Part 52: Chaos-mic Eggs & Mastema
The Land Where The Seed's Memories Lie Buried
Alright, so first up we have to deal with "how to get back into proper Grus." Can't just use a hidden door from the other side because it's Search D which is annoying.


...I understand your desire for my hymn.

Let us hurry to the lair of the demons.
Into the sanctum we go...
> Zelenin quietly caught her breath.

Now, I shall sing...

The melody of the Lord that will echo throughout the defiled land of the demons! The hymn of order!
Law Theme
> Zelenin began singing in an otherworldly voice...

Gaaaah! My body! It's... echoing through my body! Make it stop!

...It's her! Her! That angel-human Zelenin... Urgh!

Huh, so Zelenin's song just reverts demons back to being Unknowns? That's kind of weird, since until now it is very clear that this is just how they look to us before the Demonica can analyze them.

That bitch of an angel! Agh...! The echo is... My body...!

Mistress Maya... save... us... Hebehg! Hvrgkj...!

G... gha...

...It is finished.

After this and Maya's attack, much of my strength is depleted...

The demons' power is weakened. The seal on the door should be broken.
Chaos Theme

Killing all those demons you hated so much... You must feel pretty proud of yourself, huh?

I could feel that dam song in my gut, too... Tch!

And you, Lance... I can't believe you sat back and watched!
Out of the two options, this was the quickest and most efficient way to open the door. Hard to argue with the results.

I have done nothing that goes against the rules of this world, Jimenez.

What's it gonna take to stop someone like you...?
> Jimenez left...

Is that just his way, or is his cursed body driving him to shun me...?

Either way, it has no bearing on the path we must aim for.
Pffffft, nah. That sounds pretty dumb.

> Zelenin left wearily...
And then we run through all of the rest of Grus, because nothing else happens. There's the Gore scene but that's not affected by alignment stuff so we find a quick route through Grus (spoilers: it's still not THAT quick), beat up Maya, get the Exotic Matter and enter Horologium.
Meeting up with Gore outside of Mem Aleph's chamber is when things get interesting again. Oh and because he's a hardcore daredevil Lance Murdock decides to not use demons for almost anything. This part included.

...Which brings me to the point, Murdoch. You have a decision to make.

With all you've seen and learned about the Schwarzwelt...

I have to know whether you're up to the job of risking your life to save mankind.
The End
In The Master's Name

You are a demon wearing the uniform of the investigative team...

I cannot allow a world where humans turn into demons!
> Gore attacked!
Lowest Effort Meta Gore
Vehement Rage
This fight is completely identical to last time we saw it, but with one little twist. Murdock is solo, sure, but he also has the Gaia Ring equipped.

...What, it's not a new fight? I get to low-effort things as well you know.

Moan Bullet's damage right now is pretty okay but we can do better. A lot better.

Not like this fight requires it or anything, though.

After all, as you may recall: Gore has nothing but Phys and Gun elemental attacks.

It's pretty easy as a result. I feel like even with the Tactical Vest equipped here (lowest defense) I can do better (quicker) if I bring like a Doppelganger or a Hathor or something.
Hmm actually, this gives me an idea...

At this rate... the Earth... mankind itself...

...will disappear...


At this rate, all functions of the Red Sprite will be unrecoverable.

All hands. Good... bye. I wish you all. Good luuuuuck...



It's Jimenez... He's come back!

Jesus, he's got his gun drawn... And there's a swarm of demons with him!
Chaos Theme

Starting today, this is the ship that'll take back our freedom--for humans AND demons!

My friends, it's time you received the baptism of your demon mothers!

Uuuuuugh... Gyaaaah...!


You killed Gore, huh?

Thanks for that. He's a traitor who turned his back on the demon mothers.

Now, there's no one on this ship who doesn't want a world filled with demons.

...Didn't need to change anything about you though, did I?
Yeah, so Jimenez can also somehow just mind control people now I guess? That really came out of nowhere.

Let's go for it, you and me.
> Jimenez stuck out his right hand.
The first and last time Lance Murdock decides to participate in Handshake Simulator 2009.

You need to get filled in on the plan, Lance.

You know who I'm talking about, right? She's the one Gore showed you.

Go see her. She'll tell you what you need to do to make the world we want.

I'm counting on you, man. Go see Mem Aleph on B9 of this sector.
Welp, you know what time it is. Didn't think we'd get away without more of these, did you?

You're free to, huh...? Heh heh.

I can feel it... something inside of me is loose now!

The command room's pretty beat up, but y'know, that's fitting.

Makes a nice symbol for the end of order! No more commands! No more leaders!

