Part 17: Cenobia, the Fourteenth Colossus

Blip - With commentary (Polsy) | No commentary (Polsy)
Youtube - With commentary Part 1, Part 2
Cenobia's location on the map: C-2
Artwork/Pictures -
Cenobia Centerfold, left page (Artbook)
Cenobia Centerfold, right page (Artbook)
Cenobia (Artbook)
Cenobia (Artbook)
Cenobia (Concept art)
Dormin's Hint -
"Climb the tower to draw the colossus's anger..."
Notes -
- Cenobia is uh, up for speculation! More in the next hyphen down! He is cited as being just about the same height/length as Celosia. This places him around 12 feet (3.6m) tall and 18 feet (5.4m) long from head to tail.
- So. What is he? Well, the artbook supposedly (this is based on a hearsay translation on a Wiki) claims he is a Cerberus. The main issue there is that he only has one head. Okay, so let's say he is indeed a Cerberus with only one head. Well, there are a few other hang-ups; his feet for starters. Celosia's feet/paws were distinctively feline. It definitely helped narrow it down to Lion. Cenobia's feet/paws are, well, hooves. Kind of throws it off. I could go on for ages about him, but I'll leave it open for you guys to agree/disagree on a general opinion

- On the Cerberus note, his task in mythology was to guard the gates of Hades and prevent those who crossed the River Styx from escaping. Since we're trying to bring someone back from the dead, it only seems appropriate to deal with this fella!
- His original Latin title translates to "The Luster of Destruction" or "Destruction Luster". Personally speaking, I saw the latter translation and kept keying in on the word "luster" as a comparison to a surface (ie: the shine/gleam of one) as opposed to someone who strongly craves it. I kind of stared at it for a moment scratching my head before I realized what it meant. Me and my gem fanboyism... So, to avoid that for others, I just dumbed it down in-video to "The Destroyer". Still fits, I think!

- Cenobia is probably formed from the Latin word "cenodoxia", which can mean hubris, or excessively prideful. Given his tactic in battle (charge, charge, charge, more charge, and then charge some more), it fits nicely. He comes after Wander with reckless abandon, wrecking anything that gets in his way. Even after he loses his armor and the charges leave him incapacitated, he still keeps doing the same thing.
- Much like Celosia, Cenobia is a guardian of sorts. The two are very similar in appearance, physique, armoring, speed, and aggression. Cenobia seems pretty mis-informed on how this whole "guard" thing is supposed to work, though

- An additional topic I'm slapping on down here is most definitely not an intent behind Cenobia. Regardless, I thought there were a few nice coincidences. There was a Zenobia in history, who, in the eyes of some, could be seen as rather head-strong (particularly for a lady of the era. She earned the nickname of "the Warrior Queen" for crying out loud). She broke the Palmyrene Empire off from Rome entirely (see: Crisis of the Third Century), ran around conquering, minted coins in her likeness, and cut off Roman trade routes. She was finally stopped and captured (met an uncertain fate) in 274 by Emperor Aurelian.
- Had to explain it to someone who saw the videos a few minutes ago: the "> FORD" line is supposed to be an Oregon Trail reference