Part 2
Moving right along. Let's try the room to the north.

This doesn't appear to be particularly safe. What's that at the end of the room?

Not immediately hostile then. Let's see what's to be had.

...Or not.

Good stuff, all. First step, though, is to take the torch!


Ok, so this time we'll grab the shield first of all.


First the hammer...

The helmet...

And the spear. Now, lastly, for the torch.

Yes, yes, fine. So we'll leave the torch and go back to the enslaved dwarf room.

Let's try east.

Can't imagine that's a particularly well-fed shark.

Looking at the skeleton.

And the key.

Oh, come on, we can take one little shark!

Reload and let's try north then.

What's that pile of rocks?

No good there. What about that dark spot by the waterfall?

Alrighty, let's go there.

What is that in the wall?

So, open it!

Well then...

That did it.

I'll just open the bag here and loot it - keeps the inventory clear of a bunch of useless bags.

Not anymore.


Let's look at the coffins...

This is the first on the left.

The second on the left.

First on the right.

Second on the right.

And the last one. Ok, let's start opening.

Here's what's in the second one. Oh, let's just try to walk across it and see what happens.


So we'll leave that coffin closed too. What's in the others?

Ok, so let's do what anyone else would do when faced with a priceless Egyptian artifact: set it on fire.

Fortunately the evil wizard is far more forgiving about stuff like this than The Metropolitan Museum was.

It leaves behind this nice bit of loot.

Let's see what's in this bag over here.

Three copper coins. Nifty, but I shan't be needing them.

The center mirror has a different description than the other two.

Taking the torches and the broom. I suspect this is a reference to some woman named Teri Mulkey. Probably some inside joke that will never see the light of day again. So, following in Psychodude's shoes from Uninvited, let's try hitting the mirror.

Nope, nothing. What about using the hammer?

Oh, well that's no good.

The shark is going to be disappointed that all my blood is wasted in here instead.

Sick of this guy yet? Let's try the right mirror.

Oh, right. Forgot, that's the mirror that has a portal to deep space. Nuts.

At least here my blood will be freeze dried.


Middle mirror?

To avoid upsetting Ben Stiller I'm actually bellowing like Andhrímnir, cook to the Norse gods.

Score! No key, though. Let's try going down.