Part 4
When we left off, Sir Astral had just blasted the King of Granseal with a fireball and blacked out...
The guards exit...
I don't know why, but I've always found that line to be hysterical. "Old people die, quit whining!"
And here comes the most pointless verbal exchange in the entire game... If I had to suffer through it, then so do you.
Somewhere in the world, a writer just burst into tears and he doesn't know why.
Other than the whole "letting the Gizmo past and getting the King possessed" thing, maybe.
Nah, let someone else do it.
Ah, the good 'ol "here's a choice, but not really" device. Where would RPGs be without you?
Since we can't leave until we agree...
Back in town, we find that the shops are now open...
Thanks, OilSlick. Now I'll never be able to un-hear that.
The weapon store allows us to get better weapons for Nigel and Ron.
As we leave town, we find Samwise.
He joins up, bringing our member count up to 4.
Just outside of town, we find ourself attacked by the local wildlife.
Battle #2: The Secret of the Ooze.
This battle consists of 4 Oozes and 2 Huge Rats. They're considerably tougher than the Gizmos during our last encounter, but we've get better weapons, a new member, and they're not as close together.
I spend my first turn close to the starting area, allowing the enemy to approach.
Ron's new short spear allows him to strike from further away, just as in SF1. There is a change, however...
When attacking from a distance, the screen pans over to your target during your attack, giving the impression that your target isn't right in your face.
Ashley finishes the ooze that Ron injured, gaining level 4 and the Detox spell.
The first Huge Rat charges Samwise, however...
He has a pretty respectable defense rating.
And he hits fairly hard, too.
Nigel disposes of the rat.
While Samwise gets rid of the second Ooze.
Ron and Ashley tag-team the third Ooze.
Nigel and Ron quickly rid the world of the other Rodent of Unusual Size.
Nigel wounds the last Ooze, gaining level 5.
Ashley finishes it off, gaining another level herself.
With the battle concluded, it's time to have a look to the south before we go to Yeel. Why?
Mithril #2!
... Hey, what's in that cave?
Looks like a shrine of some sort.
Well, this looks familiar.
The basement has already been looted.
Except for the Power Water that the thief didn't take.
Next update: Onward to Yeel!