The Let's Play Archive

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

by Luisfe

Part 52

UPDATE 50: The Manikins get the crap beaten out of them.

Time to enter Mifunashiro. What could be the worst that could happen there?

Oh dear.
On the other hand, they are not shaking anymore.

He is gone.

Oh hey, a small puddle of blood.

Falling from THAT dude.

On the other hand, the way is open.

They clearly forced their way in.

This is the Manikins' holy land. It has clearly been desecrated. Damn Yosuga bastards.

"A demon-like girl came to steal our Magatsuhi."
Oh dear

Eventually, yes.

This one crawled here to try to save itself.

Only humans can concieve a Reason. That is why Insert is unable to form his own Reason. He has to follow someone else. He lost his self determination with the Gift/Curse of the Magatama.

Glowy things!

That is rather dumb, SINCE she has absorbed GOZU-TENNOH's power. She is a true force to be reckoned with. She is DANGEROUS. And she has the Angels on her side.

Goin' down.

"All that's left is to finish that arrogant pupped, Futomimi..."
Well... Angels are assholes. Futomimi does not shake. I think that the choice is rather simple

It looks better in motion. Waterfall.

"Because we tried... to take part... in Creation."
No, because you SHAKE.

ST won.

Would have been useless.

He is the top Jirae. And when leveled up enough, he changes into ALBION.

Albion is the only Entity Demon.

Goin' down again.

I just finished reading Terry Pratchett's "Thud!" again. Mr. Shine. Him Diamond.
Diamonds, like most gems, are just useful to be exchanged for random goods in Rag's. Maybe I'll check Rag's again in the next update.

Once again, better in motion.

Oh no, these asshats again.

Even if one dislikes the Manikins, one can realize that they got fucked up. Badly. These guys are complete assholes, and the Manikins deserved better. They were not bothering the other creatures, and just wanted to live in peace. And maybe create a nice world, but they are unable to do the last thing.
Well, maybe except for FUTOMIMI AND Sakahagi, they were special. Very special, as it shall be seen in one of the next Kalpa updates.

See? These guys are probably even WORSE than the Mesians in SMT1 and 2.

They are gone.

He doesn't need it anymore.

Down again.

Oh dear.

It is a teleporter.

Something REALLY bad happened there.

Something worse happens here.

While Insert was defeating the 3 Seraphs, Dumb managed to kill Futomimi. The hope of the Manikins is dead. The only Manikin that did not shake is dead. Fuck.

If there was any nonhuman that could've done it, it would be Futomimi. He was special.  And so was Hijiri 

Fuuuuuck, another DEITY
