The Let's Play Archive

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

by Luisfe

Part 22

Update 21: Fusionin' and going to the Nihilo

Since there is nothing else to do in the Kalpas right now, because there is a need for another candelabrum, there must be something else to do. And that is: GOING TO GINZA!

Trying to protect their headquarters from the Mantra asshats?

Sometimes, you can get demons easily during full Kagutsuthingamajig. They react differently to different skills, I believe this was with Pester. They are not always aggressive, they just become insane, so they can "join you without your consent".



No. Time won't tell. FONZIE will.

This dude is right.

Acquired the last elemental needed for the collection. HOORAY!

Well, since their name includes "Death", one would think that they would have to do something with the concept. Like Life Stones refill health or whatever.

So Insert "Fonzie" Name is a bearer of death as well? Cool.

Every single one of those combinations is a possible Fiend fusion. All of them give a Daisoujou, which is a very, very, extremely useful minion, but I would prefer to grind for money and get the already awesome one in the Compendium.

Four elementals registered. Hooray!

While trying to recruit new demons, sometimes the negotiation can get bumpy. THere are demons with skills that try to help with that and interfere in the regular conversation. Dyonisus' Wine Party is one such skill.

It can have no effect at all, though. That Inugami is indeed a beast, not liking the WINE OF THE GODS.

Strange, weren't all the Nihilo demons supposed to be in the Nihilo place?
Hah! Hah! You were left behind!

I could get the Matador, but I preferred to get an Angel instead. Fusing the Lilim and... Something else.


Then got one of these.


That's kind of violent.

I was expecting a furry, like Anubis in SMT2. Glowy bird is awesome.

While grinding:

Hercules must've kicked its ass easily.

Probably not. The Nihilo asshats are crafty.

Oooh, big spinning terminal.

Um. No, not really.
They apparently did not notice that there's a similar facility on the other side of the road.

Hahahaha, you wish.

Some debris there. Yes.

Ooh, did you? I see this here cube...

Damnation! That's not fair!

Damn you.

They took all the loot!
But if it was just two cubes... Well, that's a pathetically low amount of loot.

That is the core. It pulsates with energy.

Or... Who knows? He might be right.

In one door.

That is suspicious. And makes me dizzy.

Maybe you didn't?

Well, what could go wrong? There was no incredible power behind it, so...

Hey! It is Hijiri!

And that would be bad how?
There is always THE STRENGHT, and the minions to help.

Lucky you.

It is too early to form allegiances. Besides, they are asshats and Thor probably wants to nuke the world. He is an asshat.

Oh shit then it will become true.
Wait, no. And who is spreading rumors, anyway?

So, where the hell is the Magatsuhi then?

Oh Snap!

And thus, where Fonzie must go next. He must beat the epic Widow's Peak.


Weakling. Pessimistic weakling.

Well, that was useful.

Buut even if it is a huge ass terminal, one can't use it to save or for transportation. Hijiri is clearly craftier than Insert Name.


What is beyond that door?

Wait what.
Those are... Just lame demons!
A koppa and an Incubus. Hah.
Some defenses, eh?

They faced Horus. THey died 3 press turns later.
No one messes with Horus, not yet, at least.

Oh, damn, apparently you do need the kilas. Damnation.

Next time: Kilas? What the hell are the kilas?