Part 59: Mission 59: Enemy at the Gate

Science Division, it seemed, was working as fast as we were. We were still making preparations when we received the next intel report, the result of them digging further into the mysteries of the ancient world.
Most important, and most worrying, was the possibility that the Titans were still here on Earth, sleeping in its bowels, waiting for the day when the correct spell or ritual would emerge to awaken them. If that happened, then it was quite likely that we would find ourselves facing an undefeatable foe. The Titans, it was said, were supposed to be the most powerful beings in the universe. Even the gods only managed to drive them back with great effort and sacrifice. In all likelihood, there was no Earthly weapon capable of inflicting any sort of harm on them.

After learning all of this, receiving specs on the Mechanical Mammoths was a bit of an anticlimax. It was still useful, though. Chemical residue traces from shell fragments revealed that the Mammoths' cannon rounds were filled with Archotrol, accounting for their high firepower despite being outdated cannonball-style shells. We could take this as confirmation that, like us, the enemy had gained large-scale Archotrol production capabilities.

There was still much to learn about our enemy, but the task before us now was too important to wait. We were assembled in the valley, now, close enough to the Gate to see its pale glow during the night. We'd dealt the Forces of Darkness a devastating blow when we destroyed one of their Gates, and now it was time to do that again.
Mission 59: Enemy At The Gate
Lazarus (Forlorn Hope, Mobile Infantry)
T. Hinman (Ethereal Corps, Mobile Infantry)
Habitually Red (Sane Max's Own, Mobile Infantry)
Gordon Frohman (Concerned Citizens, Mobile Infantry)
Solrick Skaft (Scion of Emer, Mobile Infantry)
Joe Moore (War Boys, Mobile Infantry)
"Doctor" Snark (Mage Killers, Mobile Infantry)
Emil Västerström (Trollhunters, Mobile Infantry)
Mael Radec (Radec's Rhinos, Destructor)
Svetlana Aliyev (Rusalka, Destructor)
Patrick Gallagher (Just In Time, Destructor)
Erik Spanner (The Toolbox, M1 Abrams)
James "Griff" Griffin (Party Crashers, M1 Abrams)
Basil (Paladin, M1 Abrams)
Reginald P. Linux (Doom Squad, Leopard 2A5)
Grandalt Noddington (Tea Battalion, Leopard 2A5)
Hulk Hogan (The Hulkamaniacs, Leopard 2A5)
Aethereon Darkfyre (The Mary Sues, UDES)
Stephen Smith (The Counts of Monty Python, UDES)
Grand Inquisitor Solaus (Balkanian Inquisition, MLRS)
Michael de Boulogne (Chivalric Order of Saint George, MLRS)
Gregor (The Swell Swords, MLRS)
Pusher Bot (The Space Robots, MLRS)
Anil E. Hilated, Esq. (Polite Obliteration, M106)
Cholmondely Featherstonehaugh-Smythe (Sphinx Battery, Roland)
Sigrún Raske (Skysmasher Brigade, Roland)
Roger Murtaugh (Less Than Lethal, Roland)
Billy Mays (Infomercial Men, Mi-24)
Bob & Doug McKenzie (Royal Canadian Red-greens, Mi-24)
Vlasta Devínská (Paper Tigers, Universal 2R)
Charles C Thuluu (Strange Aeons, Universal 2R)

Everyone knew how important this mission was, General Malcolm included. For the past several days, his planes had been carpet-bombing the area around the Gate, guided by the radar complex we'd captured to the southwest. Entire enemy battallions had been wiped out, including almost all of their forces outside of the fortress surrounding the Gate. However, our bombers had been repelled when they tried to strike the fortress itself. Unable to attack our aircraft directly, Medusa used her magical abilities to carry out psychic attacks against our pilots as they flew overhead. The result was the loss of several bombers and their crew, along with most of the survivors being left unfit to fly until they could recover.
Of particular concern was an incident involving a bomber crew who had managed to eject before crashing. As they attempted to make their way back to Alliance territory, they came into contact with the enemy.

Their last radio transmission described a horror even beyond what we had already seen. We all what it must have been. We all knew where it must have been. But we had to bring the Gate down. We had to kill it.

Mael Radec: Okay, let's go. We've got a lot of ground to cover.

Charles C Thuluu: Let's go, Stephen. We've got the east.
Vlasta Devínská: I guess I'll fan west with... ugh.

Aethereon Darkfyre: Fear not, Vlasta, you won't be alone! I'll be ensuring your safety.
Vlasta Devínská: Yeah... I know...

