Should really go without saying, but no major spoilers, tagged or otherwise. If you really wanna talk endgame so badly right from the start, there's a different thread for that.
[Video: Introduction]
Devil Survivor 2 is a pretty cool game. It's a strategy RPG released for the DS in 2011, because that's how Atlus rolls, and I like it a fair bit more than the first one overall.
There's absolutely no continuity between the two as per usual for things like this so diving straight into the second one is just fine. It also has a fair few spin-offs, the most prevalent (and therefore controversial) of which is a 13 episode anime that aired earlier this year. Try not to derail the thread arguing about how good/bad it is.

And, yes, there's a remake in the works for the 3DS but it's not out at all until sometime in 2014 at the absolute earliest. Reasons cited were "quality issues" but, given more recent developments, it might end up being delayed even more.
The First Run is Unkillable
Forum's user Feinne is a good, albeit probably insane, people who decided his first run through ever would be the best time to play the game the hardest way possible. Toughest ending, no human casualties, etc. etc. For anyone who feels like this is a good idea, he decided to document his opinions on a few things (maps, characters, what have you) but they make for good reading either way. These are the parts that are clearly labelled as such. Can skip 'em if you want, but I recommend reading them anyway.
Sunday's Melancholy (I)
Sunday's Melancholy (II) (Feinne's Notes: Character build outlines)
Sunday's Melancholy (III)
Goddammit Daichi (Feinne's Notes: Daichi Shijima and Io Nitta)
Sunday's Melancholy (V) (Feinne's Notes: Yuzuru Akie and team composition)
The Brave and The Bold (Feinne's Notes: The End of Day 1 and Racial Skills)
Monday's Turmoil (En Avant)
Monday's Turmoil (Adagio) (Feinne's Notes: Monday Mornings)
Journey to the West
Kingdom of Dreams
Osaka's Best Dressed
Keita Wakui ~ Allegro (Feinne's Notes: Keita Wakui)
National Crisis (Feinne's Notes: Add-Ons 101)
Grand Pas d'Action (Feinne's Notes: Merakulous Mondays)
Monday's Turmoil (Coda) (Feinne's Notes: Elements, and other Races)
Tuesday's Disquiet (Intro)
NaGhostya Q (Feinne's Notes: Ghost Q)
Legato Attacca (Feinne's Notes: Airi Banned)
A Great President of Hell (Feinne's Notes: Botis, Dyning and Dancing)
Jungo Torii ~ Prestissimo (Feinne's Notes: Jungo Torii and Fumi Kanno)
Duetto Fragoroso (Feinne's Notes: Man of Fury)
Tuesday's Disquiet (Bridge)
Tuesday's Disquiet (Encore)
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: Update One
Wednesday's Changes (I) (Feinne's Notes: Assassinate, Makoto and Demon Races Continued)
The Anguished One
For Whom The Bell Trolls (Feinne's Notes: Otome Yanagiya and the Kitty Warlord)
Wednesday's Changes (IV) (Feinne's Notes: Petty Squabbles in Osaka)
A Good Person's Reward (Feinne's Notes: Hinako's Second Form)
Yuzuru Akie ~ Salvação (Feinne's Notes: Saving Joe and the SDTP)
Wednesday's Changes (VII)
Delta Attack! (Feinne's Notes: Megrez T-O-N ~ Delta Battle)
Real Changes
Thursday's Shock (Rigveda)
My Sleeping Karma (Feinne's Notes: Blueprints)
Purusartha (Feinne's Notes: Kama Kameleon)
Rudrasajujya (Feinne's Notes: Shiva and Aspirations)
Otome Yanagiya ~ Aparigraha
Madana-Bhasma (Feinne's Notes: System of a Down)
Thursday's Shock (Ahimsa) (Feinne's Notes: The Art of War)
Luck or Pluck (Feinne's Notes: Bruford's Favourite Deity)
An Exponential Problem (Feinne's Notes: Mizar Presents Splitting Image)
A High Stakes Gamble (Feinne's Notes: Mt. Fuji and Demon Races Continued)
The Long Arm of the Lugh
Friday's Partings (Relations)
Io Nitta ~ Tuatha Dé Danann (Feinne's Notes: Lugh-sen Up)
Day of the Tentacle (Feinne's Notes: Trial of the Dragon Stream)
The Political Debate (Feinne's Notes: Makoto Sako ~ Clash of Ideals)
A Saturday Toward... (Feinne's Notes: Lord of the Dance)
...Tokyo Ravens (Feinne's Notes: Feinne's Pun Is Better Than Mine)
...The Battle for Survival (Feinne's Notes: It's Benny, Natch)
...Respite (Feinne's Notes: The Elemental Stairway To Maturity)
...Obvious Decoys (Feinne's Notes: Queen of the Fairies)
...Sounding The Seventh Trumpet (Feinne's Notes: Al Kaidder)
...The Fate of Man
Take the Shield, Raise the Spear (Feinne's Notes: Yu'z Clicky)
Last Decision (Feinne's Notes: Feinne's Pun Is Better Than Mine #2)
The Fated Showdown (Feinne's Notes: Merit Cracked)
Will of the Species (Feinne's Notes: Pole Dancer)
New Game + ~ Sunday's Melancholy
Monday's Turmoil ~ The Chronos Trigger
New Game + ~ Tuesday's Disquiet
Wednesday's Changes ~ Valgate of Eden
New Game + ~ Thursday's Shock
New Game + ~ Friday's Partings (I)
Friday's Partings ~ Lord of the Fries
...The Means Test
...The Merit Test
(I'm Not) The Breakman
Strong Breaker
Tuesday's Disquiet ~ The Baron in Black
Wednesday's Changes ~ Kuri/Kuze Case Files
Thursday's Shock ~ The Count in Red
Friday's Partings ~ The Smoking Gun
...Dead Men's Wonderland
...Justice For All
Stand Proud
...A New Future? (Part 2)
Space Oddity
Show Your Free Will (Part 2)
Various Other Things
A collection of stuff that doesn't fit into any of the other areas. Probably mostly art stuff, that isn't made by me or the game's artists.
Character Summaries
LiquidRain takes us on a fantastic guided tour of Osaka (part 2)
W.T. Fits shows us how Daichi helped with Dubhe in the Hollywood remake
Mysticblade makes Keita fall to his death. Forever.
Alcharagia makes a few rewrites to the greatest story ever told and brings us Jungo: First Blood Part II: Forever Fist
Alcharagia one-ups himself and brings Jungo: King of Liberty (contains penultimate boss spoilers if you care about that stuff)
Oh, right, apparently one of the artists for this game worked on a somewhat recent movie of an anime from the mid-90s. It was called... let's see... "Neon Genesis Evangelion." If you've seen that before you may recognise some similarities or something. I dunno, I've never seen it so I never noticed any that weren't pointed out repeatedly.