Part 79: A Saturday Toward...
A Saturday Toward...Before we commit to our decision one way or another, let's make some more demons. For, uh, fun or something? Yeah. That'll do.

We've already had Gui Xian, so naturally we'll use Myrmecolion and Jeanne d'Arc to make Qinglong, the blue dragon of the East. He's a pretty good punchy demon, but for some reason has Maziodyne because sure why not.
Elec Repel'd be nice but we could get that elsewhere by now. At least Dragon Bind has fun niche uses in shutting down enemy extra turns.

Laksmi isn't quite as simple, but only because making one pretty nice requires a good spellcaster demon and most of the things that fuse into her are physical. So, we made another magic Kazfiel like last time and combined him with Mithra. This was mostly for the Anti-Most though; she only has a weakness to Fire by default but her only natural resistance is Curse which... not good this late.
Even so, with only one space for command skills making one that murders dudes is easier said than done. No matter though; mostly interested in Mediarahan anyway.

Third is taking Kresnik and Yama out of retirement to make Taown who, uh, we're not using. Sorry. I just don't like him very much.

His purpose was as fodder to combine with Seiryuu to make Yaksa. Yaksa is very highly physically oriented but at least he knows it. Diarahan is nice for healing but its not strictly necessary. Dude's purpose is to punch things very hard and very fast, and he's good at it. Agitate makes him even better.

...And, yes, lastly we'll have the next dragon. Python (Bifrons and Hariti in this case) is just a skull and a trail of steam but... he's a really, really good skull and steam. Like, you see that 40 magic? That is REALLY easy to get him to have. Better still, you can play into it however you like because he has no skills at all by default. If I ever remembered to use add-ons, I could do goofy shit with this.
I never remember to do that unless I explicitly plan around it though.

All that done, let's go speak with... Ronaldo? Yeah that seems right.
[Music: In the Devastated Town]

[Music: Heroes Have No Fear]

[Music: Connected Hearts]

[Music: In the Devastated Town]

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving...

So, yeah, we're not quite making our decision straight away. Let's hear everyone out one last time, just to see how they try to appeal to us.

[Music: JPs -Geomagnetism Research Department-]

[Music: In the Devastated Town]

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving...

Next up's Daichi's attempt to persuade us. And I do mean "attempt" since it's not really going to matter at this point.

[Music: Connected Hearts]

Y'know something Daichi? You got a point here...

[Music: In the Devastated Town]

You say your farewells to everyone before leaving...

Daichi's argument about how we should totally not listen to Polaris has its merits. Enough, in fact, that I wonder if someone else can sympathise with them...

[Music: The Anguished One]

Okay, so here's the thing. Your answers from this point on matter. The Anguished One doesn't convince you to join him. No, despite being the character this route is associated with, it's really more the opposite.

[Music: Heroes Have No Fear]

So, yeah, in case its not already clear: Hibiki is the leader of the faction here. Hibiki is the one doing all the convincing in this scene (if you say the wrong thing to AO, he just ups and leaves). Hibiki is the one with the idea for what to do with Polaris and to create the new world.
Hibiki is the real person who masterminds the Chaos route. Anguished One's just along for the ride.

The man disappears...
It seems you should get some rest somewhere that you can be alone...
[Music: In the Devastated Town]

[Music: Exploration]

[Music: Crumbling Routine]

The man pauses, as if lost in thought...

[Music: Exploration]

There is a meaning to this name. We will cover it in due time, don't worry.

A gust of wind blows and Saiduq disappears...
So, Al's our only party member other than Hibiki at present. Being able to field only two parties seems like it might be trouble, and it sort of is and also sort of isn't.

Much like Airi, Saiduq runs relatively balanced but he does it better frankly. Also he has a ton of innate resistances and is level 55. Also, also he's pretty neat in that he gets more turns than anyone else.
Technically. See, there's an extra thing to combat that hasn't come up much yet. Every character has a hidden speed stat. Most have a speed stat of 50. Saiduq has a speed stat of 65. It doesn't sound like much but that makes a big difference.

Let's start of Saturday with a bang. We're coming for ya, Daichi!

[Music: The Anguished One]

Apparently Saiduq appeared without you noticing...

[Music: In the Devastated Town]

[Music: Crumbling Routine]

[Music: Battle of the Brave]

So, y'know how there's sometimes a moment where a game finally takes off the kid gloves and decides it's going to kill you by any means necessary?
This map is that moment.

Not really for Hinako, per se. She could be dangerous in theory, but her biggest problem is that she's more tanky than attacky. I guess she was given mostly spells to make it viable since it'd be a bit too big of a dick move otherwise.

Because of Jungo. Jungo is playing to his strength of punching dudes really hard and is fucking scary and dangerous. Even without Assassinate, if he uses Mighty Hit there is a good chance he just wins on the spot if he attacks the leader anyway. If he had Pierce instead of Ares Aid, he's be an unstoppable monster and that good chance would be a certainty.

Aside from those two, there's... a ton of skills to crack, holy shit. I know the four I'd get if I had four characters (Attack All, Phys Amp, Revive and Rejuvenate) but with only two that becomes a bit more of a tricky decision.

But we can get the autoskills later in the day. We'll want Phys Amp immediately after we're done here, and Attack All is part 2 of a cunning plan I have.