It's the kind of thing I ought to despise as the direct opposite of a doctor's calling... and yet...!

Now, it's things like that which shine most brilliantly to me... They seem most vibrant and alive.

Who knew this side of me ever existed...?

Ya ready for it...? I'll keep makin' ya stuff...

Forma... bring 'em here! Bring all you can! More! MORE!
Irving probably changes the least by far here. He's not even different, really; he's just Irving Turned Up To 11.

Like... logic isn't so in the way anymore, and I can see the forma combining themselves in my head..

...Is this true freedom of thought?

Maybe this new world won't be so bad after all...
Dent, of course, doesn't change unless/until we do all the EX Missions for the Red Sprite crew so we'll just take the elevator back down to B9F.

I am Mem Aleph.

The mother who lives in the depths of the waters of thought, giving birth to life on Earth...

As proof that you and I are connected... I shall give you this power...
Eternal Throne

All you have done in my world...

It was all to further your strength as a soldier, and for that, you have my forgiveness.

The losses... the sacrifice... They were to gain a soldier who could reshape the human world.
> Mem Aleph is gazing at you.

But then... destructive energies, giving birth to nothing, began flowing into this land...

And as this happened, the Earth began to decay.
> Mem Aleph took a deep breath...

To destroy the Earth is to destroy yourself.

What you call the Schwarzwelt was formed and put on Earth for that very purpose.

To rebuild the Earth using the power of the Cosmic Eggs...
> Mem Aleph took a deep breath...

I tried to give them to the demons invading Earth, but they have been scattered...

If the power was to be released on the Earth, a paradise of demons and true humans would result.
True humans? Y'know, I am very okay with suddenly joining the Clan of Noah.

That is your task.

...I shall give you this. One with your skill should be able to put it to good use.
Had to get it somehow; I guess Mem Aleph herself handing it to us works.

The four Cosmic Eggs you must collect are in the four lands closest to Earth.

Leave this land and find them.

The angels who have infiltrated this world will surely try to hinder you. Be careful.

When you gather all the Cosmic Eggs, return here to me...

Now go, he who would forge a free world of demons and humans...
A Scorched Nation
Cosmic Eggs round 2 is not too different to the last time we did it, but it IS effectively reversed yeah. Just gonna try and get through this as quick as we can.
Oh and Scanning Zero is nice enough to remember to map things that you don't have the Visualiser for. Just a shame it's gated at the halfway point of Grus exclusive to NG+ onwards.
Anyway, Antlia Egg!
Chaos Theme

Mistress Mem Aleph told me to give you this and crush anyone who isn't you!

Here y'go! The amazing Cosmic Egg #1!

I hear if you collect 'em all, you can remake this world into a demon-ruled paradise!

Kinda reminds me of when I was born...

...Huh? Humans don't remember the time they're formed from eggs?

You're gonna have problems later on, then...

Alright, take care and watch yourself. The damn angels are ater those things too.

I'm lookin' forward to seeing you put those progs in their place, heheh.

> Wu Kong left...
So, yeah, it's pretty clear how things are going to go now huh?
Let's go see Yatagarasu in Bootes then!
Law Theme

What breed of hatred drives you to fill the human world with demons...? Most regrettable.

I, Yatagarasu, shall deliver this Cosmic Egg to Mistress Zelenin.

But I have one other errand first.

I shall deliver you to your death!
An Honor Befitting That Name
Oh no, not Yatagarasu.
Well, at least there's 3 of them so they can actually maybe get a turn. Weak to Gun and Ice, drain Fire, use Maragidyne and if they're feeling really daring they might add a Sukukaja!

They have 1000HP each for all the nothing that matters, Moving on.
Chaos Theme

I until now guarded the Cosmic Egg that I have.

Solely via holding it, power is there definitely. This egg can forge a world.

Orders are mine to give you it. Please, take, known one.

We will in harmony regain he powerfulness of gods. The power intense of Great Mother Mem Aleph.

Experience the times of the new world is wishing.

Now goodbye.
> Zhu Yin left.
And that just leaves Delphinus.
Law Theme

The chosen one, the one who shall bring about the world the Lord wishes, is known to me.

But you... are Lance.

Therefore... death unto you!
An Honor Befitting That Name
Well, Cherub sure is a Cherub alright. Weak to Elec, reflects Wind, he can do a Megidola and has 1200HP.
In this case he never gets a turn, oops.
Chaos Theme

Let's go give her the good news!

Time for our victory march to the Horologium!
We'll go back to Horologium in a moment; first, we gotta see what the crew have to say now.

