Part 42: For Whom The Bell Trolls
For Whom The Bell Trolls[Music: Exploration]

Unsurprisingly, Jungo and Makoto both were runaway winners.

Like, straight up tied-first place.

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

The JP's member walks away...

Jungo looks about drowsily...

Jungo stumbles away...
[Music: Exploration]

Well, that was... something. Plus side is Jungo's once again the first person to hit a higher Fate level than everyone else.

And Fate level 3 unlocks a new demon. Everyone unlocks a specific demon based on their personality and the like; they're usually around the low 30s in level (some are a bit higher though) so we're about where we should be for unlocking them anyway. Arahabaki's, uh, pretty awful to be honest! She's level 33 so we can't make one for a while anyway.

More importantly, we get a minor scene after going to the first event we pick. Seems like it could be time for today's death clip, but...

The call ends...

Now that we've spoken to Makoto over the phone, let's go do it again but this time in person.

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

You can hear Joe and Daichi talking to each other...

Daichi drags Joe away...

Makoto watches, impressed, as Daichi and Joe leave...

Joe trolling the shit out of Daichi, and us basically just being there to watch, pushes us up a new Fate level with Makoto? Sure. This will help a ton anyway.

And since Joe came in a decent third, let's see what his response to all that is.

Remembering the incident seems to make Joe start laughing again...

Joe seems to be in a good mood.
Joe/Daichi/Makoto's events are sorta connected in that they change depending on the order you do them in. Pretty neat that even something that minor was implemented, really!
[Music: Exploration]

Kamapua'a's level 32 so we're gonna get it before we can touch Arahabaki. It's also marginally better and adds a very nice skill to the fusion pool.

Next, we could go hang out with Daichi or, uh, Keita but I think we should get the plot out of the way. Don't really want to put it off much just yet.

[Music: Silence]

[Music: Connected Hearts]

...Well, shit. We can't go forwards nor can we go back. That's quite the problem!

[Music: Silence]

And, of course, demons spawn in now. Plus side is we get a fight for the first time in a while. None are new, though, oddly enough.

Oh, no, wait. There's a Pyro Jack now. That's something new. Two others also popped in, but they're lurking just off-screen right now.
[Music: Countdown]

The other new dudes are this Shiisaa here, and a Wendigo that's somewhat buffed over it's Devil Survivor 1 counterpart. Understandable since there it was the first boss and here it's just A Thing.

[Music: Desperate Situation]

We know that Makoto's gonna be fine, since we've used her before. Otome's first real appearance is a mandatory use out of basically nowhere, so we have no idea what to expect with her.

Fortunately she's stacked like Hibiki only faster and slightly less noodlewristy. Otome is the only Mag/Vit character we can get, outside of building Hibiki like that, and she is therefore amazing.

Skill cracks here would be kinda annoying to get normally. Maragi, Mana Surge, Fire Boost and +Forget are all only on that Pyro Jack's party. We'd have to carefully send people at it killing of the right demons systematically. Thankfully, Makoto got Fate rank 2 not even 10 minutes ago so we can just fling Hibiki at it.

Maragi's just another generic MT base spell, so don't care about that right now. And never used +Forget outside of instances where its on demons by default. Kind of a waste of a slot otherwise, because there are waaaaaaaay better ailments.

Let's do something reckless. Gave Hibiki the Tlaloc and had him just warp right up to Pyro Jack. Switching that out for Leanan Sidhe before fighting of course.

We can't actually sneak around this map even if we wanted to, so let's not even try.

Considering we have nothing weak to fire, and in fact are loaded up with resistances to it/magic in general, there's not much of a worry here.

It's really a simple fight all things considered. The Pyro Jack comes in at level 31 so it might seem like we're majorly outclassed, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The entire map is really quite easy. Pyro Jack, Wendigo and Shiisaa outlevel us on paper... but they're not real threats. Very little here really is, since it's mostly old chaff we've seen a ton of already.

That they're a higher level works out nicely though. EXP scaling is great at moments like this.

Unfortunately, this speeds things up perhaps a bit more than we would have wanted. Defeating Pyro Jack is the trigger for, uh...
[Music: Countdown]

This. It falls offscreen, strangely, but yeah. We can't leave at all now.

[Music: Desperate Situation]
Makoto and Otome have to walk around the old fashioned way, unfortunately for them. On the other hand, Otome does have some... uh, special dialogue.

Yeah, let's uh...

Just beat up this goose that tried to pick a fight with us first.

3 Hamsas will never be a threat. Like, ever. It's like 3 Itsumades but a slightly higher level.

This one is actually threatening, though. Mainly because it's not what it seems to be.

It's 2 more Kumbhandas who have Assassinate, but still haven't had the balls to use it.

That Mow Down was the only threatening thing they did. Shame too, because that was (yet again) probably the hardest enemy team. Technically.
One of these days they'll hit me with Assassinate and I'll bitch about that. For now, I'll just settle with bitching about not getting hit with Assassinate.

