Part 18: Update XVI - Goondalf the G(hostbuster Reboot)
Part XVI - Goondalf the G(hostbuster Reboot)
The worst part about that death is that we have to fight the zombie scout again, and this time Wyatt doesn't get so lucky with his shots.
Lots of running in circles trying not to get beat down by her bone club later, she falls again. This time we DON'T touch the Lich Stone. Clearly we're going to need some necromantic big guns for this job.

Do you have any idea how the Ahoul got in here?

No, but that's not even the worst part. I was told the Earthstone was important, but I was curious, so I just HAD to ask why. I was informed that the Earthstone has the capability to destroy Avalon, put in the wrong hands... Put that together with the fact that the Ahoul are here, and there's your "wrong hands."

So what happened to your group?

The Ahoul set upon us instantly. They weren't surprised to see us here, and they must have recognized what Waynar was by his clothing, for they took care not to injure him. Our party's knight felled more than a few of them before he was taken. By this time, our knight had already verbally forsaken his life and charged me with getting Waynar to safety... [She looks at the ground.]

Don't blame yourself, spirit. You were horribly overwhelmed.

Correct, spirit. Rest in peace.
And then she disappears.
Now, we must return to Avalon and tell Roth about all this.

Well, sir, I know what happened to the expedition... [fills Sir Roth in on the details]

So... Ovoron's betrayal was absolute. The Ahoul now know what the Earthstone is capable of, and they know of Waynar and his abilities. Perhaps this "powerful undead" the scout mentioned is there to get to the stone as well. Waynar may be the only person to have viewed the undead creature; he probably already knows what it is and what it's doing. You must go back down there and rescue the Seer. For the time being, a confrontation with this creature must be avoided. We know little of its powers, but raising the dead as mindless servants is a pretty high order of magic. Choose your companions wisely.
Psht, we got this.

As you wish, Sir Roth. Farewell.
It might be confusing to find the Sha'ahoul party, especially if you've already explored the village like we have. But once we've busted Lydia's ghost, a new group of them spawns in Village 4.
The Seer hangs out, not even watching.
Wait wait wait wrong button
Shit man, shiiiiiiit
It's not an instant game over, but attacking a neutral character like Waynar makes all the other neutral characters in Avalon hostile to us. So we have no choice but to reload.
This time we own the Sha'ahoul with even less damage though!
So tempting.

Not so fast, wizened one. I must know where the Earthstone is located before I can bring you back to General Roth.

The lich is in possession of the Earthstone! It--

Lich? What in blazes is a "lich?"
And how do I become one?

A very powerful undead creature. It looks... [giggling] rather like an underfed zombie... Or a zombie that aspires to be a skeleton... but it is much more fearsome than some idiotic animated corpse! It has the ability to create undead servants out of corpses, no matter the age of them. I've Seen it using the stone for a ritual! Such horrible noises, such... [He shudders uncontrollably.]

That's enough. Where is this "lich" located? What are his defenses?

You don't think you can destroy this thing, do you? [He laughs mirthlessly.] This creature is so powerful... In fact, it has been classified as immortal, since no one has ever destroyed one. The lich will be the one doing the destroying!

If it cannot be destroyed, we will neutralize it some other way.

One more question, Seer... Why didn't the Ahoul kill you outright?

I suppose it was because they recognized my clothing and knew I could be useful to them. I wasn't, though... I... wasn't here, when they are... Well, I just sort of phased out... can we go back now?

Certainly, O Seer. The entrance to South Gate is just north of here. General Roth will wish to speak to you personally.
It seems this might be an escort mission, until the Seer walks behind this bit of ruin.
Where'd he go?!

I guess Goondalf isn't the only one who can teleport.

I know what we're up against in the basement... [fills Sir Roth in on the details]

I see. This one's yours, kid. You've been dying to prove yourself all this time--I can see it in your eyes--and now's your chance. Your assignment is to neutralize the Lich Situation. I know little about liches; most of what I've heard has been in hushed tones around a campfire and through a haze of mead. I'm afraid that I cann't help you much in this matter. Since Felious is our resident expert on the undead, doubtless any resolution will require his expertise, so you'll definitely want him in your group. Not that I believe the Sha'ahoul could defeat such a creature, but we must assume that since anyone except ourselves could and might use the Earthstone to destroy Avalon, that we must be its custodians.

I'm on the task. Farewell.
But first, whatever happened to that courier who never passed out of the caves? I missed him for way too long.
He's just hangin' out here.

Lost, you say? With a bedroll on the ground, tunic unbuttoned, boots placed aside with socks in them? For whatever reason, you're settling in. I figured you for a shady character the first time I saw you. Do you take me for a fool?
Courier: Yes, I take you for a fool. A dead one!

Draw steel, craven traitor!

They never learn. One Wyatt arrow through the brain later...
Yet another thing to report to Roth. Good thing Goondalf is so good to look at, or he might get sick of seeing us.

I found the courier. He drew steel and died at my feet, and I have retrieved the letter.

That seems to be the order of the day... Traitors at every turn. This is ridiculous! I wish Ovoron had taken all his little buddies with him straight to the pits of Acheron! You have done well, lad. Have you anything else to report?

