Part 4: The Chop Shop Stop
Part 04 - The Chop Shop Stop
Landing on the Sea-Tac airport and heading off to the infamously crime-ridden Redmond Barrens in order to investigate the fate of a murdered man is a surprisingly popular pastime in the Shadowrun universe.
Death and Bleach is also the name of my goth anime club, by the way. We're pretty cool.

Y'know, for a body part chop shop called "Organ Grinders" located in what is probably the worst part of town, this place is surprisingly tidy.
Also as little of any use as we had in the flashback, now we literally have nothing outside the clothes on our back. Someone here better have at least a zip gun for us or things'll get hairy in the slums.

Understandable when visiting a cheap morgue, distressing when visiting a cheap dentist.
Might as well go say hello to what one would assume is the coroner over there.

Someone using the word "asshole" is weirdly refreshing amongst all this drekking and fragging.

Now we could immediately spill the beans about the entire 100k deal to this complete stranger, but as jolly as he appears to be, that seems like a real dumb move. Let's be at least a little more vague.

[The dwarf raises his eyebrows, a smile wiping the suspicion from his face.]

We follow him to a small side room behind the pair of curtains.

Poor Sam, you seemed like a decent enough guy. At least whoever killed you was nice enough not to dump your body into the ocean or something. I hate underwater levels.

Hey, what do you call someone with no liver? A deader! Haha get it, because

An ork calls Dresden back to the main room, leaving us alone with Sam and a defenseless Basic Medkit which we snatch from the nearby tray. As you can probably guess, the open palm icon indicates things you can operate or manipulate in some way. Let's see if we can find any clues from the body.

[Next to Sam are several plastic envelopes containing the evidence found on his body. You can examine evidence through the bag without spoiling it.]
Well that's convenient enough. First off there's a business card.

Huh, did Sam have an interest in sewing? Then again that could just as well be the brothel he was talking about.
Next up is an unsecured credstick which we immediately slot for 300¥, completely disregarding the previous notion of not tampering with the evidence. Stealing from the dead has never been so convenient!
After that there's a purple shirt.

Lovely. Finally, there's a handwritten note of some kind, because in Shadowrun those apparently still exist in 2054.

At least we have a name to work with, although it's hard to tell what her relationship with Sam was beyond the fact that they were at least somewhat close, apparently had had some kind of a disagreement, and were going to meet somewhere.
That's all we can do here, so let's head back to see who's visiting.

[The coroner frowns.]

I can already tell we're dealing with the force's finest here.

[The Lone Star detective finally notices you. You note his superhuman powers of observation.]
Even the in-game description's getting all sassy. The Lone Star Security Services is, to put it briefly, the private security and policing firm in North America and handle most law enforcement and security work amongst other things. It goes without saying that even the police are a literal corporation in Shadowrun.

With a Strength check of 4 we could tell him off and call him "Lumpy" but alas, all that time spent on the internet and playing with drones has left Amazon with the muscles of a toddler.

The meathead detective walks away, but it doesn't take a gambling man to bet that he'll come back to get in our way in the future.

Plus we're jobless, friendless, broke and had literally nothing else to do aside from counting days until we got kicked out of our figurative trash can into a literal one.

[Dresden pauses, considering.]

There's a variety of topics we can ask him about now. Like I said in the first update, dialogue is a big part of these games and this guy's particularly chatty since we need to get the basics set up.

Hey yeah, now that I think about it I bet Sam surgically extracted his own liver as well. Case closed, hand us our hundred grand.

Wow, wait, what, did we just get burned?

[Dresden looks up at you intently for a moment before speaking.]

Ah come on now, we've been here long enough already. Just spill the beans so that we can get moving.

Goddamnit fine okay, but for that you can say goodbye to the rest of your medical supplies. It's not like dead people have any use for revival items anyway.

Our chat with Dresden awarded us with 2 Karma as well. Unlike in most games, Karma is primarily received from advancing the plot and resolving situations rather than from killing. "Resolving situations" and "killing" are not mutually exclusive though, not by a long shot.

This better be worth it. Man, what if Dresden's the killer and this is all some kinda sick joke where it turns out that he murdered Sam right here and there's just gonna be a pile of organs in the locker and he'll knock us out and take our nose or something
[The cold storage locker is labeled "John Doe" but the internal thermostat is set to 21 degrees celsius.]
Wait, that's room temperature. What kinda cold storage is this even supposed to be?

Oh look there was a fresh corpse in the corpse locker, you're such a fucking funnyman Dresden. How is this supposed to

...The hell?
Concept art: The Morgue