Charles C Thuluu: Got eyes on what looks like the inner fortress. No enemy contact yet, though. Looks like they're not at the outer walls.
"Doctor" Snark: Just be careful over there. There's a good chance that's where the new monster will be. If you see it, run like hell.
Charles C Thuluu: It's almost too quiet out here. I guess that means the bombers did their jobs, but I'd almost rather see them than not see them.

Charles C Thuluu: Hey! I said "almost"!

Vlasta Devínská: Caught sight of a few myself. This must be what was left of the orcs after our pincer strike the and the bombs did their work. Doesn't look like they plan on going anywhere.
Mael Radec: Can't take the risk. There's a good chance they'll try to flank us as soon as we're tied up elsewhere. Take 'em out.

Gregor: If orcs wanted to be safe, should have joined us!

Vlasta Devínská: Hey Chuck, weren't you out east? What're you doing here with us?
Charles C Thuluu: Wasn't about to try getting past the knights myself. Doubled back and wound up joining you guys. Looks like this is the only way forward.

Vlasta Devínská: Oh shit, is that-
Charles C Thuluu: -the mystery monster?

Vlasta Devínská: I don't think there's anything else it could be. That thing is huge! The radar signature's bigger than the mobile fortresses! What the hell are we going to do?

Mael Radec: Everyone, stay calm! Tanks form a line. Destructors, deploy main cannons. Artillery get behind us, and flyers stay above us. Flyers, stay at least half a klick up. We don't know how far this thing's "death-field" extends. If it gets too close, run like hell.

Michael de Boulogne: Direct hit with my rockets, no effect!

Griff: Well, it and all its buddies are charging us now, so that's something.

Svetlana Aliyev: Damnit! Even my Destructor's main cannon is just poking pinholes in this thing!

Anil E. Hilated: Death by a thousand cuts it is, then!

Erik Spanner: We've turned that thing into swiss cheese and it's still coming at us!

Reginald P. Linux: Solaus, what are you doing? Shoot the big thing!
Solaus: Michel tried that with rockets, and it was like poking someone with a pencil eraser. I'm making sure those Death Knights don't turn us into corpsicles.

Solrick Skaft: I suppose I'll help with that. Trying to kill that thing with chaingun rounds would probably be like trying to kill someone with dust.

Griff: Most of the Knights are dealt with, but could someone please finish off the main threat here?

Pusher Bot: Danger! Danger! Do not expose this unit to temperatures below 0C!

Paladin: Rusalka, look out! It's charging right at you!

Svetlana Aliyev: Hey, it's no problem - I'm a big game hunter!

Grandalt Noddington: It looks as though we can breathe again. Where to now?

Vlasta Devínská: I think we've cleared out everything that could be hiding outside the wall, unless there's a few stragglers in the forest. I think it's time to storm the fort.

Charles C Thuluu: Showing a lot of blood here, and it seems fresh. Looks like Medusa was working overtime to boost her power.

Bob McKenzie: Just shot down kamikaze birds, eh.
Doug McKenzie: Probably a summoner nearby, eh.

Solaus: Let's punch a hole here instead! Radar data says the terrain's more manageable. At the very least, we won't have to drive through blood.

Vlasta Devínská: And I guess I'll search the woods with... Aethereon...
Charles C Thuluu: I'm glad Command has the sense to rotate people in and out of the worst assignments.

Bob McKenzie: Few more of those angels to the south, 'long with a fort.
Doug McKenzie: A fort inside a fort, eh.



Charles C Thuluu: Enemy sighted, just behind those altars.

Anil E. Hilated: Counterbattery fire - get them before they get you!

Grandalt Noddington: Look out, more of those angels!

Anil E. Hilated: And they spotted for these Mammoths! Guess the Mammoths didn't know that no one shoots me and lives.

Svetlana Aliyev: The way's clear, let's go!

Patrick Gallagher: That doesn't look very clear to me!

Bob McKenzie: It's getting a bit chilly for a helicopter ride, eh.

Mael Radec: Keep pushing! Not even their mobile fortresses can stop our tanks if we all rush them at once!

Doug McKenzie: Taken quite a few hits, eh. Knights might take down our helicopters with those numbers.
Bob McKenzie: I guess the original Civilization had it right after all.

Gordon Frohman: Surprise!

Habitually Red: Looked like you needed some help. The tanks have things pretty well taken care of in the north. Why don't we make two fronts and clear this place out in half the time?

Paladin: Whoa! You guys ever see a building like this before?
Reginald P. Linux: Must be Medusa's fortress. Doesn't look like she's inside, though.
Erik Spanner: That's no reason not to flatten it.
Charles C Thuluu: Never mind the building, look at what's next to it!

Charles C Thuluu: Guys, we've made it. We're at the Gate. If we can just hold this spot, Medusa can't come by and summon reinforcements!
Mael Radec: Then all we have to do is finish off whatever's left.