No, I have nothing else to report.
Okay, now we can get on with the LICH SITUATION. Edit: The Lichuation?

I have some rather dark news for you, mage Felious.
He's a goth, he'll like dark news.

I'm sorry to tell you, Felious, but your friend has gone to her final reward. She was briefly a ghost, but I have freed her by slaying a zombie created from her body.

...Dead? How can that be so? She was the only person who ever tried to understand my work. Now she has doubtless gained the ultimate insight into my consuming passion. I will miss her dearly, even as a part of me is jealous that she has crossed over into the land of mysteries. The place I seek to chart through tiny glimpses is now her home. At least I can take some comfort in my knowledge of her and my limited understanding of the afterlife. She is in a brighter place now, that much I know. Given time, I will know much more. We two will speak again.

You should take comfort in the fact that the knowledge you shared with her helped to reveal how to free her spirit. Before she left, she did tell me something of the being that transformed her body. She said it was a very powerful undead being.
The script glitches out here, not sure why, forcing us to resume the conversation and pick the other option to continue.

Within the ruins there is a terribly powerful menace with an artifact of unknown power, and I believe your skills might aid in defeating it. From the Seer Waynar, I have learned that it is most probably a lich.

A lich? That is an extremely rare and dangerous undead, indeed! Such a being will be incredibly difficult to overcome, but I will gladly share what little I know about these fell creatures. They are among the most powerful of all undead, generally sorcerers who sought to extend their lives beyond their natural span. They retain much of their power and intelligence, but their bodies are rotting hulks. Also, they often create guardians known as Watchers to protect them while they are occupied.

What are these watchers like?

They are powerful undead in their own right, and they are absolutely loyal to their master. You will find one to be a powerful adversary. Even if you are able to overcome them, you must still face the awesome power of the lich. Liches are nearly invulnerable, but they do have a solitary weakness.

What is this weakness you speak of?

How do I get the lich and the stone together?

I would be honored to accompany you when you return to the ruins, as I have recently uncovered a spell which should allow me to summon the most powerful undead in a specific area. Though I would like to test it more thoroughly, I can't pass up a fine opportunity to witness such a rare being. Also, if you can keep the lich from me for a short time, I should be able to destroy the lich stone. This will sever the creature's tie to the land of the living and, with any luck, send its soul to a long-denied rest.

Your help may be crucial in defeating this blight. I gratefully accept your aid, wise Felious.
Sadly, we must temporarily part ways with one of our party to bring Felious along. I pick Wyatt, since this is not a conflict that's going to be resolved with pure damage.
Back to the crypt!
Of course, then he automatically leaves our roster and walks to the Lich Stone by himself.
There it is!
The lich is so powerful, he causes my computer to glitch out! But no, I will not let it end like this.
The pro strat for this "fight", which I forgot the first time, is to remove your other party member too. That way they don't accidentally run into the instant death whirlwinds. Our job here is to run back and forth, just close enough that the lich won't just cast them on Felious, until the necromancer finishes his spell. It is a delicate dance, and it can get pretty dicey since the whirlwinds move slowly, which gives the lich time to cast more before the previous ones disappear! And we can't just hide behind the pillars either, since that will just prompt the lich to kill Felious.

By the energies of light, I loose the bindings that hold this soul. Erukaahil restes abaka ne shahla zes! Too long it has resisted its fate, unholy energies giving life beyond life. Tevawadak inestrum garanajik qsechopen!

With my life I do place the unlife within, my spirit shall shepherd this soul to its end. Aaraelhesso mek anesla denenneyelious Nu!
When Felious finishes the chant, he falls over dead.
The lich becomes a green ghost and disappears.
The Lich Stone becomes a shattering light show.
And Phelic's Apprentice dies.
Okay, let's pretend this was the reload where I remembered to remove my whole party. Now we can search the lich's body!
Ew. Still, worth it. We can also search Felious's body.
But all he has is lots of black (told you he was a goth), and some dark red tights. Dark like blood.
Yes, but I still haven't forgiven you, you bastard.
A quick stop to pick Wyatt back up (no, Bones doesn't have anything new to say... yet), and we can return and report our success to Roth.

The lich no longer threatens Avalon, and I have the Earthstone.
Is it Earthstone or Earth Stone? :thunk:

Excellent work, lad. I knew you'd come through for us! We will find a very secure place, indeed, to place the Earthstone. I can't express to you the relief I feel right now. I feel unburdened, and I cannot express my gratitude well enough with words... Ah. Well, I'm sure Phelic and Elarath won't mind having to do their research and experiments under supervision.

That seems like a great idea and nothing can possibly go wrong.

Guarded like a holy item, eh? Like the Chalice of Life, hmm?
I can't help but imagine the most intense eyebrow wiggle as he says this.

[frowns] It looks like a little bit of Wacian rubbed off on you. Remember that you are not so well-liked as he, yet. Curb that sarcasm or it may stunt your growth.
Yes dad

I meant to ask if you have any new orders for me, Sir Roth.

Merely to meet me downstairs in a moment, lad. I have a council meeting to attend, and I or my trusted page Entrowe will doubtless have more information for you.

Very well, sir. Goodbye.

Chapter Two complete!

-the earth and ceased fighting with the humans. Peace today remains, though unsteady at times.