Part 1

I've searched and searched and while everyone says they want to see a Let's Play of Shadowgate, no one seems to have done one. So here goes. If I've missed a thread or anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
As much fun as it'd be to do an all-reader-driven game like Chet Fabulous's epic Zork thread, I don't think it'd work as well with this game considering at least 50% of you can probably go through it blindfolded too. Also between the screencaps and my schedule it'd probably take a couple months to get through it that way.
So, onward!

We open with the Kemco logo. Kemco also gave us Uninvited and the Deja Vu series.

Guess that's bad, huh?

No surprises there.

Unfortunately my character's god is Ben Stiller for some reason.

This is the Shadowgate interface. If it looks familiar it's because it's the same one as all of Kemco's adventure games, more or less. You have your map of rooms in the lower left. All of the actions are center bottom. In the lower right you have buttons to page through your inventory and a way to reference yourself in actions. Inventory is all listed in the upper right along with the torches (more on them momentarily).

We'll start by looking at the creepy skull.

This turns out to be quite literally true. Next, the door.

All right. So opening the door...

Most doors in this game are actually unlocked. Since everyone probably knows what to do next, I'll just go ahead and open the skull.

Course if it was magic I wouldn't have had to open it in the first place, but whatever.

Got the key so we'll move on in now.

First thing we're greeted with is three frames of eyes.

Quite a few, actually. Fortunately Lakmir has taught us the magic of save states.

Yeah, guess you had to be there.

First step on entering a room is the loot. You'll notice the torches at the top of the inventory. This keeps us from being eaten by a gr.. err, from falling and killing ourselves. What happens when it runs out? I'm glad you asked.

The first thing you'll notice is that the torch's flame gets smaller. There are also subtle audio cues. For example, the music changes from "This is pretty cool for 8-bit music" to "Holy crap! Has someone set fire to Fran Drescher and a bunch of sick geese?". Let it continue to burn down and...

To be fair, I don't need total darkness for this. Or something to trip over. Or sometimes even to be standing.

We'll be seeing more of him soon.

So, back to the adventure at hand. The first step is to take all of the torches that aren't nailed down (which is all but 2, I think).

Next we'll use that key we found on the double doors here.


Ooh, a book. Let's look at it!

Sounds like something that could be useful. Yoink!


Told you he'd be back.

Ok, so let's just open the book then.

We'll take that and then head off to the east.

Yeah, I know. "You feel sorry for the poor mountain dwarves that were only killed for their fur."

This is the room to the west. Guess it's supposed to be a meat locker or something.

We'll take the torches...

And see what's down this way.

Oh, well, this looks perfectly safe. I'll just...

Son of a...

Him again.