Part 1: Welcome to Antarctica
I have... very, very mixed feelings on Strange Journey. We'll get to that in time, though.
I mean I'm sure the OP made that clear but I know not everyone reads that. I even made it short for once!
Opening Expositionokay for real here whenever you see a video link just watch it if you can it's much easier for everyone (it also won't happen very often)

You may have noticed by now that a lot of Atlus games begin with this. Yeah, that's just a thing that they do for some reason.
Eternal Throne
...I see what you did there, game. It's not very funny nor clever!
Chaos Theme
They are talking amongst themselves while staring at a large monitor...

The civilian populace is still unaware. Our information control program is going smoothly.

Ah, we're just in time for the broadcast... The news should be reporting exactly what we want.

We're here to discuss the newly received data.

This... This is what it looks like inside that thing?

But that's ridiculous! How could there be a battlefield THERE!?

This is a shopping mall, for God's sake! Someone must have gotten the signals crossed.

What is this, some sort of red-light district? Wrong data or no, I find this in very poor taste.

Waste material, sludge... nonsense. We still don't know what that land in the South Pole looks like...

All nations with nearby bases have been reviewing their options in light of its tremendous force...

A joint decision was reached and carried out today to temporarily withdraw from the bases.

If word of that got out, there'd be a panic. And if they knew it was growing... I shudder to think.

Horrifying to think of them going in there, isn't it?

Be that as it may, our decision cannot be overturned.

We have no other way but to send humans in to investigate...

Our only choice... is to go into the Schwarzwelt.
The South Pole
The Beginning of the End
So, about that "them"?

It's these four APCs. That's it.

Naturally, we will be focusing more on one of these than the others...

And there's our destination, looming ominously...

We at the Schwarzwelt Joint Project will be praying for you on behalf of all of humanity.

It's in your hands now, Commander Gore. Be safe, and make sure you complete your mission.

Then I look forward to good news from you upon your arrival. Excuse me...


We will arrive at our destination, the Schwarzwelt, in thirty minutes.

Our mission as the Schwarzwelt Investigation Team is about to get underway.

But it's only going to be harder from here on out, so get used to it.

If we all lend each other our support and work as a team, this mission will go smoothly.

Enough pep talk, though. It's time for our last formal briefing before entry.

First, to tell us about the land we're about to enter, the Schwarzwelt...

I'd like to introduce to you First Lieutenant Zelenin.

I will now explain what observed data we have on the Schwarzwelt's inner structure.
Oh, right, uh, you will very quickly notice that everyone with an actual name and face has exactly one sprite. Also the opening half hour is basically one giant, extended cutscene.

But this phenomenon is one of a kind. We have nothing of its like to compare it to.

It is an unknown spatial anomaly that destroys and absorbs its surroundings as it enlarges.

When it first appeared, it was a cylinder only one meter in diameter that stretched to the sky.

Since then, it has spread radially, swallowing surrounding observation bases and any investigators whole.

Today, it occupies a sizable footprint with a radius of several hundred kilometers.

As we speak, the Schwarzwelt continues to expand...

If we cannot engineer a reversal of the process, then it will inevitably swallow the Earth.

There is a several thousand meter wall surrounding the Schwarzwelt's outer rim.

This barrier is a plasma cloud that dismantles all approaching objects at a molecular level.

Unfolding within the anomaly is a bizarre landscape we've had a hard time getting readings on.

This is due to some sort of property the interior has that repels foreign bodies...

Whatever this property is, it's destroyed each and every unmanned probe we sent in.

It paints a bleak picture for our mission, no matter how one interprets it...

But as many of you know, we have effective ways of dealing with each of those obstacles.

The Joint Project assembles its team and equipment based on the data we've collected so far.

I am certain that if we all work as one, we can carry out our duties safely and efficiently.

This concludes my report.

Thank you for that clear and concise explanation, Lieutenant Zelenin.

Now, Arthur will confirm our mission. He'll be the one managing the assignments and duty roster.

I will support you by coordinating our systems with those of the other ships to devise a strategy.

It may feel strange to take orders from him at first, but you'll quickly get used to it.

Please continue, Arthur.

This team's mission is to conduct a detailed investigation of the Schwarzwelt's inner structure.

The Schwarzwelt Joint Project is currently reviewing plans to destroy the anomaly.

However, due to a lack of data, no sound plan for its definitive elimination has been submitted.

If your investigation sheds new light on the Schwarzwelt...

Lieutenant Zelenin's briefing may have caused some pessimism.

