Part 34
Update 33:
Luck it is!
Done with those two Fiends, so back to Asakusa.
Time to check the building on the West Side of Asakusa. That was NOT explored in the previous update, so it is time to do so now.
Is this... BLOOD?
Hms. Bloody Manikin. Still alive, though. Not much information from this guy.
Another one that got away. Bloody footprints are a nice detail, though.
Another one.
Very messy.
He twitches and shakes. Thus he sucks more than Futomimi
One. JUST ONE. Sakahagi is not efficient.
But the goddamn bastard took the treasure. For that he will go DOWN
Samurai demon thing?
Does not clean up his messes, or finishes the job. Going down.
So, if one finds the Nightmare System, one finds Yuko. New objective added.
Not bad. Reflects one magical attack. Could be useful.
Useful skill.
USEFUL money.
Just the hat?
Well, more than the hat will bug you quite soon... HE BECAME NUTS.
Time to go in.
Meet Futomimi. Again
No way to advance. Damn. Time to go back, I guess.
Oh hey Hijiri has something new to say.
"About the Nightmare System, I've got good news. They say a picture is worth a thousand words... So here, take a look"
Well, that sure is something. A bit building. Bi, pointy building.
"The Nightmare System's inside it, along with all the Magatsuhi that's been collected. In other words, we've found Nihilo's current headquarters. The system is probably being operated by that woman they call the Maiden"
So, by going there one will be able to stop Nihilo and meet up with Yuko once more. Awesome.
"I have no idea how it works, but we know it is dangerous. If I could, I'd go in there myself, but I'm just not strong enough. However, if no one does anything, Hikawa will take over the world for sure. I am afraid I have to ask for your help again, Insert. You must stop the Nightmare System inside the Obelisk and return the flwo of Magatsuhi in the Vortex World back to normal. Use the Secondary endtrance to Nihilo's old headquarters to reach the Obelisk. The entrance is locked right now, but I can take care of it. With this terminal, it'll be a piece of cake. The Obelisk looks pretty tall, and who knows what kind of demons might be there. We don't know what kind of power this so-called Maiden has, either. It's not gonna be easy, that's for sure... But I know you can do it."
Now, this is what I call cooperating. Neither of them can advance without the help of the other, and the "regular" human does not take wild chances. McHat could've learned something from Hijiri.