Air Edge has been newly added to the Halphas Crest.

Surge has been newly added to the Berith Crest.

Gale Spark has been newly added to the Ipos Crest.

Barrier has been newly added to the Eligos Crest.

Hail Breeze has been newly added to the Balam Crest.

Mirage has been newly added to the Ose Crest.

Evil Born has been newly added to the Alloces Crest.

Rock Storm has been newly added to the Sabnock Crest.