To investigate the Schwarzwelt's interior may seem an impossible feat at first.

But with the amphibious assault ship we are all currently aboard, our mission becomes feasible.

It can also go airborne for brief intervals.
So the plasma cloud barrier destroys things at a molecular level... but is a non-issue because you can just fly over it? Then why make a big deal out of the barrier?

Our ship, which is in command of the overall mission, is Ship 1, the Red Sprite.

Ship 3, the Elve, houses many scientists who will be pivotal in our research.

Ships 2 and 4, the Blue Jet and Gigantic, will serve as combat support should emergencies arise.
Okay, so Red Sprite, Blue Jet and Elve are all named after weather phenomena involving electricty and lightning within the upper atmosphere:

It's not super clear from this diagram for Elve or Gigantic though. Elve is most likely referring to ELVES:
Emissions of
Light and
Very low frequency pertubations due to
Electromagnetic pulse
...That's still not the dumbest acronym we will be seeing in this very update. Maybe. It's super close though!
Gigantic is almost certainly referring to Gigantic jets, which are just the points of a thundercloud where lightning can originate from up to 70km in the atmosphere.
Now, that's a lot of information to take in at once (and not only do I expect you to not remember it, I also expect that I remembered something wrong).

A detailed survey of the anomaly, previously impossible with the unmanned probes: this is our duty.

I look forward to all of your support.

With all the ships working in tandem, investigating that place is far from impossible.

Our mission may be to challenge the unknown...

But we can make of it a unique experience of saving manking, and go home proud of what we've done!

Yes, Sir!

Yes, Sir!

Yes, Sir!

Let's see here...

We have a few visiting team members handpicked by the UN for this investigation...

Welcome. Another American, eh?

Why don't you get up in front of the group and introduce yourself?
Sure, okay. Being an SMT game, this has multiple routes and endings to contend with. We'll be doing all of them and I'll switch names between runs. For the first, I'll be going with the closest thing there is to a canon name... and it basically just means "some guy."
There ARE alternatives in the US manual, and I'll be using them in the future. Good? Good.

You will serve on this ship, the Red Sprite, under my command.

You've been assigned to be part of the strike team.
I realise I'm showing lots of screenshots of things that basically boil down to "the folks here are the best of the best of the best." It's because I want you to remember this. The game wants you to remember this.

I'll expect you and your teammates to act according to the code of conduct.
It's also worth bearing in mind that basically every single dialogue option is important. Handshake Simulator 2009 is among them.

I've heard a lot about your service record. I expect much from you.
We're shaking all the hands, obviously.

Strike team members, your briefing isn't quite through yet.

Meet me at the deck.

Those assigned to other duties, take your places aboard your respective ships.
Alright, and now we have some degree of control. The start of the game is not really all that slow, but it can feel like it if you're not just holding X to skip through dialogue.

Speaking of dialogue, we can talk to these three fine individuals. One of them you should have recognised even before I brought up the options.

General crew dialogue, like this, updates fairly often and I will try to get as much of it as I can. The crew are cool and likable people, and are actual characters.
It's shocking, I know.

An American, eh? This team really is international.

We have all kinds here, but every one of them is the best of the best from the world's soldiers.

There won't be any trouble here, that's for sure, eh?
I'm going to presume he means learning the ropes with regards to how things will work about the Red Sprite, because they are very different and unique. The alternative is the game contradicting itself in less than 5 minutes.

Well, I'm sure if we stick together, we'll get through this just fine, eh?

Huh...? You don't know what the Demonica is?

Oh, you joined later... Guess you wouldn't have heard yet, huh?

Well, no matter. Commander Gore will explain it all soon enough.

For now, better go on over to the deck. A soldier always moves double-time!

...Or so they say, haha.
I'm beginning to notice... something, but it could be coincidence. Let's just talk to Mysterious Lady Zelenin now.

In my office's view, there is no doubt the Schwarzwelt poses a serious threat to mankind.

But what is man if not resourceful? Through cooperation, there are no problems we cannot overcome.

I am eager to do my part here for the future of mankind.
We must shake all the hands. This is basically the sole reason why I didn't just go right to the deck. Maximum handshakes will be important!

Oh, my apologies! How rude of me.

I very much look forward to working with you, Hitonari.

It's nice to meet a military man with such manners. You and I will make a good team, Hitonari.

With soldiers like you supporting us, how can we fail?
Okay, NOW we can leave the command room. We could go to the deck, but first there are two other places to check out!

