Part 29: Freddy Nielsen (continued)
When we last saw Gillian and Metal Gear:Junk Count: 1
Metal: It appears to be dead.
Gillian: Damn! Those things are tough as heck!
Metal: It's [sic] functions appear to have been completely terminated.
Gillian: So that skin tissue we found under Gibson's nails came from this woman, huh?
Gillian: Freddy... that's right! So where's he?
Metal: We can contact the Junk Collection Team later. Let's get out of this apartment for now.
Suddenly the apartment lights come on.
Metal: Perhaps Freddy has returned.
Gillian: There's only one entrance and we're standing right next to it! How did he get in there?
Metal: Shall we investigate?
Metal: This appears to be the only way in or out of the apartment.
Metal: The door is locked.
Gillian: That's funny. I could have sworn it wasn't locked.
Metal: This is a standard electronic lock. I can open this without too much difficulty.
Metal: It's a standard electronic lock. Someone must have activated it.
Suddenly, Metal's alarm sounds.
Metal: I'm reading motion. Someone is in there!
Metal: Okay. Now establishing Alpha-One link... Link made. Executing search of lock code of Apartment 202..........
Gillian: Hurry it up!
Metal: Just a bit longer. I'm in Alpha One's maintenance records for the MR district... Lock code found! Now opening the door...
Gillian: Good work!
Metal: I don't see Freddy anywhere!
Metal: He doesn't appear to be in this room.
Metal: There is no sign of anyone in this room.
Metal: There is nothing on my infra-red sensors, either.
Metal: I don't hear anything besides us.
Metal: It's in the same condition as it was a few minute ago. It hasn't been touched.
Metal's alarm sounds.
Metal: Motion! I read motion coming from the bathroom!!
Gillian: Metal, you ready? Let's go!
Metal: Okay...
Metal's alarm sounds again!
Gillian: Damn! Where is he?
Metal: Gillian...?!
Oh fuck!!! Gillian's about to get a Gibson-special!!! But then-
1. What just happened?
2. Who is that?
3. What is my favorite music track in this game?
4. Why is head explosion a recurring theme in my LP threads?
Find out answers to the first three of these questions in the next upd- Ah fuck that noise...
Bonus Post by Random Hajile

slowbeef posted:
4. Why is head explosion a recurring theme in my LP threads?
Have you considered the possibility that you're a Scanner? Not my style, either way. I'll stick to Snatchers.
Bonus Post by Gillian Seed

"Well, well.... what do we have here?"
I owe you one, Random. But no kill stealing
His voice is set to "Cocky-ass badass". Just like mine is set to "awesome badass ladies' man suave detective".PenguinBob posted:
Random's voice kinda bugs me.
Bonus Post by Random Hajile

Gillian Seed posted:
I owe you one, Random. But no kill stealing
Hey, your paycheck doesn't depend on your headcount, as long as the Snatchers you find end up in the junk heap. We've got a perfectly good set-up here. You do the investigation, I don't let you get yourself killed.
Bonus Post by Metal Gear

This is
Gillian Seed posted:
His voice is set to "Cocky-ass badass". Just like mine is set to "awesome badass ladies' man suave detective".
Your attempts to pick up women would say otherwise, Gillian.
Bonus Post by Gillian Seed

"Well, well.... what do we have here?"
Metal Gear posted:
Your attempts to pick up women would say otherwise, Gillian.
You don't even have a soul.
SpazmasterX posted:
"Quick Jamie! Throw off all the covers!"
Ladies' man, indeed.
And neither do you

Bonus Post by Random Hajile

CaptainCaveman posted:
Does Gillian seem a little... special... to anybody else? "Well, here we are outside the apartment of the Snatcher who killed my fellow Junker. I wonder how I should handle this." Knock, then yell 'Hey open up! Junker out here!'
I dunno, it just seems there might be a better way to handle it than to announce "Hey got your sworn enemy out here! My job is to hunt you down!"
Well, what else is he gonna do? Pose as a vacuum salesman? He can't just burst in and start searching or threatening people without concrete evidence. And without a police badge, he'd have a hard time passing himself off as a normal cop.
Other than letting his guard down in the bathroom, he handled it about as best he could. Why do you think I'm not big on investigation?