Part 71
Update 68:
Well, the first floor of the fifth kalpa is done. Time to go down.
The switch opens the way to the next floor, but that's boring, let's see what the other side holds.
Down the other way.
The other side holds a weird door. Let's see.
Since Insert is at the moment nothing more than a Demi-Fiend, or a half demon, or something, he won't be able to see what's there.
Empty. Once the thing that needs to be done is done, he will be able to see the things that lie there.
It also had a Burial Chamber. Let's see what's there.
Mithra. The other one is still blank. Damnation.
"Are we the fallen to blame? Or is it the fault of those who cast us down? I wonder what our master thinks... I'd like to ask him one of these days."
Ah, demons going all existential on us. Delightful.
Down here there is also a Dr. Dark. Look at his horrible prices.
Hell no.
Partial map. Not complete.
Down again!
"They test various attributes and may even kill a demon if they are inclined to do so. Some will ask for specific demons. If you want to go on ahead, be sure to bring a variety of demons with you."
Or a couple REALLY strong ones. That also works.
Let us see one example.
I believe that the doors ask for levels of minimum 25, some ask for a minimum of 30. Fortunately, between Metatron, Beelzebub and Black Frost, I can easily clear most of them. I CANNOT clear Beelzebub's door, since it requires his fly form. *grumblegrumble*
Hell no ladies.
Metatron and his 40 AG to the rescue.
That would be Metatron,ayup.
This wasn't cleared by Metatron, but by Black Frost.
Black Frost once more shows his usefulness, even if he is absent from the active party for the moment.
The treasures could be better.
Metatron's door is weird.
It has a hole, a hole that leads to two important areas. One, the last Shady Broker. The other? The Burial Chamber with the Reason Gods.
That last one is irrelevant for now, since the Tower has not been accesed yet.
Advance, get kicked out of the area, try again.
Wasted it.
Crossing another door leads to here.
BUT FIRST, Dante learns one of his signature moves.
The instant kill is unreliable at first, but since it is tied to his levels, it can become pretty damn useful.
Unfortunately, to guarantee an instant kill, you need to grind him to level 150 or so. That takes longer than getting to the point where he can be recruited, since his levelling up is HORRIBLY SLOW. End result, useful, but like Dante, not worth it in the end.
Nice floor layout, eh?
I want it.
I need it.
This demon has PIERCE.
I shall acquire it in the near future.
He can be found HERE.
This door is the only reason to keep your Pixie.
The Pixie unleashes her true power.
She then changes. FOR THE BETTER.
She now can easily take care of herself. She has POWER.
And what's best, she has SLOTS that make it possible for one to do sacrificial fusion with mitamas to give her great skills of awesome.
She shall get Pierce. Yes she shall.
This failed. The Fly form is required, unfortunately.
This Magatama makes it cake.
Metatron. The VOICE OF GOD.
HOW CAN THIS BE? Metatron is both there and out of the party!
Um. Why? I never got this. Why is it bad to return the candelabra?
The Voice of God is big.
And so, the fight begins. MUCH easier than Beelzebub. He likes to remove your buffs and debuffs in the first part, but once you damage him a bit, he will STOP doing them.
And he wastes half od his turns with Expel spells. Durrr.
When the fight starts.
Then the idiot stops using dekunda and dekaja.
Then he getsthe FIRE OF SINAI, but since his accuracy has been remove, it is useless.
It still looks cool, though.
His inner mechanisms are broken now.
This looks familiar.
Buuuut, it won't be explored until the next update.
So, should Insert become the full demon? *
* Of course he is, that's not up to voting, why would I go through the fifth kalpa and promise the True Demon ending if that wasn't going to be the plan?