Part 14

: This is really starting to get old.

: You and me both, Your Honor. This is the third one this week.

yawn...What's going on?

: Another attempted break in, sir. Fortunately after the last two incidents we were prepared and had the bridge under surveillance.

: Then why are you arresting him on my front lawn and not on the bridge?

: Well, um, he did manage to give us the slip after we spotted him making the crossing.
The criminal was being led to a waiting squad car. He spotted me watching him. It probably wasn't that hard; there were enough police cars with their lights on that the whole area was lit up.

: It's you! The watcher! Look at me! LOOK AT ME! Always watching, but never looking. Always looking away. Why won't you look at me!

: Shut up, you!

: This is exactly why I wish you had consulted me before building a giant statue of me above a prison that houses mentally unstable criminals. Come to think of it, why are they not going for the statue? Why are they all heading straight here after they break out?

: I couldn't say, Your Honor. The chief psychologist at the prison has a few theories. I can have her contact you, if you like.

: Yeah, sure. I'd be interested to hear that.
The next day started early. The city was expanding rapidly, even more than I had imagined possible. Things seemed to be progressing faster around here, whatever that meant. It felt as if the city had been gaining some sort of momentum. The area south of the river had seen a massive boom in residents over the last few days.
Not that I knew where all these new people could possibly be coming from. They just appeared. Deryl estimated the population at around twenty-four thousand.
I returned to my office that afternoon. I walked in and threw my coat into the corner.

: Excuse me, Your Honor?

: Gah!

: Um, hi. I'm Dr. Tiegan, from the City Name prison. You wanted to see me?

: Um...yes? Yes. I did. Um. What for?
She smiled.

: Well, I don't know. You'd have to tell me.

: Yes, well, let me think. Um...oh! Of course! Why do prisoners keep breaking out and trying to kill me? Is it because of that statue?

: Well, I have to say that constructing a giant statue overlooking a prison did not exactly have a positive effect on the conditions of some of my patients. It's only natural that people with the kind of mental disorders that lands someone in a facility like that would find an image like that to be...disturbing.

: Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. I'm really sorry about that. If I had any control of what goes on around here I wouldn't have built the damn thing in the first place.

: Oh? That's an interesting statement for the mayor of a city to make. I would think that you would feel like you have plenty of control.

: Ha! That's a joke. If I had any control at all around here I would have been gone a long time ago.

: I see. What is it about your job that gives you that impression?

: My job? It's not really my job that's the problem, it's this city.

: But wouldn't you say that your job
is the city?

: Well yeah, but it's not like I can leave it. Trust me, I've tried.

: You tried resigning? I hadn't heard that.

: Well, no, I didn't resign, per se. I tried to leave. The city wouldn't let me.

: I see. That's an...unusual perspective, I must say. What are your plans now? If you are so unhappy with your job, I mean. Are you going to try and quit?

: Well, if I thought that would work, I would. Like I said, I tried it once before.

: You tried just running, leaving everyone behind and everything unfinished. Anyone who left under those circumstances would find themselves drawn back, no matter how much they tell themselves they just want to leave.

: Well, thanks, doc. That's...really great advice. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry about the statue thing. Like I said, wasn't my idea. If there's anything we can do to make it better, let the city council know.

: The city council? I was rather hoping that you and I could continue to talk.

: Well, I'm sorry, doctor, but I don't think that will be possible. Because you do have a point. If I don't want to be here, then I should make sure I don't have too many...connections here.

: I see. Well, thank you for your time, Your Honor.
As she left, I booted up my computer. I felt sort of bad for blowing off the doctor. Especially because during my entire time here she had probably given me the best advice of anyone. Maybe I couldn't leave because the city saw me as having unfinished business.
Well, that could easily be rectified. I opened up Word on the computer, and started to type.
"I hereby tender my resignation as Mayor of City Name, effective immediately."