The Let's Play Archive

Skies of Arcadia: Legends

by Mr. Vile

Part 21: Update 19 – For Hate's Sake

This part is pretty creepy. As far as remember it's the only place in the game where the overworld music stops, and all you can hear is the wind, the thunder and Rhaknam's cries.

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The idea is to head towards the cries until you hit Plot, but in practice it's pretty tricky. I've ended up combing the entire continent more than once looking for him.

Boy! Dead ahead!

Eep. In a head-on collision with an arcwhale, my money is on the arcwhale.


...It's him!


This is worrying. Why would Rhaknam steer away rather than attacking?

Hey! Look over there!

Because he's running away.

While we were in Valua, I heard rumors that the Armada altered their chain of command. That must be Ramirez's ship. He was Galcian's Vice Captain... He's the most feared officer in the Armada.

Fina... what's wrong?

We can't fight them both at the same time! Captain, what should we do?

Take out the Valuan ships first. I don't want them interferin' in the fight with Rhaknam. I need to kill Rhaknam myself.


Harpoon Cannon. It slices, it dices, it pierces the heavens.

Huh. Apparently Arcwhales are a little tougher than the heavens. The best it can do is lodge in Rhaknam's skin.

Oh dear. I knew we forgot something.

He got behind us while we were concentrating on Rhaknam!

This isn't good... If we keep this up, we're all going to die.

What...?! You're tellin' me to abandon the Little Jack?! You're tellin' me to let Rhaknam go?!?!

YES!!! If you die, it won't bring back your son! And as long as you're alive, you'll always have another chance!

If you die now, then the lives of your crew... and your son... would have been lost in vain.

Alright, we're abandoning ship! Everyone! Get down below!

And now we have one last chance to run through the burning Little Jack on the way to the lifeboats. Yes, they changed the engine description again just for this.

Captain?! ...Captain! Get on board!!!

No, don't!!!

What many other games would take ten minutes of exposition to say, Skies of Arcadia manages with a twitch of a moustache. Drachma knows what has to happen.


Why did he do that?