Part 19: Base
BaseWeirdly enough, nobody gained enough Xp to learn a skill this time around. So let's pop some roids and then go to the garage.
At one point I said that vehicles have different pictures for their state of damage, and now I can show it.
As you can see, this tank is in better condition and has a different picture. I'm also going to fix it, because having more tanks is always a good idea.
I'm also left with enough time to slap more armor on the new tank.
Let's see what Wlad has to offer this time..
Meh, I don't need any of the vehicles.
First, I trade for a few spare vests, and some different weapon systems for my little chopper. Though, I may not end up using them. I mostly buy them to be prepared if I don't get any more TOW missiles, or other weapon systems. The first is an UV-7 rocket pod, and holds seven 57mm HE rockets. It fires pretty fast, but the rockets are unguided and weak. It's only useful against clustered soldiers or Humvees that don't move. Maybe I'll give it a spin, maybe I won't. The other two systems are like the TOW launcher, only that they use Grail or AT-6 missiles. There is really no difference between the one-shot launchers, other than the ammo type.
Then I grab a bunch of different munitions, and a new item that I'll need for the next mission.
Without the decoys, I won't be able to get past the Crawler Mines. As the description states, the mines react to vibrations and will move towards the source. So a decoy is the only way to get rid of them. I'll explain the full mechanics behind the mines during the next mission, just know that you're kind of fucked if you don't bring any decoys.
Well, this was another short base update, without much to talk about. So I'll give you another sneak peek at the next mission. It's time to choose our route for the ending!