The Let's Play Archive
Part 35: Info #14
Arglebargle III posted:
Veloxyll posted:
Holy hell. That's awesome, I can see why you made a Sub for him AND made him president. What happened to the rest of his team?
Uhh, I dunno. Carter was just a lieutenant at the time. The Chalk River accident isn't very well-known, probably because it's in Canada and no one died. Carter's team wasn't on some dramatic mission to avert a meltdown, they just needed somebody to physically take apart the reactor core because the machinery was melted and/or exploded. Ironically had one of Carter's team died the clean-up effort and his team would probably be more famous.
The whole president thing came a lot later. He resigned his commission only one year later when his dad died and took over the (large and profitable) family farm, then started a fairly long career as a Georgia state politician. He was the governor of Georgia when he was nominated for the presidential candidacy.
The current naming trend is for aircraft carriers to get presidential names, but the navy named a sub after him instead because he was the only president in history qualified to serve on a submarine. Like I said, he was planning to serve in the sub fleet (maybe as a nuke, although I think you have to go through nuke training to captain a nuclear sub too so maybe he wanted to command) until his dad died. He originally wanted to become Chief of the Navy as a young man, although I guess POTUS isn't too shabby either.