Part 13: Paranormal Activity
Part 13 - Paranormal Activity

The worst thing about living in a cyberpunk world is that it apparently never stops raining. We're back to running solo since Coyote's still recovering and Paco vanished without a word between loading screens. Thanks, buddy. This is exactly why we keep the company of drones.

We chat up a local hooker, as one does, who tells us little aside from that the local bums have apparently been stealing junk from the NTSB for years.

Not much else here, so we head for the docks proper. Gate's closed though, and there's a guard posted on the other side who addresses us as we approach.

Well, it was worth a shot. With the Security etiquette you can claim that Aguirre called you in to investigate whether the security had been too lax when the murder happened, but we don't have it so we have to find an alternate method past the great dragon.

Maybe this ladder'll do the trick, assuming it's how the bums get in to do their thieving.

The nearby old man reacts poorly to our ladder-grabbing intentions.

We went for a Charisma check of 3 here, but ¥5 or telling him you'll use his intestines as a rope work too. Diplomacy is great.
Now we just need a distraction, so we return to our previous acquaintance.

She walks up to the guard.

While she's doing her thing...

...we do ours and make our way to the other side. How we're planning on getting back out of here is a matter that'll never be addressed.

Now we just need to find the warehouse. Note that these aren't the same docks the first battle took place in, though they're just about as spacious.

While looking around, we find an open crate near a helicopter with a couple of grenades of the concussion and phosphorus variety inside. Nothing says "pyrophoric party" quite like the gentle touch of white phosphorus.

Here we are. Hopefully we made it before Officer McDumbsky this time as well.


Fortunately it's Aguirre who's here to welcome us instead of the ork. Seems like Dresden's here as well, does the guy have any time off at all?

What? Who cares about unrelated murders, hopefully we're not just wasting our time here.

This is a slightly awkward bit of dialogue since we literally mentioned NTSB ourselves a bit earlier.

Might as well, seeing as we're apparently an official part of this investigation team these days.

We enter the office nearby and check the computer.

Let's just go down the list.
Case file #95:

Case file #96:

The note file for #98 is corrupted, so we move on to the researcher's private notes.

Well, just because he messed up doesn't mean that we can't make use of his work. There's a locker we can look at in this room as well, but we'll come back to that later.
We can also point out to Aguirre that if this was indeed a corp hit, it's strange that they'd left the evidence on the computer.

Back in the previous room, we notice a locked door near the victim but currently lack the means to get it open.
There's a woman who doesn't look like a police officer nearby as well, but we'll talk to our coroner buddy first.

Now there's a breathtaking mental image.

Y'know, just in case you somehow still haven't caught on to the pattern.

We ought to just count ourselves lucky that we have such an obvious lesser evil to work with.

Let's find out what her business with the corpse is.

[The suspicion in her voice and eyes departs almost instantly when the subject turns to the deceased.]

[Realization then dawns, bringing the light back into her eyes.]

[She closes her eyes and concentrates, droning a low chant you can barely hear.]

Shannon really likes her [descriptive texts].

It sucks being a dead person in RPGs, feels like every other guy has their spirit trapped or otherwise left wandering restlessly in the limbo or whatever.

Wait, is this just some plot to get us to pilfer stuff for you? For all we know you're just one of the bums from the outside, maybe one who has taken enough drugs to start thinking they're a shaman.
Whatever, it's not like we've any better ideas.

Our job now is to scour the warehouse for any particularly spooky items.

First we go back to the office room with the computer and look through the locker we ignored earlier. It apparently belonged to the victim, and contains a toothbrush and a comb. We poke the toothbrush first.

A little gross but not particularly spooky. How about the comb?

Comb your hair with this and you'll have permanent morning hair. Terrifying.

Heading deeper into the warehouse, we spot a large pile of shoes next to some seats. If these belonged to the plane crash victims, we might find some creepy crocs or something.

The dress shoe and the high-heel bump appear to be perfectly normal footwear, but the sneaker on the other hand...

Static electricity? Yep, that has to be dead children alright. Technically we now have the two objects we were asked to find, but we might as well be thorough and see if we can find something more.

There's a pile of potentially ghostly garbage in the corner of the same room.

Ewww. We end up with a dented lunchbox, an earring and a credstick. The lunchbox is completely ordinary and the credstick fattens our account by 200 nuyen. The item of interest here is the earring.

Or maybe it's merely a normal earring and Amazon's just real scared of salmon for some reason. Let's continue looking a bit longer just in case.

Next to the trash pile in the northeastern end of the room is yet another locked door. Fortunately there's a small opening in the wall next to it, a feature we're well-equipped to take advantage of.

Just like back at the apartments, spirit summoning would've done the job as well. To my knowledge there are no other means to get through.

There's no haunted objects or loot inside, but we do find a little something that'll help us get through the other locked door that was near the murdered man.

Like so.

The only thing of interest inside is an old diary which apparently belonged to a teenage girl. The game makes no mention of what it reads or even if it's a haunted object, but since it can be picked up we damn well are gonna do so.
That's all there is to be found, so back to the shaman.

[You hand her the objects you've found. She closes her eyes and chants over them for a time. When her eyes open again, they're filled with tears.]

Welp, things can just never go smoothly it seems.

I loathe to admit it, but that was a pretty good comeback.

We're returned back to the entrance, our way to the warehouse blocked. Netted a decent chunk of Karma for our efforts, at least.

Yeah, hopefully we won't be working with him again.

I swear you're just coming up with all these rules as we go along. All Sangoma needed was a glowing puddle and she murdered like four people with it.

"Wad" isn't an understatement, she actually hands us four thousand nuyen. I don't know if this is the highest lump sum you ever receive in the entire series, but it's definitely up there.

Never a good night of sleep around here it seems. As we head for the exit, our commlink chirps with an incoming call.

[Her jaw sets.]

It's actually completely possible to refuse, saying that you want to get paid or are otherwise busy. Doing so skips the next mission entirely, but I'm not sure if that has any longer-term consequences as I've never tried.
It's not like we have anything better to do until midnight anyway.

Yeah, see you. See you next time, that is.