Part 7
Update 6: The first and most loyal Minion.
Out of the Terminal Room (yes, the cilinders are terminals)
This is a Spirit. This is one of the few things that will talk to Insert
In fact, Insert Name's demon life started just a couple of minutes ago, so...
That's more useful than whatever thing that would happen if one ate the soul. Maybe souls are delicious. I don't know.
Magatsuhi? What the hell is Magatsuhi?
That'll be explained in a little while.
Oh. So... Time to go to the other side then.
After this, that normally indicates a boss. Here, it indicates an occasion where Insert Name is summoned to the most awesome addition of the Maniacs edition:
The Amala Labyrinth is where like 90% of the plot is revealed. And it is also incredibly fucking long. And hard. And difficult. And awesome. It is not a place for the faint of heart.
It also has some very gross sound effects
No, seriously, it is gross as hell
After that is done, it becomes a regular elevator once more.
So, before the End of the World, the Annex was closed. Yet now it is open. Bah!
It is blocked.
Always a good thing to have more healing items.
Just check out the
I believe that Insert Name would feel right at home in TRON.
I believe that it would be the MAGNETITE/MAG that is used in the previous games.Produced by humans and whatnot. Since humans are all dead, it has become a scarce material, or somesuch And the Mantra asshats are gathering it all up, and so will the other reasons
Well, crap.
Hey!Look! There's a random pixie there!
That's because Insert Name is a very unique demon!
Hell yes!
Wait what.
This here is the first minion one will acquire in this adventure.
It is also of vital importance to NOT GET RID OF HER.
Sure, you can fuse her (NOT AS A SACRIFICE), but whatever the hell you want to do, DO. NOT. GET. RID. OF. HER.
Her true use is shown very, very late in the game. But it is completely and totally worth it.
Hooray! Minion!
The Press Turn battle system is awesome
As long as you DON'T forget the weaknesses of the enemies. Otherwise, it is painful
And that will eventually happen. But first: MORE EXPLORATION!
And in the next updates: Screenshots and more Wikipedia quoting, like in the previous thread.