Part 40: Update XXXVIII - Goondalf the G(rand Juried)
Part XXXVIII - Goondalf the G(rand Juried)When last we left off, Goondalf was in the midst of a ritual to heal his fellow Wizard Elazar the Seer of a strange malady, when he was suddenly paralyzed! At that moment, he was seized by knights of Avalon!
When he is able to move again, the scenery and company have changed drastically.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to show off what happens with all the alternate options this scene, because this is the part I was having so much computer trouble with a while back. The transition just broke the game in so many ways, and even with everything I did to get it working for this recording (you might have already noticed the resolution is a bit different), the game still lags and bugs out like crazy. Perhaps we will see once the no-doubt-forthcoming HD remake comes out!

Ambassador Johfrit: [facing you] Yes, yes... It is good to see you again, Goondalf the G, though not under these distasteful circumstances, yes, certainly not. [He clears his throat and faces Nanesi.] Recently, I was distraught over the disappearance and feared capture of my nephew, Edgard, who is very dear to me. It was clear to Entrowe, Sir Roth's personal page, that I was distraught. When Goondalf the G was informed by Entrowe of my condition, he sought me out to assist me... Although I felt that asking him to go out of his way -- while walking among the enemy, no less! -- would be too much of a risk, he assured me that he would do his best. Yes, his best culminated in the safe return of my nephew from imprisonment deep within the Sha'ahoul camp. I do not believe a traitor would do such -- indeed, be allowed freedom to do such. In addition, my nephew has tendered an account that precisely matches Goondalf the G's. I am finished with my statement.

Uh oh.

Whew, nice deflection Goondalf!

Magistrate Khaele: More than I have earned in my position as Magistrate this season, for sure. While it may be that you have taken that which did not belong to you, it is true that Avalon forces upon us a unique set of circumstances which, even if they do not exonerate you for thievery, certainly mitigate the severity of the charges to a trifling. Indeed, with as much money as you have accrued through your travels, you could make more than just recompense for what you have taken with thrice the currency it would take to purchase the items. In addition, it is true that you would not need to steal anything you did not need. In an insular environment provided by a siege, it is the odd bit that makes the difference; odd bits such as enchanted rings which cannot be readily made, especially considering the shortage of worthy metals I've heard of... [He pauses to clear his throat.]

Magistrate Khaele: [turning towards Nanesi] It would behoove one with traitorous intent to avoid men or women of my training; while we cannot precisely "read minds" -- would that we could, there would be no treachery -- it is true that as a whole, we are very perceptive, and can see through all but the most clever artifice. Instead of avoiding me, Goondalf the G sought me out and assisted me in delivering a message to one of my fellows, essentially subjecting himself to my scrutiny time and again. This point of alleged thievery is not worth pondering; we have been here for a quarter of an hour and I have yet to hear any evidence that would implicate Goondalf the G in, much less convict Goondalf the G of, a treasonous plot. As a matter of fact, I have heard no evidence of any kind.

(Not for lack of desire though!)

We are then whisked away again to a different part of Avalon, where much has changed since the trial began.

The Outer Bailey has seen better days. Our party members are actually supposed to be with us, something I will have to reload to fix momentarily. (I removed them to make absolutely sure I could get through the trial scene first.)
Captain Calvaric approaches us (misspelled as Calvalric for this scene, unfortunately; a mistake I have certainly never made myself!).

Captain Calvaric: Everything happened so quickly, Goondalf the G, that it has been difficult to get an accurate account. My attempt to get a situation report from the nearby Peasant's Bailey Gatehouse gained me nothing more than another casualty in my ranks -- blast those Sha'ahoul archers. From what little I've been able to piece together, South Gate's swift fall seems to have been made possible with help from inside Avalon.

Captain Calvaric: We've suffered mightily from them -- that's for certain -- but at least now they seem to have all shed their false colors. It's too late for the few honest men who remained in South Gate, though. Unless we can make sure that the Peasant's Bailey Gatehouse does not fall, none of us will last much longer.

Captain Calvaric: Perhaps the good fortune that has seen you through so many adventures lately will hold a bit longer. If you are willing, I urgently need to know what's happening in the Peasant's Bailey Gatehouse. Will you volunteer for this mission?

Captain Calvaric: Access to the catwalk, which leads to the gatehouse, is on the third floor of the Outer Keep. Don't take too long, Goondalf the G, for planning some sort of solid strategy out of this mess is difficult enough already -- without the information you will gather, it will be nigh impossible. May the good spirits guide and speed you on your mission.

Now we are free to roam, though there's no way past these barricades, so the only way we can go is back through the doors. Also we can check our journal!

This first one is a little out of place given how the next one starts. It's possibly a remnant from previous versions, but I'm including it for the new art, and for the confirmation that Elazar is going to be okay.

I was able to up the resolution in the process of getting Wyatt and Icharas back, so now we can see the Sha'ahoul sniping at the barricades from what was previously offscreen.

Let's begin our mission!

The Outer Keep is a hastily erected maze of barriers now. I like that the level designers put in the extra effort here, to make such a familiar place so starkly different.

A few soldiers man some of the tables, but we have no time to dawdle. For now we have to make our way to the third floor!

Even Sir Harold is gone.

The third floor is actually pretty swanky.

Look at all those pillars!

But this guy stops us in our tracks as we approach the exit to the ramparts.

Captain Avarous: It's nigh impossible for me to find any extra men; nearly everyone is caught up at East Gate or the Outer Bailey. I've been so desperate that I tried to recruit some cooks, but they had already been pressed into tending the wounded in the Inner Bailey. Hmm... a warrior of your caliber will certainly be a fine addition to our defense...

Captain Avarous: Well, I shan't steal Calvaric's man, but I expect to see you passing this way again soon. If it were anyone but yourself, I'd suspect you were simply fleeing combat. Your exploits have become quite well-known, though, and I only wish I could have grabbed you before the captain did.

Captain Avarous: I suppose I'll just make do with the few stragglers that pass this way. May the good spirits defend you, Goondalf the G.

After jumping through all those hoops to get my party back, this guy goes ahead and commandeers them away! We must do this next bit alone. That's just as well though, since now we can sling fireballs with impunity!

Alright, let's go.

Excellent doorway boarding job.

Down below is the much-referenced Peasant's Bailey. Looks like things are going nicely there.

Just a bunch of naked starving people lying around.

A little further down the battlements is... a lady in armor?

But of course, we do not have to hold the pass alone!