Part 1: Episode 1

Location: Lower Arato
Date: August 2nd
Time: 23:33:33
Playable Character: Howard Wright
Archives Found: 1 - 6

The sacred illustrated text is said to have existed from the time of the Mana religion's founding. However, the original work has long since been lost. This version is a recompilation, hand-produced by later followers of the faith. The Mana religion's unique portrayal of the final salvation is drawn in a very distinctive style.

Page 1
"A sacred ceremony was held,
but a thief appeared,
stealing the sacrifice away."

A professional-grade digital video camera, property of cable station Paranormal TV. This high-quality camera combines crisp, clear resolution and faithful color reproduction with the ruggedness to withstand even the most extreme outdoor conditions. It's even said to be so sturdy that it could survive being used as a weapon if the going got tough. The latest progressive CCD technology has been included, allowing reasonable filming quality even in low-light conditions.
Sol left the camera recording by mistake. The accidentally recorded footage starts at time code 00:13:01:20.
Click for video

Yorimi International School
Name: Howard Wright
Birth Date: July 30th, 1989
Expiration: June 30th, 2008

Official Police Agency Notepad
Name: Shuji Shimada
Rank: Police Sergeant
Issued: April 1st, 1971

Dear Mr. Policeman,
My name is Seiji Funayama and I am in the first grade. Thank you for being a policeman on rainy days, windy days, snowy days and thundery days. When I grow up, I want to be a policeman just like you. Me and my pig, Hanako, will protect the peace.

Paranormal TV Channel 3333
Standard Program Proposal Form
Title of Program: Encounters
Episode: Hanuda Lost - A Tale of Human Sacrifice
Producer(s): John Titor
Director(s): Sol Jackson
Camera Operator(s): Sol Jackson
Other crew: Melissa Gale, (Guest Scientist TBD)
Production Company: Future Past Productions, Inc.
Category: Documentary
Target Audience: Males, 20s-30s
Show Description: Encounters investigates the strange and the supernatural phenomena that inhabit our world.
Program Length: 28 minutes
Budget: $20,000

Staff Profile Addendum
Last Name: Gale
First Name: Melissa
Middle Initial: S.
Date of Birth: May 18th, 1973
Gender: F
Qualifications: M.A. Journalism
Relevant Work History:
Witherstone College Newspaper (reporter) Sep. 1991 - Jun. 1997
Greybolt County Times (reporter) Aug. 1997 - Feb. 2003
Fantastic Pets! (anchor) Mar. 2003 - Jan. 2007
A native of Greybolt County, Melissa Gale has now over 15 years of print and broadcast news experience in addition to an M.A. in Journalism from the prestigious Witherstone College. She is professional and committed to seeking out the truth. While working as a reporter for the county newspaper, she covered a range of high profile assignments including the infamous Greybolt Butcher case.
Melissa maintains pride in her work, but is not afraid to cover any assignment, great or small, as proven by her four years as a TV host for 'Fantastic Pets!', a local program covering touching stories about pets and their owners.

Melissa's cell phone. Her idle screen is currently set to a picture she took with the phone of a hand-drawn Mother's Day card from Bella. There are still three messages in memory.
Click to listen


Now Hiring Traffic Patrol Officers and Officers Wanted
Pretty self-explanatory. These are recruitment posters for the Hanuda Police.

Beware of Poisonous Snakes and Perverts
This one was in the video.

Watch Out For Perverts!
Look out behind you!

Some letters have been scratched out and replaced to make the sign read "Bad Thief!"

Brave Officer Saves Drowning Boy
The rest of the article is illegible, but it's safe to assume the officer in question is Shuji Shimada.

Lost? We'll Help You Find the Way!
Hanuda Village Council of Youth Organizations
Missing File: Update01ExtraA08.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
An Alien? A Monster?
If you see this person call the police immediately!
Missing File: Update01ExtraA09a.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Protect the Children
Hanuda Village's police mascot, he is heavily based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's own mascot, Pipo-kun:

Large Japanese police departments (not to mention every other ministry, organization, social club and office) have their own mascots. For example:

From left to right:
Pipo-kun (Tokyo)
Pigaru-kun (Kanagawa)
Kyoppi (Kyoto)

These pennants and other Yamijima references are found in multiple locations throughout the game.