The Let's Play Archive

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

by Luisfe

Part 58

Mini update: FUSING THE BUB.

The first thing that is needed is to have a Rangda and a Barong.
Why? Because with them, I can get a SHIVA! Quite unlike the Final Fantasy version, I must say.

The Rangda I already have. But the Barong needs to be fused.

Sparna and Horus will produce a Barong.

And then, Barong plus Rangda creates SHIVA.
The way he dances has to be seen.
He dances dances dances!

Then one needs a Tao Tie (or a Gurr, don't have a Gurr, so Tao Tie it is)

And that produces a Beelzebub!

Hee. He will be useful.

New party. Insert can do the healing (will depend more on chakra drops), and in case of emergency, I can always get Daisoujou again.

Beelzebub will become the FLY later. Much later. Maybe.