Part 10: Session Ten: It's me, stumbling away
Session Ten: It's me, stumbling awayI'm so tired. I haven't slept in more than a week. But I'm making progress. I found out what was making that stupid noise. Maybe that will help me keep from getting sunk so darn often. That hope is all that drags my lazy butt out of bed.

Everything seems to be so fuzzy... staticky... if that's even a word. Thankfully, by now, I could do this in my sleep. That is, if I could ever get back to sleep.

Look at that little piece of crap, killing me and everyone else so many times. Sure, I can blame myself, but I bet this day would have never happened if it wasn't for that.

CO: Gentlemen.
I try to grill the Cheng for more answers.

Cheng: Okay, Sir. This was attached to the sail six feet from the deck. This device was affixed to the ship by a lever-actioned suction cup.

XO: Alright, Cheng. What was making the noise?
Cheng: That was a tough one. No electronic parts. Three moving parts.

Cheng: I had no idea. Until I found this. Looks like the reed of a clarinet.
Oh, well, I used to play-
Cheng: Only it's made of titanium.
Never mind.
Cheng: This whole gizmo is an acoustic generator. An underwater whistle. We move. The water streams by the hull. And this little puppy sings.
Wait, he didn't mention magnesium this time. He got that last time... oh, whatever. Tell me more.
CO: Anything about the construction... can you tell me who made it? Is it Russian, Chinese, what?

Cheng: This thing is so simple, a sixth-grader could have put it together.
I like this guy. He didn't go for the cheap shot of saying that even I could have put it together.

The following hour or so go down about the same. After focusing earlier, I kinda lose track of what I'm doing.
CO: Fire tube one!
Oh, apparently I'm firing torpedoes.

Foster: Mk48 torpedo ADCAP torpedo, course 045.
Weps: MK48 running, sir.
Foster: 8500 yards to target Sierra-25.

XO: We've got one on the way back to him, Captain.

Master Chief: Remember, he shot first.
Don't worry, Chief. By the end of this, I'm going to be an expert on what the story is.

(I stuck in the Cheng sequence because we probably won't be returning there, and there was some confusion about how the device worked. The Cheng's dialog changes depending on what you say after the device is found. This one is probably the most informative, and happens if you say, "Let me see it." and then "If it isn't a mine, let's take this sucker apart. I want to know what this is and I want to know, NOW!" I don't believe it changes anything, but I could be wrong. I died so many times trying to figure this out, I actually finally just had to go to the walkthrough and compare. Let's hope it's right.)
CO: I want to make another firing pass before this guy breaks contact.

XO: Aye, sir. Diving officer. Full dive on bowplanes. Establish a five-degree down bubble. Officer of the deck, deploy countermeasures.
OOD: Deploy countermeasures, aye.
XO: Helmsman, left full rudder. Steady on course 270.
Foster: Mk-48 torpedo wire-guidance severed. Torpedo has gone active and has acquired target Sierra-25.

Foster: Conn, Sonar. SET-65 torpedo continues to close.
XO: Sonar, get me a range to the target.

Foster: Weapon contact bears 345. Range 5000 yards. Speed 65 knots. Profile consistent with Soviet SET-65 torpedo.

Foster: Mk-48 continues to ping. 180 seconds to impact on target Sierra-25.

Foster: Conn, Sonar. Mk-48 ADCAP detonation. Bearing 135. Range 8500 yards.

Foster: SET-65 continues inbound. Bearing 180, range 350 yards. Speed unchanged.

Foster: Torpedo continues to close. Range 1000. Torpedo bearing opening. Range 1150 yards. 1200. SssssSET-65 has changed course. New heading 240. Countermeasures have taken effect. The torpedo is headed back for Sierra-25.

Master Chief: His own fish is chasing him, now.
Foster: SET-65 is circling back, sir. Torpedo has resorted to active homing.

Foster: SET-65 detonation sir. Range 10000 yards.
Master Chief: Well, that's the end of our Kilo friend.

XO: Yeah, that Kilo is either history, or he hit the auto-destruct on his own torpedo. Sonar, Conn. State your contacts.
Foster: Sierra-25, Kilo Class submarine has broken contact, sir.
XO: Breaking Noises? Wreckage?
Foster: Uh, no, Sir. Nothing.

Foster: Captain, your presence is requested in Sonar.
Ugh, this again.

I buzz through this as quick as I can. I'm pretty sure I already know all I need to about this.

(These guys again? Same as last time, about finding the Akula. Skipping it to save space.)

I spend the extra time writing down what I've already said and possible things I'm doing wrong. I figured it might come in handy.

Oops, this will have to wait.

With all this time, it'd be nice if I could read these stupid books some day.

