Part 2: First trip to Kindergarten
So a few days turn into a week.
A Rank videos are now caught up, and I got more for the later levels. With those total, I'm already up to over 100 emblems. Here's hoping I can finish this LP by around June 23.
A Ranks
Prison Lane Youtube | Hosted | Download
Metal Harbor Youtube | Hosted | Download
Green Forest Youtube | Hosted | Download
Pumpkin Hill Youtube | Hosted | Download
Mission Street Youtube | Hosted | Download
Lost Colony Youtube | Hosted | Download
Weapons Bed Youtube | Hosted | Download
Security Hall Youtube | Hosted | Download
And the chao update I promised:
Day 2: First trip to Kindergarten

We've all seen the chao, but here's the egg being spit out of the GBA. To think it's probably cheaper to get in SA2, but I had rings to burn in Ad2, so eh. In the Tiny Garden, when left alone the eggs will just hatch on their own in about 10 minutes. Not sure how long it is for the regular one.
Still, we're on a schedule so wake this sucker up!

A few good shakes is enough and just drop it. Can't believe I'm explaining something as simple as shaking an object, but hey gotta pad this out a bit.

Well isn't he a special little guy. So Egg.Jr it is then. He shall become the top tier of Flying Dark Chao! Still, he's bound to fuck up somewhere.
That reminds me...

He's finally stop asking to mate! Maybe he can actually do shit for the garden. Lazy bastard.

But let's go back to the focus of the update. SA1 was basically just you and that little floating TV in the SS Garden. Nothing else that can help you what so ever (as far as I know. Never tried the DC version of SA1). Here, they give you everything you need.

Just across from the garden is the Kindergarten. This plaza seems too big for only two areas, but in due time we'll see the other gardens open up.

Ahh yes, the Kindergarten. Place for all Chao to finally get that education they desperately need. As well as learning how to fight, cause that'll never stop be amusing. We mentioned it in Hero-3 but to get it here:
Fortune Teller - Helps you name your Chao. Ask enough times and it'll let you name your chao yourself. Still limited to 7 letters which is annoying.
Health Center - Let's you know what your chao is feeling as well as his skill ranks, what fruit he loves to eat as well as his racing/karate stats.
Principal's Room - Replaces the floaty TV from SA1.
Classroom - Does what a classroom does. Teaches your chao to do stuff and, I'm not sure myself, could help him learn different moves for the Chao Karate.
Now let's see what....wait, aren't I forgetting something?

Right right. Can't actually do shit unless you can take that Chao with you. Expect me to forget him often.

No need to really go in here, just wanted to show the screenshot.

Seeing the doctor will just give you a quick stats check on your Chao. Case you don't wanna bother with the chart, but why not?

It's only a newborn so everything is still pretty low. Hopefully in the next few weeks things change up. Don't need to bother with his racing stats since well. He hasn't really done any yet.

Pretty helpful if you're lacking an internet connection or a good friend who knows what they're doing. So like the fortune teller, no point coming here but just to show it.

Here we can leave up to two chao at once. Each day there's a different lesson which carries over to the garden. Someone's gonna have to help me on this (Fighter, I'm looking at you).

The most helpful of Chao, the Black Market. Where you can buy stuff like eggs, fruit and seeds, hats and other stuff for the main game. More stuff becomes available with more emblems you have. Since we know Egg Jr. Loves triangle fruit, I went ahead and bought one as well as a mushroom for his stamina.

He'll need a lot of work before we can put him to races. As of right now, his stats are a bit higher and I've fed him some dark fruit. Little guy has dark wings but otherwise looks the same. The thing with specific colored chao is that you can't tell if they're changing to the form you're hoping for like you can with regular colored chao.

So let's leave Egg Jr for a bit to see Echo, who was drowning which we came to save him! He looks so happy to see us.

Now fly like the legless chao you are!

Eh, he'll be fine. Now apparently, if you treat a chao like crap with a dark character, it'll change them to a hero chao and vice versa. Can't confirm this but I'm willing to try it (Ok, so it can. O, I am gonna love this). Chao throwing at its finest.

Ok now that's just very lucky timing! He's now a Flying Neutral Chao, and said before, looks like Nights! And just like Mark before he's now asking for a mate. The "welp, fuck you" cycle begins once more.