Unfortunately, the sickbay is unavailable right now.

As is the, uh, lab. Welp, the deck it is I guess!
Malevolence and Benevolence

This is a scientific mission to investigate the Schwarzwelt.

Despite that, we must make allowances for the unpredictable.

That is your role. The strike team will patrol outside the ships to keep the area secure.

I know it sounds dangerous, but you've been given special equipment to help you in your task.

Developed as next-generation weaponry, the Demonica suit lets you function in harsh conditions.

Our early tests show that they're viable here in the Schwarzwelt.

I'll now give the floor to Crewman Jimenez to explain how the Demonica works.

He's already been specially trained in its use in order to pass it along to the rest of you.

Why don't you come up and show us, Crewman Jimenez?

Back in my outfit, I was a warrant officer, but I guess here I'm just one of the crew.

We're all part of the Schwarzwelt Investigation Team, so obviously, we're here to investigate.

Could be the science types might not even need us around.

So pay attention to what I'm about to tell you, even if it's just to dig your own grave.

But they weren't just talking about its ability to resist harsh conditions.

It's loaded with high-tech features.

To start with, you've got the fundamental AI system that supports your movements...

It boosts your existing strength and protects from harm according to your style in battle.
This is both not entirely true and also the worst thing about the Demonica!
But we'll get to that shortly. Very, very shortly.

It's extensible, so you can add features to your HUD by installing applications...

Enhanced vision, map markers, even battle data...

You can adjust it to show you all kinds of things.

So that's point two. The Demonica is smart, it evolves along with your battle performance.

But I'm under orders not to waste supplies. This op's expensive, y'see.

If you're smart, like the Demonica is, you should have no problems out in the field.

Just cross your fingers the brass doesn't value the inhuman resources more than the human ones.


Hey man, you pay me, and I'll do any mission you put me on... Long as it doesn't get me killed.

Thank you, Crewman Jimenez. Your personal philosophy aside, we'll all be relying on your skills.

If you put in the work, I'm sure you'll get everything you want.

You may even get the crew's gratitude as a bonus... but perhaps you don't much care for that.

Pff... Whatever.

All right, now that you've been briefed, you should begin initializing your Demonicas.
The End
So now we have most of our HUD already. Handy, that.
Yes, most. Just take a look at that obvious gap in the top-left.

And here... HERE, we have the stupidest acronym of the update. Maybe. Maybe you think ELVES is stupider. I give it to this one because it has bonus Engrish.
Welcome to the Demonica settings.
Before proceeding, there will be a personality test to best match this Demonica to your needs.
Please respond to the following scenarios naturally, honestly, and without deliberation.
Scenario One:
You are the sole survivor on a battlefield. You are hidden, with no ammunition in your pistol. You detect a single enemy approaching.
Now these questions are important for the, uh, second worst mechanic in the game. I am going to grab a very specific outcome in each instance we go through this too.
Scenario Two:
While infiltrating enemy territory, you spot the man who killed your comrade and closest friend. You can kill him easily, but the gunshot will expose you and your infiltration will be compromised.
Remember, we are not answering these with what fits correct military procedure.
Scenario Three:
You have been in a remote area on a mission and your relief has not arrived on schedule. You can abort the mission and go home now, but you have enough supplies to stay here longer.
Scenario Four:
You are piloting a helicopter to refuel. En route, an ally under attack requests help. You can help him, but it will take your remaining fuel, and it will be difficult to leave afterward. Other pilots have also received the distress signal, but you are closest to his position.
Scenario Five:
On a mission in occupied territory, you are asked whether to capture a religious leader who may be a spy. Catching a spy would be a great achievement, but the people may riot if this leader is captured.
This is the final question.
Scenario Six:
You have benen sent to the Schwarzwelt, where conditions are expected to be harsh. Yet you have advanced equipment, a strong ship, the latest tech, and dependable comrades.
Now this question is different. We'll answer the middle option again, as we did the past five times.

Yeah, so in this case you have to pick the first option. This choice is a non-choice so it doesn't affect anything.
There are no more questions. Thank you for your cooperation.
Okay, so! This quiz determines your chances of gaining specific stat gains at level up. Yes, rather than pick ourselves - like in uh every other SMT game ever - we get random level gains. Jimenez told us this, but implied that your actions affected it. They don't. This does. Luck support is the (debatably) best option because it gives you the following odds of the stat getting any given stat point.
Strength: 19%
Magic: 19%
Vitality: 19%
Agility: 19%
Luck: 24%
In the very, very, VERY long term you can ignore this entirely but until then you have no further control over level gains. In-game, at least.
There are no bad stats for the MC in this game which is why this is arguably the best support type to get. Ultimately, they're all random so it's fundamentally irrelevant which type you go for. The game does seem to also try to weight the odds so a stat doesn't fall too
far behind, but it's hard to say for sure when it has such inherent random chance.