(Skipping this choice as it's come up twice before. Here is the last remaining option.)
CO: I want to get a look at the chart. Give me an update on our situation.

XO: Aye, Skipper. Now... we are here. Conveniently positioned for imminent destruction.
Oh, gee, thanks, you smug jerk.

XO: Admiral Plaskett's battle group is coming up from the south and they've got expanded air and surface anti-sub screens. This lead destroyers are about 100 miles south of us. Between us and them, somewhere, is the Kilo.
Wow, it's like a convergence of tragedy. Maybe this was all meant to happen.

And about oh... 100 miles north of us: the Akula. Now, if she keeps hauling butt, she's not going to surprise us.
Oh, something tells me that sub has at least one surprise in store for you.

CO: The question is why is this Kilo hunting us?

XO: I don't have an answer for that, Captian.
What, that's it? No theories? Nothing?

Master Chief: Skipper, I just got an idea about flushing out that Kilo. It's weird, but it might work.
...and you just keep on suggesting this. I bet you got that idea a month ago, and you've just been itching to do it.

CO: You got about 20 seconds to get me interested, Master Chief. Start talking.

Master Chief: Well, it's kinda illegal, Sir. Maybe you ought to meet me in the Conn.

XO: Might as well see what he's up to.
At least I get to see the XO's reaction again.

Skipping this as well. This hasn't changed.

Master Chief: You know, back in the Evil Empire days, we used to torture Ivan in the Med. We'd broadcast car crashes, cows mooing over the hydrophones. You know, we'd give him some culture.

XO: This store have a point, Chief?
Master Chief: Yes, it does. Because I think that kilo is still out there. He's just so quiet we can't pick him up. But I think I can get a rise out of him. Can I have that underwater phone, please?
One of these days, I'll find out what that thing is really for.

Maybe I should grow a moustache. Make me look sophisticated.

Master Chief: Sounds exactly like a Mk-48 torpedo. If he's out there, we'll know about it.

Foster: Conn, sonar. Hydrophone effect. Contact Seirra-25, evaluated to be Kilo class submarine, making 17 knots on one 7-bladed propeller. Range 10000 yards, bearing 160, running like a rabbit.
Alright, now he's running. What now?

CO: Get me a firing solution.

XO: Firing point procedure, Sierra-25. Tube 1. Single fire ADCAP.

Weps: Conn, torpedo reports tube 1 ready, Sir.

XO: Orders, Captain?
Sheesh, why are you always asking for everything so many times? Are you OCD or something?

CO: Fire tube one!

XO: Weapons, Conn. Tube 1. Single fire ADCAP. Standby.
Weps: Weapons standing by, sir.
XO: Shoot.
Shoot what? Did you forget something? Like, did you leave the iron on?

Oh, you mean shoot a torpedo. Of course.

Foster: Mk-48 ADCAP torpedo course 045. Run is enabled. Range is 8500 to target Sierra-25.

Weps: Mk-48 running, Sir.
Foster:Sierra-25 course change. Now steady on course 130. Target speed: 17 knots. Mk-48 continues to run. Course 045. 7000 yards to impact.

Master Chief:It's like waiting for a valentine that's never gonna come.
Oh, I know what that's like. Believe me.
Foster: Sierra-25 course change now opening. Target course: 090. Mk-48 continues to track.

CO: Prepare to fire second torpedo.

XO: Firing point procedure, Sierra-25. Tube 2. Single fire ADCAP.

Weps: Weapons. All tubes ready, Sir.

XO: Orders, captain?
Are you trying to tell me I'm doing something wrong? Or are you just second guessing me because you think you should be in charge. God, I'm sick of your crap, XO.

CO: Standby...

OOD: Updating firing solution.

Master Chief: This is getting a little more dramatic than it needs to be.
Oh, heaven forbid that us all dying be dramatic.

Foster: Conn, Sonar. Hydrophone effect. Bearing 350.

XO: Battle stations.
OOD: Battle stations.
XO: SET-65 continues to close.
Uh, guys... don't bother.

Master Chief: That fish has still got us, Captain.
Shush, you.

Foster: Incoming torpedo has acquired. Torpedo is active.

Foster: Torpedo continuing to close.
XO: Sound collision alarm!
Master Chief: All hands, collision alarm!
Foster: ...200.
Maybe if I jump at the last minute, it'll spare me, like a falling elevator.

Foster: Impact in 3... 2...

Ack! Didn't work.

XO: Damage control, report! Emergency blow, all back full.

Master Chief: It ain't gonna work, XO. This one's terminal.
I'm not shocked, or even surprised. I close my eyes, listen to all the spooky noises the sub is making, and try to get a little bit of rest before...