Part 21: The Graveyard Shift
Part 21 - The Graveyard Shift

And so we arrive on Sam's last station. Jessica is here, as are our old buddies Coyote and Jake alongside a priest and some woman we haven't seen before.
The cemetery is actually a surprisingly large area and holds a bunch of things we can repossess from those for whom earthly possessions no longer hold value.


With the important things out of the way, we can proceed with this burial business.

If you're going to have a Catholic priest in your game, you have to give them an Irish surname. Otherwise it's video game prison for you.

Lynne, huh. Feels like we've heard that name somewhere before...

Referring to a Catholic burial as an "ancient ritual" is kind of humorous but not entirely inaccurate.
[Jessica speaks to the rest of you.]

Of course, we didn't come here just to see Sam off.

Coyote knows how cemetery visits usually end up like in RPGs so she wisely brought a shotgun ahead of time.

There are actually quite a few different versions of this conversation depending on which order you bring up topics in. It makes no difference in practice but it's pretty cool and a relative rarity in this game.

[Jessica's demeanor turns oddly cool and stony in response to such a simple question.]

Like that's ever stopped us before.

Well that was easier than expected.

Why does everybody in this city have to be so damn crazy?

This whole family is terrible. Sam and Jessica Butts, more like.

"It's almost dinner time, please confess to being a deranged murderer some other day."

Hah, what are you gonna do, scratch us to death with your designer nails?

A heavily-armed security unit is another option, sure.
(New combat music!

Cheating themselves infinite AP, Jessica and Lynne immediately bolt it out of the cemetery on the first combat turn.

The bad guys seem to be coming from the east, so the logical thing to do is to make use of the convenient cover here at the entrance.

Jake opens up the fight by letting his trustworthy but now a little outdated Ares Predator sing while also throwing accuracy buffs around on his spare time. Everyone now has 3 AP so our group is considerably more powerful and flexible than before.

Crow goes for a successful flanking maneuver, finishing what Jake started.

Of course this isn't going to be quite that easy. Two more enemies come running in, both unwisely stopping right next to Crow presumably because that's where they were scripted to stop.

While Amazon still doesn't have the space nor skill when it comes to firearms, her third AP is enough to paint a handy "SHOOT ME" marker on one enemy per turn.

Coyote wastes no time taking advantage of the accuracy boost. How do shotguns deal full damage from long ranges while simultaneously having so much spread that they can hit multiple targets standing near each other?

Since Coyote's target has 40 HP and she whiffs the rest of her shots, Pascal has to finish him off. Overall these guys are a decent step up from the hospital guards both in offense and defense.

Jake's bullets also hit their mark, leaving only one foe standing. Man, when will these villains stop underestimating us and

Hold on now.

Did they just drop a group of 5 into our flank without any warning? Isn't this against some kind of rules of engagement or something?

Crow deals with the last threat to the east, so at least we aren't going to get pincered.

Amazon uses her sole Action Point to take cover while Coyote quickly blasts one of the five newcomers to bits. Okay, this isn't the best situation but we can probably stabilize.

Whoa hey, time out time out

time ou-

So yeah, the cemetery fight is maybe the most sudden difficulty spike in the game. Up until now the average fight has featured 2-3 poorly equipped enemies which we've practically sleepwalked through, so an ambush by five decently-armed ones mid-fight right next to where you've most likely made your stand while one person short is a nasty surprise.

Let's try this again. This time we've spent the first turn getting into a less precarious position north from the entrance, but as a result the initial ambush team is still alive and standing. You can see their outlines in the bottom right corner if you squint.
We've also improved Amazon's Body stat to increase her HP, 30 has been enough so far but that's obviously no longer the case.

The overall plan is the same as before, Jake throws around accuracy boosts and lands whatever shots he can from afar. Coyote helps him out with her shotgun.

...or at least she was supposed to, except in my cocaine shakes I managed to click the ground next to the enemy instead of the enemy itself, causing her to simply run next to them while using up all her AP.

Luckily she dodges most of the hits and only suffers a mild bruise. Most enemies only ever attack once per turn regardless of their remaining AP, but even then that could've gone much worse.

Crow eats a pistol bullet while Team B arrives on the scene again, not catching us with our pants down this time. Well, not as far down at least.

Coyote makes her way back to safety while Jake fires at the nearest B-teamer with limited success.

Amazon teams up with Crow, marking targets for the drone to ventilate. Or does she team up with herself since she's in direct control of the drone as well? Either way this particular fellow has 50 HP so he does manage to remain standing, albeit barely.

The blade-wielding woman Coyote immediately turned into paste last time manages to actually reach us this time, but that makes little difference.

Crow hunting season has begun and there's no shortage of eager participants.

Look at this mess though, these enemy numbers are like from a completely different game. Most of Group B spent their turn grouping up with Group A, making for pretty delicious targets for some AoE goodness.

Jake finally draws first blood with a couple of well-placed shots on an elf who was trying to get too intimate.

Coyote kindly ends the suffering of Crow's beat-up target from before as well.

