Part 24: Update XXII - Goondalf the G(reat)
Part XXII - Goondalf the G(reat)This time, we will finish Chapter Three! Let's start by taking care of a few things remaining in Avalon.

First, filling Roth in on some of the deets.

Ass-kissing complete, we can also turn in these reports hogging space in our inventory.

Sir Mabon: Ah, good. Here. [He takes the reports, begins to read one, then looks up at you with a start.] How rude of me. You've my gratitude for your help. Do you have any questions? I'd help you if I had the time, but...

It's nice to be appreciated.
When we leave the meeting room, we suddenly stop moving and someone approaches us to talk.

Ah, a man trying to beat Goondalf at his own game!

Sir Fagen: I also heard garlic promotes good health, mm... But there's little of that these days. Little of anything to season it with, either.

Sir Fagen: I apologize. I just wanted to talk to the budding young hero people have been speaking about, and ask him what's next on his growing list of accomplishments. Your story is an entertaining one, and I'm tired of hearing it from other people. I figure they always get something wrong, you know?

Surely we can trust someone who admires Goondalf this much with the details.

Sir Fagen: I know how that goes, yes indeed. Well, thanks for the info. At least I'll have something new to bring up for discussion around our usual chunk of mystery meat and shrunken vegetable fare.

With another young protege acquired, let's move on and check on some of our other ones.

Grimbold: Among other things, like Lich Destroyer and Traitor Trasher...

Grimbold: Nah, I'm not. Those are just my names for you.

Neese: Invincible? Truly you can't have THAT bloated an ego! Your achievements hardly merit the title of DEITY!

Neese: You believe a place in history is the same as immortalization?

Neese: Someone's going to write about you? What an honor. Unless, of course, it's that dreamer Tristan.

Neese: Just that, he's a worthless dreamer.

Clearly still some work to do on this one, but our apprentices are coming along nicely overall.

Gasp! Back to the outpost to finish this!

Yep, these guys attack us. At least the traitors finally learned their lesson about attacking us alone. It's still not enough though.

This is some rather suspicious timing, come to think of it. This fight does not occur if we don't tell Sir Fagen anything about our mission.

Sir Fagen: Oh, it... It wasn't that, I've just... Got something on my mind now. As for the "thugs" you mentioned... I suppose that's the price of fame in a hotbed of traitors! Oh, don't look so shocked, news travels, despite what the cream of the command may think. Don't worry. We're all watching ourselves around here.

Sir Fagen: Oh, well, I guess I could have said infamy. I suppose infamy is to good folk what fame is to evil, right? Hey, that's pretty clever! I've got to remember to write that one down...

Whatever's going on, not even our 30 Perception and Charm is enough to see through it. Hmm :thunk:
Okay, NOW back to the outpost. Hopefully our loose lips haven't sunk this ship entirely.

This is it, the final showdown of Chapter Three. Just our party versus a shit ton of Sha'ahoul in Forest 8. Gotta put on every buff we know.

Since they have both Casters and Archers.

The Casters, as always, love using Hold. But at least we're not fighting alone, the human scouts from before are fighting them too!

It really sucks not being able to avoid arrows.

We run to try to put some trees between us and the archers, but everyone dies anyway.

After the reload, we try picking some off with some sniped Fireballs. Unlike in Chapter One, it actually works now.

I think we may have killed two of the human scouts who were on our side too though. Whoopsie!

But the Baron with his rose shield of Taberland is invincible, even against the Flames of G. The only reason we can't have him solo the battle is that it doesn't technically start until we come in range of the Sha'ahoul, which makes them target us anyway. Plus he doesn't do much damage.

One of the scouts survived! I guess I could reload to make sure the other two survive, but considering this is one of the few attempts where Phelic's Apprentice and/or Wyatt and/or Goondalf didn't die, f that.

Sorry friend.

Hey, you're not... using these anymore, right? Right. It's just that our friend Wyatt has a pair of these but he refuses to ever take them off, so we'd like some of our own. Thanks.

Newman: Won't they know where we are, now?

Sir Hartley: That was surely not their camp. I believe they have come to... "investigate" the disappearance of their fellows. The smallest of imaginations can contrive of what may happen next...

Sir Hartley: Indeed, we cannot surely know how far this clutch of Sha'ahoul was from the nearest possible reinforcement... I think it best that I stay in this area; doubtless Captain Holden must hear of this, he will want to put his men on alert.

Baron Hartley: And over you.

All those guys were worth over 50 TP!

We spend it to become more godly.

Victory for Goondalf! Hail the G! Tune in next time for the beginning of Chapter Four, my favorite in the whole game.
Avalon doesn't only get its fashion from the Sha'ahoul and Eurale. Goondalf the G also has this number he calls "kind of a Janissary looking thing I guess."

It consists of short Leather Boots, Patchwork Pants, a Red Loincloth, a Leather Vest, plus the powerful Hands of Truth and pointy Helm of Reason.

Where did he get this idea? Who can say? All we know is that it accentuates his curves nicely, and so too can it accentuate yours!