Part 68
I LIED, it is not the last update. It is the second to last update. I forgot how mind numbing getting the damn spells/grinding is, not to mention the horrible and confusing layout of the last part of the dungeon. Greeeeeh.
In any case:
That is because the tower is filled with all the Asakusa survivors, silly. Also: DEAR LORD THE FACE.
How the hell did Manikins get here, anyway, and why did they not keep the puzzles solved, to facilitate the pass of the Demi Fiend? If anyone deserves to have a easy pass through the Tower, it is Insert.
"Oh, it's you again. I've decided to follow Futomimi's will, and create a world of Manikins! So, I came all the way here, just to tell Kagutsuchi: 'Make it!'
But there is a problem... I can't think up a Reason! "
Yuko, with the help of Aradia, could not get a proper Reason herself. And she was most definitely human. A Manikin other than Futomimi, Sakahagi or Hijiri would not be even able to envision something like that. Their will is just not strong enough, and they can't get patron deities. Hijiri almost had it, though.
"We are taking a rest now. We may be Manikins, but we're no dummies!"
False. They just don't want to deal with Thor. That is all.
Oh no! Not a STRONG POWER!
Oh boy. Here it goes again.
You are not the Goddamn Batman, Thor.
No shit.
Yeah, sure, RICHARRRDS, etc.
He falls.
No one is doomed but the Odinson.
Hahahaahah no.
Yosuga is going down. Soon. Quickly. Pronto. In a moment.
NEXT! Horribly teleporty part of dungeon. I hate it.
This will get filled. And it will take me a long time. Of trial and error and OH GOD WHY OH WHY.
Not pictured, map, or the hour and a half that I wasted there.
No she isn't. She is freaky.
Soon the Fly shall appear. Why hasn't it appeared? Easy. The changed form needs to be withing 5 or 6 levels from the main. That's kind of lame. It should've changed on level 88 or so. Oh well, nothing a bit of grinding won't cure.
That's the goal, but first something else needs to be done.
Kicking Dumb's dumb ass.
That is a clue to get a nifty treasure. The Soul Returner, which resurrects fallen demons. It is in a convoluted maze, and I don't feel like it would be worth it right now. IKelley has detailed instructions on how to get it. I shall quote:
SMT FAQ posted:
To get the Hangon-shinshu, take the southeast elevator on 431F up to 444F. Walk
across the disappearing path, and turn north into the little cubbyhole at the
side of the room. There's a pit there, and it'll drop you back down to 431F.
Head south down the corridor you're dropped into until you see a big door. Go
through it and you'll be outside the tower. (and get a view of how ludicrously
high up you are) Clime along the path/stairs along the wall, and when you turn
the corner, ride the elevator block to the north back up to 444F. From there,
head up the stairs and go through the side door. You'll be in a room with three
doors. Take the south one and you'll find a Manekata who will ask if you know
about the treasure, and, if you say no, tell you that you must "fall, then walk
a painful path" to get it. On the north side of the chamber is a Sub-Terminal.
The west door will take you further into the puzzle. You'll be in a chamber with
a large pit, and phantom paths to the north and south. Take the north path to a
small ledge against the north wall. From there, take the east phantom path from
the ledge to the center platform floating in the middle of the pit. From there,
take the west phantom path to the southern ledge with the Dominion on it. The
Dominion will tell you that Chiaki is waiting for you to the south. But you
don't want to bother with her just yet, so for the time being ignore the south
elevator. There are two protrusions facing north on this ledge--take the phantom
path on the western one, and it will lead you to the western door. It'll lead to
a room full of damage floors--run through them and into the center of the room,
where you'll be dropped down a pit back to 431F.
Now, this is the tough part. This room is just riddled with pit traps, so you
need to be careful. However, there are no pit traps on the damage floors--so you
need to walk from damage floor to damage floor to keep from falling. To start,
run to the damage floor a bit north of you. Follow the damage "path" and sprint
to the second damage floor to the north of you. On this floor, turn to the east
and run down the short corridor, turning south at the corner. Once you get back
into the main room, DON'T immediately run for the damage floor because there's a
pit right in front of you to the south. Instead, hug the east wall to get onto
the damage floor. Follow the floor to the south, and you'll see about a two-
"block" gap between the north damage area and the south damage area. Go ahead
and run across this gap to the south damage area, because it's safe. On this
damage area, stand in the "corner" of the "L" and face west. Run three "blocks"
to the west, then turn south and step onto the damage area. Walk through the
damage area and there should be a passage off to your east. Walk down it, and
you'll be dropped down a pit to 418F. Walk down the short hallway and you'll be
teleported to another room on 418F...where you'll find the Hangonshinshu in a
chest surrounded by damage floor! After you get it, you're just a teleport and a
couple of elevator-blocks away from the Sub-Terminal on 444F again.
Side note here: If you super-impose your map levels between 418F and 431F,
you'll note the south edge of the riddled-with-pits room on 431F is actually not
above the damage-floor-all-over-the-place room in 418F toward the south edge of
the room. There's actually a pit trap in this area along the west wall that will
drop you into a little corridor that'll teleport you into a room where you can
find a Ikutama--a nice little treasure. You'll have to fight Shadows and Mots
to get it though.
What the hell is wrong with this screenshot?
Hahaah no.
Baal Avatar
Dumb looks freakier than usual, I think.
Didn't it do that when she sent the 3 Archangels against Insert while she crushed Futomimi?
Hooray! Fight! Watch the video!
Much ado about nothing. The fight is considerably easier than Noah.
Of course, that's cause I have Masakados. Ptherwise it would be hellish. She has both Expel and Death spells. Bael's Curse turns characters into flies. It is a nasty fight.
But then again, I DO have Masakados and a very, very nice physical skill, that while it is not Freikugel, it also kicks a massive amount of ass. Maybe EVEN MORE than Freikugel, but I am not sure.
She goes boom.
Because it is a retarded and nasty Reason.
This part was aggravating.
Next: Possibly Freikugel, Beelzebub's fly form, FREEEEEEEDOOOOM ending.