But do not let that daunt you. You have your Demonicas, and what's more, you have iron wills!

Yes, Sir!

You're all relieved until we reach the Schwarzwelt.
Alright, now we have a bit of a respite before the next scene. Like before, we'll take advantage of this to talk to folks.

I feel like there's no mission I can't accomplish with this thing on.

Hah, listen to me. I better look over the briefing notes before I get too lovestruck with the thing.

I can view those in the Documents folder in the Mission Log, right?

Isn't this your first time using the Demonica, too? You really should check this stuff out.
If you care about Documents, uh, don't. They're mostly just tutorial things that, bizarrely enough, are way too hand-holdy, so if you read them they make the game infinitely easier. And it's easy enough as it is.
Also they're irrelevant for an LP anyway. Which is way more important I think.

So you volunteered, I hear? Heh... Me, I only signed on to this gig for the money. That's all.

For all we know, the brass at the Joint Project are sending us out as meat shields.

And I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talkig about. Semper fi, right? Heh...
We shall never escape Handshake Simulator 2009.
At least not while we're meeting new people, anyway. A new person is a new hand to shake!


I have this thing about not getting too friendly with people before a risky mission.

When the crunch comes, you may need to leave a comrade behind for the sake of the mission.
So, we didn't actually shake Jimenez' hand but that's fine. We tried at least and that's what counts!

We have noticably less options overall in the Deck compared to the Command Room. We could try the Sickbay or Lab again, but the result would be the same as last time.

So we'll just head back to the Command Room and talk to this random guy.

The drones we sent in ahead of us were destroyed "in a manner inconsistent with accidents."

...Well, it's just a rumour. Our job is to find out the truth.
More important and required to advance the game is talking to Zelenin.

..."Schwarzwelt" is a term from a 1933 theory of Hammerschmidt's a German professor.
Just so we're absolutely clear, this is something that is not real. I do feel the need to point that out, yes.

I'll explain...

When human activity exceeds the world's natural capacity, and the balance of energy topples...

A corrective reaction occurs. It's simplest to think of it as Earth's antibodies attacking humanity.

Dr. Hammerschmidt's theory involved a prediction...

Now the Schwarzwelt has appeared, proving the existence of other dimensions...

And the destruction of the drones implies the possibility of intelligent life inside...

Or so some are saying. I'm still wondering if it's actually true...

Do you think they're out there?

I don't know.

...Not committing one way or the other yet, mm?

Quibbling over evidence and proof is everything for us scientists. You haven't been trained for it.

I am sorry to have imposed on you with such a strange question.
Alright, now we can go to any spot on the ship. It does not matter where we go.

We will soon be entering the Schwarzwelt.

Take your assigned posts.

Commander Gore, you are needed at the command room.

First Lieutenant Zelenin, Crewman Jimenez, I thank you for your participation in the briefing.

Everyone, return to your ships and prepare for entry.

Well everyone, it looks as though we must part ways for a while.

We scientists in Ship 3 are all looking forward to your support.

Let's work together for the sake of humanity!

Remember... you're on your own out there in the field. You gotta be strong, or you're toast.

If you're not confident in yourself, I suggest you get off now, while you still can.

But if you ARE... Well, I'll see you in the field.

The future of the world hangs in the balance! Never forget that!
Entering the Schwarzwelt
So, as we approach the Schwarzwelt at last our shield is raised and we prepare for entry.

Which involves being propelled upwards by thrusters. A whole four of them. Sure.

Plasma Shielding ready for in case its needed, I see.

The giant barrier around the Schwarzwelt is actually very tall, and also happens to draw in electrical storms? Huh.

And so we get up and over...

Which is not necessarily a good thing!

Just because the top is open, does not mean it is an easy entryway.

The Red Sprite immediately goes into alert status.

For very understandable reasons, as you can imagine.

Meanwhile a different ship just explodes immediately.

We still have our shield though, and are now descending. Despite the thrusters still being on. And pushing us up.
Y'know what? Okay. Fine. We get into the Schwarzwelt and that's all that matters.
Whether or not we landed in one piece is a different story though...