Part 3
Then more it is!
When last we left our adventure, we had shattered a mirror and found a locked door. We don't have a key for it yet, though, so we'll have to go back.

So let's go back to the dragon room.

While we're here we'll take advantage of slowbeef's advice to abuse the bug and grab that extra torch. I usually have plenty but looking at everything and trying all these different things is burning them faster than I expected so I'm going to grab whatever I can.

There's a depression here shaped just like the white gem. So we'll stick it in there.


Cold as ice, eh?

Ahaha, payback's hell, shark!

And now we can grab that key. Oh, and I did try punching the skeleton while I was over there. Nothing happened.

We'll need that crystal sphere later so we'll have to melt the ice with the torch to get it back.

Yoink! For some reason the ice remains frozen even without the sphere.

Oh, I forgot earlier that I had the key to this door back here at the entrance.

Sweet, a sword and a sling!

So we've been everywhere we can, used everything we can. What now? Well, part of the wall back there is a different color, so what do we do?

Yep, secret passage. Let's go there.

Torches! Oh, and an arrow.

First we'll take this one.

Huh. Ok, how about this one?

We'll stick with the arrow for now, then.

Thank you. What's up in that hole up there?

Ugh. DON'T GIS "rump roast". Not only is it not funny, you'll be sorry.

Let's try using the torch.


Two different bridges.

Here's the one on the left.

And the one on the right...

Anyone else feel like they're trying to tell us something? So what's the chasm over, exactly?



Haven't seen him in a while. Guess we'll try the left bridge.

Wikipedia is absolutely no help with wraiths. There's no "traditional" counter to them like, say, silver with a werewolf.

Fortunately I already know what to do. See this torch that won't stack with the others?

Let's set it on fire.

Now we can get the cloak.

Ah, the room north of that is the one we fell into earlier.

This is the first vial on the shelf.

The second vial.

And the scroll.

Reading the sign.

Oooh! I get it! It's Nilbog backwards!

You want me to drink that foul-smelling bottle, don't you?

You know what's going to happen.


Hey, me again. Let's go back and not drink that.

We'll leave that vial and just take the first one and the scroll. Scrolls are usually spells, but this one is just a whole bunch of exposition.

This pretty much sums up the whole goal of the game as you'll see.

Here's the room to the west.

There's a hole in the ground. Last time that happened we had to stick a gem in there. So...

He's going to sum up the whole goal too - just in case we didn't get it from the scroll.

Yeah, yeah, smell thee later. Let's read that scroll.

Looks like a spell.

Yeah, how that pertains to a spell that makes you invisible in only one place in the game is beyond me too.

Let's go back here and cast the Epor spell.

Kemco was originally going to call this the Silaic spell but Nintendo said no.

Back in this room. Let's try our new key on the door.

That was easy.

Well, shoot.

Ok, let's try our nifty new cloak. That should keep us nice and, um, cold?

Armor? That's new.

It's not the heat, it's the humidity.

I'll just open this door and walk on...


Maybe not then.

Since that sphere was so cold before...

Man, it's like a sauna in here.

Hmmm. This doesn't bode well.

Ahahaha! Oh, come on. You don't even have any legs.

You're not getting my gold!

We'll try a little violence again.

You know... sooner or later hitting something will work. It has to.

But not this time.

I don't know why this came to mind.

Yeah, yeah, ok, so maybe violence isn't the answer.


We've now made it to Area 2 of the game!