But I found myself, man. The real me, buried deep down...

There's no backing out now... Let's make that new world!

Well, not anymore... I'm so excited, I can hardly hold back!

I never knew what true freedom would be like... how wonderful it is to let yourself go!

But I know now... Fighting is the only truth in life!

Never does life shine more brilliantly than in battle, on the cusp of life and death!

Oh... what a wonderful world we'll make! ANd it's nearly here...!

But there's still a thing or two to take care of first... our battle with the angels!

Now... bring the forma! Go against them... with the best, strongest equipment...!

...All of these dangerous creative images I'd been holding back are racing through my mind.

Come on, Lance. Let's bring our new world to life!

Then I can free the images within me!

It'll be soooo much fun! Ahahahaha!
Alright, so back to Horologium we go...
Law Theme

I am Israfel, a messenger of the Lord, who is slow to forgive evil spirits.

Lance Murdock... fallen human who has cast his lot with the demons...

I have received orders from the heavens to obliterate you.

Our Lord is upset. Zelenin is most upset.

Only the Holy Spirits of light are permitted on Earth; we who sing the Lord's teachings.

Here, you shall listen... to your grand finale!
An Honor Befitting That Name
Israfel sure isn't Surtr. Weak to Fire and immune to Ice for starters!
Oh and he has 1500HP, can cast Luster Candy and sometimes uses Horn of Fate. How very... something.

So, how's the elevator?
> You inspected the elevator...
> The elevator is completely broken. Fixing it will be difficult...

Tch... This POS is kaput.
Yeah, so we still gotta go through all of Horologium. It makes sense but it's still pretty annoying. Mainly for me since you don't have to see any of it.
Gonna skip all the way down to B5F now. That's where we fought Jimenez before, so it's bound to be where Zelenin is now.
Law Theme
Oh, hi there Mastema. Wasn't expecting to see you here.

Still.... I did not think it would be me that would be called to return you to dust.

There was a time when I thought you would understand the will of our Lord, but...

Evidently not. How regrettable it is for you to be seduced.



...Yes this must happen.
In The Master's Name
So, yeah, uh depending on your interpretation Mastema's either secretly been a fucko all along or he's lying right now. For actively no reason or benefit or anything. '

It is when you try to forge your own path, human, that you err!

Urrrrrrrrgh! Wretched humanity!

Zelenin... she is my sole remaining hope!

I cannot tolerate another failure! I must be acknowledged by my Lord!

Only then can I leave behind this angel's form and ascend to something more supreme!

Lance! I will rend your flesh between my teeth anf tear your soul asunder!
Herald Mastema
Vehement Rage
Oh boy, Mastema fight let's go! Mastema is of course an angel but also kind of a fallen angel. His name is Hebrew for Hostility, he's the persector of evil within Judaism and also he is Satan and tried repeatedly to kill Moses. That whole "killing all the firstborns" thing? Mastema's idea.

I, uh, Great Lament is meant to be Frolic but with a different name. It also apparently has a different, abysmal proc rate because I've never, ever, ever seen it hit.

Untainted Wind is just Magarudyne, basically. It's not even really any stronger. Just multitarget Wind damage, very ho hum.

Judgement is Mahamaon with probably a higher proc rate? In this case I don't know or really care. It's Expel elemental and it's not Light/Darkness from Mem Aleph so it's not a major-major threat if you don't Tetraja Stone.
But Tetraja Stones are common as dirt so.

Mel Faize is multi-target Almighty damage.
...I don't know what Faize is when translated from Hebrew, sorry. Mel Faize IS definitely Hebrew (Mel means Complete) though.

Really, he's a secret jerk not for his attacks but because he reflects Gun. And Ice and Wind, but Gun is the important one. He's weak to Fire though so his 8500HP doesn't last long. He's way, way easier than Jimenez was, even without wacky NG+ shenanigans.
> Someone interupted the conversation...
Chaos Theme
This is not a surprise. You saw this coming immediately when we first met her.

This is what you angels, born by the breath of God, get for scheming to rebuild the earth.

...You were... a part of this...? Curse... you...

But know this...

No matter... how much you support humans... nothing... will change...

Humans, born of the God's madness, belong to me.

I have no love for them. But neither will I abandon them.

That is freedom.

But you, Mastema... you have no freedom. You have nothing you started yourself.

Think on that as you fade from this world.

...Curse... you... You who have abandoned the angels... and humans... alike...

Ugh... Uggggh...

...Good show, Lance. This should kill the angels' enthusiasm.

Of course, there still is one troublesome spirit remaining...

Well, best of luck. I'll be watching.