...Once the fight begins, Shiva spawns in on the first turn. This is the other reason why Hinako's relatively light on the murder potential.

Shiva is level seventy-fucking-six, has the upgraded Omega skill, resistant to everything in some way, laughs at your attempts to Pierce and has a high chance of countering if you do sneak around that Reflect anyway.
Shiva is, on paper, the biggest threat on this map. He's not really that bad in comparison to Jungo though. He's also not much of an issue since you can ignore him. You do not need to beat Shiva to win the battle.
Sod that, though. I'm taking his punk ass down, and I'm not losing anyone in the process.

If you have Evil Flow, you can attack him from a safe enough distance on the very first turn. Bonus points if you stand in a place where you don't need to move. Even more if you bring a viable Kishin with your Dragon to get 2 attacks back-to-back.
You want Evil Flow at the start. Not using the extra +4 Attack range means that you've got no advantage. Shiva only has an attack range of 1, but come his turn he will move next to you.
If he does, he wins.
Like, okay, you might get lucky and not wipe to his first hit. But then there's his second. And then there's his possible third. Remember, he's an Omega. The only enemy Omega. The only enemy who gets Double Extra. And the upgraded Omega skill gives him a guaranteed Extra.

For this map Hibiki's using Magic Yang. This is to keep up the Holy Dances and get decent damage out. I could've kept Hecate around, sure, but she wouldn't deal enough damage here to be viable.

Holy Dance isn't particularly great either. But again, he's level 76 and has plenty of Magic to give him extra resistance on top of it.

Needless to say, Shiva isn't dropping in a single round of combat on the first cycle.

This poor bastard is though. Python's 40 magic stat, an Agidyne and Fire Amp meet a Fire Weakness. This could have dealt closer to 1500 against this exact same Taown.

Since we're on Saturday now, some new Add-Ons are available. This one is just an Ice Set and Elec Set at the same time.

Pretty handy at saving on Add-On space and actually more useful than they seem too. Being able to transfer two elements without worrying about having the right materials on-hand is quite useful at times.

Saiduq sets it up with the Bufudyne proccing a freeze, and Yaksa obliterates the poor SDF Member with a single Multi-Strike.

Poor bastard never really stood a chance, let's be honest.

Is it weird how I'm relieved that Jungo opted to pick a fight with Saiduq and not Hibiki? Because Jungo would be a bigger threat if he picked a fight with Hibiki.
[Music: Decisive Battle With A Sworn Friend]

Hibiki's still got an Agility stat of 5. Saiduq's entire team can move before either of Jungo's demons, never mind Jungo himself.

Jungo can't outspeed many people in general, so this really helps us out thanks to not having to worry about being on the wrong side of a Jungoing.

Shiva gets to move now. He comes a little closer. He's not getting to move again.

But while Hibiki's dealing with that, Al's dealing with every other enemy on the map I guess. This dude has 2 Yms that DO have Evil Flow!

Thankfully for us, they don't use it. Enemy units never actually use it. If they did, that would be quite troublesome.
[Music: Shudder]

In the mean time, Hibiki keeps up with the blasts on Shiva from a safe distance. After a while, it becomes viable to actually run around the dude and just use the regular attack range of 2.

At this point, he's pretty low on HP anyway so there's no real threat any more. Chances of botching then are slim at best.

Good thing too, because Shiva is worth a LOT of EXP! Plus now that we've beaten him, we get a nice little bonus when we're done (you can probably guess what it is already though).

With Shiva out of the way, we've just got a few remaining basic stragglers left.

And Hinako too, I guess, but she's basically just a regular unit anyway with how poorly thought out she is.

Even so, things work out quite well for Saiduq and the Mithra in particular. Not only does it manage to pick up Megido (which is Quite Good being a hit-all Almighty spell), but his Race skill upgrades too.

Enlightenment, the better Deity racial skill, isn't really all that much better than Awakening in the usual sense. It doesn't do anything different, nor does it boost Magic to a higher degree. It reduces the cost of all spells and skills and what have you by 25%. It only affects ones that use MP, but it does so as an automatic passive. It even stacks with Magic Yang if you wanted to. Enlightenment is just that damn good.
[Music: Decisive Battle With A Sworn Friend]

Anyway, Hinako? Yeah, not impressive or a big threat. She has Endure but when you're outdancing her, it doesn't really matter. Her lack of real offense is hardly even noticable when using a Dragon or Vile.

With her out of the way, there's absolutely no threats left on the map whatsoever. Arguably there was no real threats left after Jungo was beaten, let's be honest.

If you're even the least bit smart with what you're doing, Shiva's never touching you. Plus, Hinako is in no way a threat to begin with. Even if she gets to attack, it won't really hurt.

Megido makes light work of the last remaining app user, and we're done.
[Music: Exploration]

You say your farewells to Saiduq before leaving...

So, yeah, now that we won that map and kicked Shiva's ass we can fuse him later. Like, level 76 later. Our potential Shiva is, on paper, almost identical to the one we just fought.

We'll worry about that MUCH, MUCH later though. Much like Asura, it'd probably only be used in New Game+. For now, let's focus more on recollecting party members and finishing off Daichi's faction one way or another.