Gordon Frohman: Just cleared out the southern minifort. We'll keep looking around here. I'm sure you guys can handle the Gate.

Svetlana Aliyev: Enemy's not doing much to prove you wrong.

Erik Spanner: I don't see anything else around the Gate. Time for our victory parade on Demon Street?

Charles C Thuluu: Not quite, Erik. Looks like they had one last surprise in store.

Cholmondely: Those demons are rather concerningly close. It's a good thing you checked your radar, Charles, because we'd be in a bit of trouble if you hadn't.

Pusher Bot: I don't see any stairs around here. I guess this will have to do.

Charles C Thuluu: I think we found the last one standing.
Patrick Gallagher: "One"? There are two of them!
Charles C Thuluu: Not until a moment ago, there weren't.

Charles C Thuluu: I picked up a magic signature from that thing in the black robes, and then the demon's radar signature appeared next to it. It's another summoner, and this one could actually be a threat.

Svetlana Aliyev: I thought you'd understand by now, Charles.

Svetlana Aliyev: Summoners aren't so tough without their meatshields.
Patrick Gallagher: That's two new enemy units you've bagged in this mission. Save some for the rest of us, Svet?
Erik Spanner: The thing is, I'm perfectly happy letting someone else find out how dangerous all the unpredictable new shit is.

Grandalt Noddington: Good show, everyone! Now we can see about that parade of yours, Erik.
Reginald P. Linux: Huh. I don't think any of us actually died on this one.
Griff: Nope. Not even with two brand-new horrors trying to kill us. Dragoth's endless mobile fortresses were so much worse.
Svetlana Aliyev: A lesson from history -- cheap, dependable, and mass-produced always beats wunderwaffen.
Griff: ...You're driving a tank the size of a house.
Svetlana Aliyev: Okay, fine. Different lesson from history -- don't fuck with Earth.
Griff: That isn't history yet, though.
Svetlana Aliyev: One more Gate and it will be.

The reason for Medusa's absence didn't become clear until after we had secured the Gate. Not long before we reached her fortress, once it had become clear she couldn't win, she was rescued by Murdanur through unknown means. It was no matter, though; her army was gone and her magic exhausted. All of her best soldiers had died in the defense of the Gate, and now, the Alliance was in position to drive the Forces of Darkness out of Africa.
When the Forces of Darkness lost two-thirds of their deployment capabilities, they also lost the initiative. Outside of Africa, the only parts of the world still under their control were the BFS and the western part of South America. Their defenses in those regions were formidable, and their lines were difficult to budge, but so were ours.
As much as we wanted to attack their final Gate in South America, we hadn't yet gotten an exact fix on its location, and there was no good estimate of when we would. We did learn where to find something almost as good, though: one of the Darkswords of the Gods. We knew that it was in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, just south of our defensive line. The Alliance's next move would be a massive assault on the BFS, hitting them from China and the Middle East. The goal was to keep the Forces of Darkness occupied and distracted so that we, the Drunken Slavs, could secure the sword.
anilEhilated posted:
Cutscene: A tank drives in front of the camera, takes aim at a fort and destroys it. Tank is promptly blown up by a wizard.
Malcolm: Medusa escaped and left behind only a destroyed artifact. Troops' morale is rising but the HQ fears worst is yet to come: our recon revealed a new magically shaped teritorry at the base of the Himalayas, between India and China. Something we have not seen before is taking shape on that plateau and the enemy's behavior makes it clear they're preparing something deadly.
Our encounter with the breorn showed that there's no way we could withstand an attack by higher numbers of these creatures. But legends and secret writings of the Masters of Gates tell us there is a real chance that even a human can master such potent magical forces - and that chance* is hidden in the Himalayas.
It won't be easy: Ka-Tugrag's scouts report the Forces of Darkness are gathering their armies around the plateau. It's likely the area hides some kind of a powerful weapon, a weapon capable of turning the tide of war in the enemy's favor again. We need to act - before it's too late.
Cutscene: View of a temple.
Narrator: Like before, the Master of the Gate's home is a treasure trove of artifacts. Like before, we found a room sealed with silver chains that contained frescoes that give us hope: we could contact the Karadan-Ka surrounded by an aura of mystery and mystic power. The important part is that they're the enemy of Forces of Darkness - and as they se, the enemy of our enemy is a potentional* ally.
With Medusa's escape her magical energy left the area. We found a magical pentagram with its boundaries broken - the prisoners claim that it held a demon lord that escaped and hid in an some ancient place. That could prove dangerous.
*Literally. Doesn't make much sense in Czech either.
**See above.