Part 52
Sure thing!Uninformed posted:
Genpei Turtle, could you please post the notes for Torn Cape, Black-gilded Lute and Twilight Harmonica? It's nice to see a bit of
amongst all the apocalyptic beat-downs.
Torn Cape
Daleth: Er, well...I kind of got wounded really badly in the Colloseum. Can I have some medicine?
Anoon: E-excuse me, but...
Daleth: Oh, of course, sorry, I have money.
Anoon: Aaah!! That's a terrible wound you have there!! P-please c-come this way...
Daleth: O-OK...
Anoon: Ah! Th-this will sting a bit, but please bear with it...
Daleth: ...
You saved my life.
Anoon: Y-you should be all right now.
Daleth: Sorry! You had to go to the trouble of healing me, er...
Anoon: M-my name is Anoon...
Daleth: Ah. I'm Daleth. I've come here to save the people of this town. I tried to defeat my impostor but I screwed up.
Anoon: Daleth...
Daleth: Damn! I'm in no condition to be saving anyone like this. But, well, just watch, once I get a little more experience under my belt nobody will beat me! ...Owowow...
Anoon: O-OK, I understand, Daleth...B-but please concentrate on healing your wounds right now. W-why not lie down for a bit?
Daleth: O-OK. That's a good idea...
Black-Gilded Lute
Better stick some wax in my ears before I hear it clearly...there we go. All set. Let's see who's singing that song! So many sailors that have heard it ended up dying...I've got to see this for myself, it could be interesting! If it becomes a problem...well, I can just run away, I guess.
Siren: ...How long do I have to keep doing this?
Pirate: ...Did you say something? I can't hear you with these earplugs. You know that! The boss and the others are hiding by the inlet. Just keep singing and bring more gold-laden ships to us!
Judging from the clothes of the guy with her I'd guess he's a pirate. I get it! Those pirates must be using the demon's song to attract boats and then they attack!, that girl's cute...
So, how am I going to save her...
Hmm, looks like the other pirates are outside waiting to attack incoming ships. As long as I take care of the guard I might be able to do something here!
Pirate: Aargh...
Siren: !! Who are you?
Petersen: What? O-oh wait, don't stop singing! The pirates outside will notice!
Siren: O-OK...
Petersen: Hold on, I'll open up your cell...there we go! Can you walk while singing? Let's hurry and get out of here! Come on!
Siren: Um, thanks...
Petersen: Eh? Oh, hold on a second, lemme take the wax out of my ears. I'm Petersen.
Siren: T-thanks...why did you save me? My song killed many people...
Petersen: I can't stand just seeing someone imprisoned against their will. Untie the one who was bound...that's the only reason. Come, you're free now. You can go wherever you want!
Siren: I'm Siren. I'm a spirit that can do nothing but sing...can...I stay with you for a little longer? Please...
Petersen: ....I'm on an aimless journey, going wherever the spirit moves me. But...I bet I could write a beautiful song if I was with you...
Twilight Harmonica
Petersen: Eh?
Siren: I love your song about the Abyss...
Petersen: OK then...
Whose tears are those, the rain of the Abyss? Falling on us, dripping and dropping.
Whose sigh is that, the snow of the Abyss? Piling up on us, fluttering down.
Whose smile is that, the sunset of the Abyss? Descending on us, shining, shining...
And, in the spirit of "nicer" flasbacks (this is the last one)...
Broken Visor
Daleth: ...
Anoon: Daleth?
Daleth: Oh, sorry...
Anoon: ...What were you thinking about?
Daleth: I heard...he's gone into the Abyss.
Anoon: ...Daleth...
Daleth: No matter how many times I fought him, I could never win...He and Aleph that different?
Anoon: ....
Daleth: Not being able to beat him, I even resorted to dirty tricks to try to bring him down...but he still was able to beat that, too. I...I just don't think there's that much of a difference between us. But I get the sense...that I will never catch up to that very slight difference.
Anoon: Daleth...but...
Voice: Aaahh!
Daleth: What's that!? What's wrong!?
Yousei: Th-thanks, Daleth...
Daleth: No problem, don't worry about it.
Daleth: Yeah, I may never be able to beat him. But...but I have no intention of throwing away my life here. Meeting you has made me a new man.
Anoon: Daleth...
Daleth: I will survive, living life my own way! Right here...