While this is happening, the attack drone has pulled back to Amazon for some much-needed repairs. Not having to disable a drone to use items is another benefit of her having a spare AP.

The distances are a bit long for Pascal's mortar to land hits reliably, but at least there are plenty of targets for some good ol' fashioned flashbanging.

Coyote's second shot doesn't quite hit the mark, but it's enough to finish off the other injured enemy.

Something is stirring.

The group mage and leader who are the most dangerous fellows of the bunch team up on Jake. The man's probably used to it from the old days, but he does have to be a little careful with his HP now.

Amazon and Pascal also get their share of the attention. If the AI would focus down one target at a time this fight would get real hairy. It's still a noticeable stubble as it is.

Jake still possesses the Heal Wound spell which, in case you've forgotten, heals the previous instance of damage taken. 12 isn't too shabby.

The melee lady is the fourth target to go down with zero damage to her name, once again proving true the old saying about knives and gunfights.

Coyote helps Pascal to knock down a fifth. Things are definitely looking better this time around.

Another crit and another corpse. By now it's pretty evident that if you ever get in front of Coyote and her shotgun, you're just plain gonna have a bad day.

Even the pesky mage gets his share. 72 damage in one turn, just shotguns doing shotgun things.

More ominous noises, this time from the crypt behind us.

Sure enough, even more uninvited guests decide to crash the party as a pair of ghouls burst out of the crypt. Despite looking like slow zombies, ghouls are actually living people infected by a nasty virus which has given them enhanced physical strength, speed and potentially lifespan but done a number on their sanity (though sane ghouls exist as well).
They do have to eat fresh people meat to survive though, and luckily these guys aren't picky about their choice of meals as both of them rush towards the enemy leader.

This mage is a real jerk with his crits. It's a little hard to see (video capture automatically messes up the red text, unfortunately) but on top of the immediate damage Jake's inflicted by Mana Burn, dealing further 10 damage per turn.

By now Armitage is in really bad shape, one more hit would make his next morgue visit his last.

The good news is that the ghouls are keeping the leader too busy for him to have a chance at finishing the job.

And Pascal's medkits save the day! Both drones have been a godsend in this fight. If they had mouths or emotions, they'd definitely get extra treats after this one.

Coyote finally rids us of the magical menace.

Since we also heard scratching from the crypt behind us earlier, it'd be a real stupid move to keep standing in front of it. The group retreats further back towards the northeast.

Another pair of gray men come running out, one heading towards our main group and one towards Pascal.

The enemy boss is still busy playing the action hero, dodging hits and easily taking down one of the ghouls. Wish I could hire this guy for our team.

The other remaining goon kindly helps us against the fake-undead menace as well. For some reason this particular ghoul decides to ignore both him and us and runs south towards the boss instead. The guy must've picked the wrong aftershave this morning.

The other ghoul manages to almost reach Amazon, but instead ends up stopping in the middle of our group and is given a stern talking-to for his bad manners.

While Pascal joins the rest of the group, even more restless man-eaters show signs of wanting to get some fresh air and/or meat. This particular crypt is some ways to the north from us.

Down south the remaining ghoul of the original two finally manages to scratch the boss, causing a nasty infection to the tune of 6 damage per turn. This is actually how the ghoul virus would normally spread, but for obvious reasons here it's a simple damage over time effect.

This chump makes the mistake of turning his gun towards us again, so we promptly terminate our short-lived alliance with him.

The ever kind-hearted Coyote helps the boss in his pinch by bringing down one of his sticky admirers.

The northern crypt busts open and three ghouls charge out...

...and line up neatly right next to us. It's a free-for-all AoE party!

Ahh, satisfying.

Crow cleans up the weakened boss and the remaining ghoul and with that, finally wraps up our longest and most involved battle yet.

That looks uncomfortable.

A man of few words, I can respect that.

Stumbling blindly forward has gotten us this far, it'd be crazy to stop now.

How long can we keep a conversation going using nothing but questions?

The Universal Brotherhood turning out to be Plot-Relevant probably doesn't come as a major surprise to anyone at this point. Chekhov would be proud.

[You watch as Jake pulls out his modified PDA and slots the chip.]

Great, that sure isn't the last place on the planet we'd like to visit. Dead children and abused mental patients are one thing, but new age religion? That just ain't right.

Bah, Jake has grown soft. We can choose to stop by the Union before heading out, so we might as well.

There isn't actually anything new to see at the Union so I won't bother covering the visit, we're only dropping by for the extra loading screen and to replace the drone repair kit we used.

There are a few new faces amongst the available runners again, and as before everyone has gone up in both price and skill.

Coyote's our free guest member this time. In addition we'll be bringing one of the newcomers, the dwarven Street Samurai Cadence, and for the sake of showing off a backer character we'll also be joined by Alexander Falk who is a dwarven mage and one of the more popular and useful Nephilim Network members.

There's no guessing what's going to be waiting for us at the Universal Brotherhood, but it's probably going to suck horribly.