Oh, Ictinike. I had you back when you were actually good. Now you're just throwing yourself at me to die quickly.

When you have a team that's entirely weak to Ice attacking a team with two users of Ice magic who both have Ice Boost is not a great idea. Just sayin'.

Speaking of Ice, though, there is this Jack Frost over here too.
[Music: Attack]

And, uh, now there isn't. I might not have thrown Fire at this problem, but between Garm's overpowered Mow Downs and Otome/Kikuri-Hime's overpowered every spell ever that's not much of an issue.

We're just tearing through these guys left, right and center. Like I said, this is a really easy map. No weird dead spots, no tough enemies, no surprises. Just a bunch of stuff we've fought before, and some wonderful EXP pinatas.

...Okay, this Wendigo's entire party throwing out Mabufu/Ice Dances COULD be threatening if they hit Orthrus a lot.

Or the Dance could focus solely on Makoto. That works too.

And that is the closest anything is going to come to dying. Just gonna throw an Affection at it to be safe as soon as I can, but yeah.

Though now that we're down to just the Shiisaa a special, new demon spawns.

Otome's right, Neko Shogun is just plain adorable!

...Okay, but seriously. The cutiest little demon's the first Hero race we've encountered, and Hero's Mark means it could stick around longer than you would like normally. Not much of an issue since the only means it has of being possibly threatening is via a Power Charged Force Boosted Mazan, but that requires it to waste its first turn on it and then hope it gets an Extra Turn anyway. Which probably won't even happen.

Even then, using its defensive racial skill still requies it to get a turn in the first place. We've overwhelmed everything on this map so far. Does that go for the kitty too?
[Music: Shudder]

Well, we didn't get to take out its entire team before it went. Not that it matters when its Mow Down only deals a pitiful 40 to our squishiest demon.

The Flauros duo will never threaten us in any real way, and Leanan Sidhe's absurdly good Force Dances cut through Neko Shogun like its nothing.
So, yes, our Overwhelming victories continue even through the kitty miniboss(?). The game seems to think its one at least.

Now we just have to get Otome over to that Shiisaa and she can finish things up. It would have hung way back the entire time, and be the only source for Elec Boost in the fight wouldn't it.

Oh and now that we're basically done Fumi lets us know that she's lagging way behind. We could try and drag it out, I guess, but she works at the speed of plot so let's not bother.

Let's just finish this right here and now.

Its most threatening attack is a Power Hit on Otome. Her Vitality isn't super amazing yet, so that's kind of maybe a big deal. If she was alone.

But as-is, it barely registered as anything worth worrying over.

An underwhelming end to an underwhelming map.

We get a decent chunk of EXP for finishing it though. Pushes Hibiki up to level 30 which is a good thing, because level 30 is a deadzone for new fusions. Now we don't stagnate here or anything.
[Music: Over the Brink of Death]

[Music: The Enigma Deepens]

It's been a thing in basically every SMT game of note ever. I'm sure someone will list exceptions, but let's not bother with arguing semantics. In the main series it usually pulls double duty as a save point as well as a fast travel system. Here it does neither for obvious reasons, though it is still kind of a fast travel system I guess.

[Music: Silence]

[Music: A Moment of Rest]

[Music: Exploration]

Before we do that, we have some other small things to deal with first.

Like read our new mail. We're unlocking new demons all over the place this time around, huh? Since we beat up Neko Shogun, we can make it once we hit level 31.

Speaking of making new demons, Pendragon is the only level 30 demon. I made this one by combining Tlaloc and Nalagiri. His weakness to both Fire and Elec is annoying since you can't patch both. Oh I could've made one using demons that have Anti-Fire and Anti-Elec between them, but he only has space for one! We don't have anything that grants resistance to more than one element (...yet), so he's stuck being kinda bleh.
Level 29 isn't much different having only 2 demons to its name. Difference is those 2 demons kick ass.

First up is Pyro Jack who I made by combining a Mezuki and Orthrus. I picked Mezuki for both the great magic boost (further bolstered by the Ma+2 addon since I'm not using it for much else), but primarily for Anti-Ice.

Level 29's other demon is Thor. I have an irrational Devil Survivor love for Thor, so of course I made one as soon as I could.
I made him by combining Orcus with that Pendragon we just made. The small Strength boost is nice, but everything else that comes with it is more important especially Anti-Curse. Without it, he'd be crippled constantly and really rather not have that.
And, of course, he's a Deity so he has Awakening (and is not Mahakala so he's also Unique). Not much of a spellcaster himself, he does at least come with Mazio so he can pretend to benefit from it.
...Nah, I'm just gonna murder everything with Mow Down and Brutal Hit. Especially once that Ares Aid unlocks because that boosts his crit rate by 50%.

Until then, though, we're kinda railroaded into seeing what Yamato's plan of attack is.