Part 3: Page 3
Alright, let's make some progress - Forward MARCH!
You've been snatched from existence by a tentacled beast lurking beneath the grate. You feel the painful sting of digestive fluids.
Oh Anime - is there no childhood memory you can't pervert?

Okay, we can survive some light tickling.

The door opens when we put the rock on the geyser. High Security meets Rube Goldberg.

You lean over to drink from the tempting pool of liquid. As your lips touch the liquid you feel a pain that could be likened to kissing a lit rocket nozzle. Now you know what they say by "Don't drink the water."
That's right. You have no head. That darn pool must be filled with acid. You obviously can't go on living that way.
It's still better than Diet Pepsi.
At least beams of light can't hurt me.

You are now lying on the floor in many pieces. Guess those beams meant business, Son of Bug Jug.

You quite cleverly turn the beam upon itself, frying it to inoperability.

As soon as you enter the room, you find yourself surrounded by darkness. Suddenly you become aware of the fact that you cannot move or speak. A strange, unknown force has taken over.
A massive holographic image appears before you. You sense that you are the only life form in the area.

No problemo!

Does the Orat count as an organic life form?

Now the long trek back to the cave in the desert heat.

Time to whip out the survival kit.

That's better than Diet Pepsi too.

Once more unto the breach.
Forgot, or put off until now to make it better?SpaceChief posted:
You forgot to look at the water bottle.

Ask, and ye' shall receive.Monkeyman1138 posted:
Awesome death-wise you forgot to warp yourself to King's Quest in the escape pod!